Blood Ties

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It took two days to get to Insomnia by speeding but they wanted to hurry and be back, see the damage themselves.

Initially driving into the city there isn't any damage but the closer to the Citadel the more damage there is.

Maria and Jose drove them to the front of the Citadel, waiting for them to go in before they left. They weren't met with so many workers as before.

"We should put her in her room." Ignis suggest.

"Then head to the throne room." Adelphus says, he looks like he's been working hard. But when isn't he? "The king will be waiting there for you all." he says. He gives Ignis a look over then nods, taking his leave.

Like Ignis said they drop Prompto off in her room, the fight didn't reach this far. Like Adelphus said they go to the throne room, Regis, Clarus and Cor stood in front of a table littered with papers.

"You're back." Cor says.

"Yeah." Noct nods. Luna smiles greeting them.

"How was the trip back?" Regis asks his son.

"Silent but safe. Nothing happened."

"Prompto?" Regis asks. He turns to Luna who shakes her head.

"Still sleeping and I don't know why." she says wishing she could do more.

"Did you learn anything about her power, her connection?" Regis asks.

"Besides learning she's a clone, nothing." Noct says, frowning not because they haven't learned about Prompto past, he could care less about that, the prince just wants her to wake up.

"She wasn't made to fight as an MT like the other MTs were." Ignis adds.

"It would seem Ardyn had some connection to her. We don't know what." Luna says. As the oracle she knows many things. This is not one of them.

"It's a complicated connection." the all turn to the hole in the side of the throne room. A woman with long black hair stood. All dressed in black. Luna gasps.

"Gentina." Luna says her name. The woman turns to smile at them. "You know the truth." Luna points out. She nods, stepping closer to the group.

"As Luna may know by now, I'm Shivas messenger. Sent to watch over Luna. I was to see the prophecy be fulfilled. But when things changed I went on my own. I learned and saw many things including Ardyn Izunia and his new fate. Or as history has forgotten Ardyn Lucis Caelum."

"What? He was..." Noct starts but doesn't finish. He looks to his father seeing the man just as stunned by the news. "How's that possible?" he asks attention back the messenger.

"He was a healer and older brother to Somnus. When daemon and the starscourge first appeared, as a healer Ardyn did his duty as chosen king to help his people. But the more he helped the more he got corrupted, he was taking their sickness not healing it. At the same time his brother Somnus began to become jealous of his brothers popularity with the citizens. He came with a devious plan. To kill his brother." she says shocking them all.

"What happened?" Noct asks.

"He sort of succeeded in his plan. Ardyn didn't become the chosen king but he was. And Somnus ended up murdering Ardyn's fiancé, oracle Aera Mirus Fleuret, the first Oracle."

"They were meant to marry?" Ignis asks. Gentiana nods.

"They were in love. And as the oracle she knew Ardyn was to be chosen as the true king by the Astrals but her mistake was telling Ardyn's younger brother Somnus. Jealous by the choice, he took the title away from his brother. Murdering Aera in the process in front of Ardyn. That caused the starscourge to manifest in him. He soul was taken and he became immortal. Locked away from the world until Noctis was chosen to kill him before he brought darkness to all of Eos. That's how it should have gone. Before he was locked away Ardyn kept some blood of Aera. When he was discovered by Versteal they agreed to help each other. Ardyn help make MTs while Versteal make a clone of his love, Aera."

"It didn't work did it?" Gladio wonders.

"Ardyn took six vials of blood, the first five didn't work but the sixth worked." she says. All of them frown. This doesn't seem to be a good story. "A baby girl was born, well in this case created. Almost the splitting imagine of his love. Forgetting the fact that half the blood used to make her successful is Versteal, Ardyn was rather happy. Not consumed by rage or vengeance like we so thought. The baby girl was to be raised as an oracle, just like her but she was taken. It send Ardyn into a spiral, he wanted her to be looked for. Searching every inch of the empire for the baby. Where the baby with no name turned into the one you all know and love: Prompto Argentum." Gentiana says.

"Hold on... wait. Prom is a clone, a mixed clone of Versteal and Aera?" Noct asks. Not seeing this coming.

"Yes. Ardyn wanted her back and went searching, leaving to search himself. Ardyn even killed Iedeolus for not helping. With the empires king dead the war ended. Versteal wasn't needed and Glauca couldn't finish his goal. Then on a certain day, coming back on a a ferry Ardyn bumped into Prompto, the one he was missing and searching for. He went to meat Titus like he was supposed to. They were going to work together to destroy Insomnia, and take over the crystal but Ardyn changed his mind the last second. Going after Prompto."

"If he's immortal how did he kill himself?" Gladio wonders.

"Prompto. Her blood is Aeras. She helped. The drug he was pumping Prompto with did a number on her, he was upset with Prompto's confession of her love and child. He gave her some more, but this time just a little much. He thought he killed her so he took his own live. It worked. Aera took Prompto's body over and helped him. Finally ending his immortal life over."

"Is that why Prompto is connected to the Crystal?" Luna wonders.

"Yes. Aeras blood is pure, being the first oracle, she was given powers, with her pregnancy with Astrum it helped connect them to the crystal. Like you hypothesized, her being closer to the crystal helped connect her to it further. Good choice in bringing her back."

"Does this mean Prompto is technically an oracle?" Regis wonders.

"By blood. Yes." Gentiana answers.

"Does my mother know?"

"I told her before I came here." Gentiana smiles. "Its funny how fate changes. The oracle of healing is now going to become the empress of Niflheim, that's needs her healing while Prompto who is very good at protecting, Lucis needs to be protected, especially the crystal. How fate changes." she says with a smile on her face. "It's time for me to take my leave." she says bowing to everyone.

In the blink of an eye she is gone.

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