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Noct lets out a jaw breaking yawn, he is a little tired but that isn't unusual. They all stayed up late hanging out, talking with each. He can only speak for himself but he would like to think that they all had fun. He really enjoyed himself, having fun he hasn't in a long time.

He walk out the hallway scratching his stomach like an old man. He goes to sit down at the table to see Ignis washing dishes but not cooking but he can smell food. He leans on his elbow, he looks over to the living room to see blonde hair sticking out from behind the couch. He hears the sound of computer keyboards clacking. Curious, he stands up and goes to the back of the couch, leaning over to see Prom sitting on the floor in front of the couch, her computer on the coffee table, Astrum on a blanket next to her. He watches as Astrum turns to his side, slobbering all over a cartoon fish plushie. He looks back to Prompto, she is focused on her computer screen. He gets close, getting a look at her screen and only got a glimpse of some machine blueprints. "What are you doing Prom?" he asks.

"School work."' is all she answers. Not taking a look at him.

"What class?"

"My mechanics homework." she answers, again not looking at him. He nods, not having any more questions. Not that he would understand anything she tells him. He looks at Astrum then back at Prom, eyes on the back of her neck, her hair tied in a messy bun. It's obvious she would take online class, he didn't know she would.

"Good morning highness." Ignis says setting a small plate of eggs and bacon. Noct goes to sit down.

"Morning." he says, then starts eating. It makes him sad, he and Prom made plans with each other to go to the same college. She was trying to get a scholarship but obviously that didn't happen. He looks over to Prom still sitting on the floor. "You're not going to eat?" he calls to her.

"Already ate." she tells him.

"Oh." Noct says. He looks down at his plate. When he walked out it smelled like something else than eggs and bacon.

Like he could read his mind Ignis answers his silent question, "she made and ate something called an omelette sandwich."

"A what?" he asks, Ignis just shakes his head. "Well what does my schedule look like today?" he asks going back to eating.

"This morning you are free until your class this afternoon." Ignis tells him. Noct looks at him surprised.


"Yes, yesterday you worked very hard." Ignis tells him. Noct happily ate, finishing his meal. He really thought his princely work would never end and here he is getting a break. When he's done Ignis grabs his plate and cleans it, then clean the kitchen like always. The prince quickly goes to his room to grab his phone then go to the living room, sitting on the couch, going onto his phone to play on King's Knight.

After finishing two daily missions, three missions, and one quest Noct looks over to see Prom rest her head back. She lets out a sigh, closing her eyes and her body relaxing. When she opens her eyes she looks over to see Noct sitting on the couch. He smiles at her, he hasn't seen her wear her glasses in a long time. He likes them but knows she hates them so she doesn't wear them often.

"Are you playing Kings Knight?" she asks.

"Yeah, of course." He tells her.

"Anything new? Good armor sets? Weapons? Layered armor? Interesting dungeons? Or monsters?" she interrogates him, twisting her body to lean her head on her elbow on the couch cushion as she rest her side against the couch.

"Besides the regular seasonal events, you missed one major event, and two updates. The second updates added more guns and better upgrades. At least from what I read online." Noct answers. Prom gives him a smile. It's almost like no time has but it has, she turns around to check on the child.

"I haven't been keeping up on it, just checking in on the online website for the daily rewards. My inbox is full by now." she says, her voice telling him she's smiling. She leans forward blowing raspberries into his stomach. Astrum laughing his head off. When she leans back to watch her babies face smiling she laughs at him causing him to smile.

"Finish work?" Noct asks, wanting to talk with her more. She looks over her shoulder to face Noct, with a wide grin she answers him.

"Yup, thanks to me working my ass off last week." she raises her hands into the air stretching. She smiles when Astrum does the same.

"Language." Ignis calls from the kitchen. Noct and Prompto look at each other then burst out laughing. This isn't so bad either.

Noct plays on his phone for a while as Prom plays with Astrum. Noct smiles everytime he hears the blonde giggling. He looks over and sees her kissing the top of the babies black hair, with a smile so full of love. He stop to stare at her not caring about his character dying in the game. They all pause when a phone rings. Prom reaches over the coffee table to grab her phone. She ends the alarm. She stands up, turning towards Ignis.

"Iggy, I have to get ready for the job interview can you watch Astrum for me?" she asks.

"You don't have to ask." the advisor tells her, either done with what he's doing or dropping what he's doing, he walks over to her as she grabs her computer. When Ignis is close she sprints to her room.

Noct stares at Ignis, his game forgotten as the older man bends down to pick up Astrum. Noct hasn't been around babies now that he thinks about it, and this is his son. It would be sad if he's never held his own son. "Can I hold him?" Noct asks, Ignis looks at him like he's trying to think of all out outcomes of this situation.

"Alright, but don't drop him." Ignis tells the prince who gives him a frown in return. Of course he wont drop him, on purpose. Ignis slowly hands the prince his son. Noct takes him by the sides but holds him at an arm's length. "Hold him closely." Ignis instructs him, moving him to show the prince.

"He's... small." is all Noct says now holding Astrum close, like how he's seen Prom and Ignis carry him. Astrum stares at him back, then reaches forward to touch the princes face, poking his eyes. Astrum laughs then moves to try and touch something else but instead sneezes so hard he headbutts Noct in the nose. "Ow," Noct raises his free hand to rub his nose, "and ew." he adds feeling the snot the baby sneezed on him. Astrum looks at both Noct and Ignis, confused on what to do or feel. Noct looks over to see Ignis pointing his phone at him. He recorded the whole thing didn't he?

"What do you plan to do about Prompto?" Ignis asks as he puts his phone away.

"Because of Luna?" Noct asks back moving Astrum to his other arm.

"Yes, since she's getting married you are free to be with who you want. Is that person Prompto? Do you want to be with Prompto?" Ignis asks Noct, their eyes staring into each other.

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