My Life

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"Prompto, can you do me a favor and bring these to table 4?" Another waitress asks. 

"Sure, something happen?" Prompto asks taking the tray from the brown haired waitress. 

"My husband is calling. Has been for the last twenty minutes. It must be important. Thanks sunflower." She smiles at Prompto and gives her a nod as thanks. Prompto does as she is told, giving the food to table four. Telling them she hopes they enjoy then moving to her section to get the orders of the customers who just sat down.

"Hello, my name is Prompto and I'll be your server today. Would you all like some water while your look over the menu?" Prompto asks with a smile, she had to practice smiling, which is something she never thought she would need to do. But when she first started working here the other ladies told her to do it because what if she has a bad day and it shows, less tips for her and she needs all the money she can get. And with her taking community college online classes her moods do change. She writes down their, a family of three, drinks telling them she'll be back with them and to take their time. Her smile is half as bright as when she really smiles, as her co-workers describe it, it's like looking at a field of sunflowers, hens the nickname. 

"I can't believe it!" The waitress with brown hair shouts. 

"What happened?" the waitress who sits customers down asks. Prompto looks over as she pours one water, one soda and a coffee, black. 

"It has something to do with your husband right? Is he okay?" Prom asks worried. 

"Oh, he's fine but he's dead when I get home." the woman threatens. Prompto shivers, can't imagine what he did this time to get her mad.

"What'd he do this time?" the waitress asks, moving her black hair out of her face, taking a break with no customers that need to be seated. She was also annoyed, for their fellow brunette waitress. 

"He got fired again from his job." She growls.

"What happened this time? Wasn't he working at a call center?" Prompto asks setting some sugar and creamer on the tray ready to take it to the table. 

"Not anymore. They fired him for not being fast enough."

"Okay, hold on. Have any of his bosses been on the phone with customers, it's not easy. I did it for a month and that was all I needed to know it's hell." The black haired waitress says.

"I know it's not his fault. He was from a wealthy family, I should have seen this coming when we eloped. Glad we don't have kids, can't imagine what that would be like with our situation." 

"You live in the same building as Prompto right?" The black haired woman looks at Prompto lifting the tray, ready to get to her table. 

"Yup, but she works longer hours. And I hope you weren't making fun of the place we live in. It's got all that I need." Prompto gives a light hearted frown. The waitress just smiles, shaking her head. 

"No, I know it's not bad. I've seen the pictures, but it's rather cheap for being as big as it is." 

"I count myself lucky I found that place when I did." Prompto says walking away. 

"She's right, it has a kitchen, small living room, one bedroom and a bathroom. It's perfect for her and it's perfect for me and my husband." The woman sighs tired about the news she just recieved, "well I didn't marry my husband for his work ethic." she mutters to herself. 

Prompto smiles at them as they continue to talk. She likes it here. Everyone is friendly enough, and no one judges her because they all have something in their past. Because of that no one pushes. "Here you go." Prompto smiles her half assed smile, as she sets down their drinks. "One water," she sets it down to the woman, the mother, wife, "one soda," she sets it down next to the child, maybe seven years old, "and a coffee, black," she sets his mug down, they seem to be on vacation with the way they are all dressed. "are you ready to order or do you still need more time?" They look at each other then at her.

"More time please." They all says. She nods her head. 

"Then I'll be right back." She goes over to the two seater in the corner where a regular customer sit. Old, and reading a newspaper. Comes every week on the same day. "Here's your creamer and sugar, Jim." She says. He looks up from his newspaper, his face not that old looking besides the crows feet and the white hair. He gives her a smile. 

"Waitress!" Prompto looks to see its the family. Must be done choosing. She goes up to them.

"Ready to order?" She asks putting the tray under her armpit to hold as she get her notepad out with a pen, topped with a cute black chocobo head.

"I want the mac and cheese." The seven year old.

"No!" The mother and father shout before Prompto can write anything. Prompto looking at them shocked. "Sorry." The mom smiles. "He's lactose intolerant." She turns to him. "I though you wanted the chicken tenders?" She asks. He gives her a smile, Prompto smiling herself. How cute but man, she can't imagine not having cheese, or milk, or cream. As the mother helps her child choose something to eat Prompto waits patiently, looking around the diner. It was full for this time of day, being when most people are getting out of work and should be commuting back home. She looks out the window that face the street, busy with people and cars. This street is known for its food so many tourist come looking to eat here. It's also far from the Citadel, but has a nice view of it so it's popular for pictures. But the stadium is close so for sport season and convention season it's busy. 

Prompto's eyes land on a man. She takes in his features, eyes not able to look away from him as he seem really suspicious. He's dressed way to heavy for a rather sunny and warm evening. And having a bad feeling as he ran further down the street, she needed to do something but what? She stares at the family happily talking, she had to do something but she didn't need long to make a decision. In a snap all hell breaks loose. "Get down!" Prompto shouts to everyone in the diner. She shoves the mother to cover her child, as an explosion happened, everyone shouts not sure who it came from, inside or out. Then gunshots rang followed by the sound of police sirens. Everyone stayed down as another boom of an explosion hits. The sound of sirens echo as they get further away. 

After a long ten minute of utter silence, they all peek up. The mother checking on her child, father checking on both. Friends checking on friends. 

"Is everyone okay?" The manager asks getting out behind the counter. Multiple mumbling of 'yeah' to answer her. Prompto looks down at her table. Everyone seemed okay. They were lucky that the explosion wasn't closer, if it were they would have been hurt from the glass of the windows. "That's good, but you all know the drill. No one can leave until the police come and take our statements." She warns. Most of the customers groans. But they have to follow it otherwise they will be chased down for questions. 

No one really has a say in it. They can continue on. So Prompto gets her customers orders, this being one of the only times it's okay to not use her half assed smile. 

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