Chapter 16- On the mend

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Vi's soft groan brought Caitlin out of her sleep. She sat up all signs of sleep gone as she watched Vi slowly wake up. She looks around taking in where she was before shifting to a sitting position and looks over at Caitlin. "Cup-cupcake?"

Caitlyn smiled and launched forward bringing Vi into a gentle hug. "Oh my god your okay! I'm so glad your okay!" Vi slowly hugged back chuckling weakly. "Told ya cupcake... I always return. Where am I?" "Your at the Piltovers hospital. After the enforcers saves us from Silco we brought you immediately here.. the doctors said there could be no cure for you but my dad made sure they would find one."

Vi stayed quiet taking in what Cautlyn said before hugging her tightly. "Are you okay? You look like you bearly slept!" "Ah I was worried about you.. so I didn't sleep to much.." "cautlyn that's not healthy..." "I know but I was worried you wouldn't make it.. they had to put you into a medical induced coma so you wouldn't be in to much pain anymore.."

Vi smiled and pulled away slightly to see Caitlin's face. "Cupcake, thank you for helping me. Not many would help a Ex-prisoner Zauntie." "Don't call yourself that! Your my partner! If you want to be?" "Of course cupcake!" Vi's eyes started dropping and caitlyn smiled. "Go to sleep Vi, you need it."

Vi didn't argue and she lays back soon falling asleep. Caitlyn looked to the side as the door opened and her dad walked in. "Hey dad, you just missed Vi being up." "It's okay, i want to check a few things." He looks over Vi taking notes before nodding. "She will probably have slight pain at random times for abit but that's okay it's normal I believe. Go get yourself washed and get something to eat kiddo. Vi will be fine.

Caitlin hesitated since last time she almost lost Vi but she soon nodded and headed out of the hospital towards her apartment so she can rest and eat praying that She wouldn't get a call in panic.

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