Chapter 5: getting Information

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Ha I was listing to Arcane playlist while making this chapter haha!) 

It had been five days since Caitlyn had gotten Vi out of Prison. They had been in Zaun for 3 days gathering info. Vi lead her to the brothel to get info that way. "Where are we going?" "Brothel. Best place to get info." "No. No way." "Then you can find info else where I'm going in." Bi shot back and walks in.

Caitlyn was skeptics but followed after her partner. They were lead to a main room where a weird demon thing sat behind a desk. As the two talked Caitlyn realised Vi must've known her before she was thrown in prison. When they were given the info they needed vi asked something else. The creature didn't seem to have a answer for her so they left.

"Where are we going now?" "To Silcos number two. I know where she is." "And what do we do when we find her?" "What do you think cupcake." Caitlyn stopped asking questions as vi pressed against a corner looking at a group playing cards. She seemed to be getting herself ready for a fight.

"Don't go at her. She looks like she's powerful.." "don't worry about me cupcake I can deal with her."
"No Vi listen, look at her other arm, it's covered. It wouldn't be unless she's hiding something.."

Vi only shook it off and ran at Silva. Kicking her sideways from the table and sending the other two running. Sivtka stood and smirked. "Ah The brawler lives huh? Alright let's dance." Ripping off the cloak to reveal a shimmer-powered arm.  Caitlyn watched unable to move as they traded hits. It looked like vi was about to win but something happened and she was bucked off.

Shifting into motion Caitlyn unfolds her gun and aims shooting the container holding the Shimmer and sending the female running. Vi watched her go and was about to chase after her when Caitlyn reappeared. "Why did you do that?! Now Silco will know we are here."

"Do what? Save your life? And he may already know thanks to your little stunt. I told you to wait." "Sorry Cupcake not much of a waiter." Vi looks around then pulling her hood up grabbed Caitlyns hand and ran off into the streets of Zaun. Once in the crowed she stopped running and walked. "Where are we going?

"A safe place we can stop for the night." Bi led her out of the main streets and through a lot of smaller streets until they were in a strange part of Zaun. Infront of them was a sign and a cliff. "Gotta get down to get to the safe point." Your kidding right?" With a smirk Vi launched herself and one beam then dropped to another making it all the way down.

Caitlyn groaned and prepared herself to jump to the beam. Running and catching it she grunts softly before dropping to the second one. Once she threw herself at the third one she lost grip and fell hitting a few beams on the way down. "Crap! Cupcake you okay?" Vi's pink hair came into her vision and Caitlyn groaned softly sitting up.

AUGH... I think so.." with Vi's help Caitlyn got up and the two walked to a small shack. Putting her on the only bed like thing vi looked around then say against it. As Caitlyn slowly fell asleep she could hear Vi mumbling to or at something but before she could question sleep took over.

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