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Noct kisses Astrum on the head as he sets him down in the crib to sleep. He looks down to see his son sleeping peacefully. He stands there watching the little prince sleeping.

Him and Prompto will be leaving for Tenebrae in the morning. It's amazing how fast time goes by. Astrum is so big compared to two months ago. Barely able to crawl around. Now his hair is longer, he's sitting up by himself and crawl. He's even talking more. Trying in his own way. It's all still baby talk but he's trying. He's very cute doing it.

Even this week went by so fast. Of course he spent as much time as he could with Prompto and Astrum. He noticed how no one bothered them when it was just them three. Still didn't feel long enough. Because the blonde was busy with her school things and packing. Noct made sure to charish every moment, trying to commit it to memory. It was different this time. He knew they were leaving but he couldn't help but feel like he wont see her again. Noctis will. Prompto said she will be back. They will be back.

And when she is back Noct will take her on a proper date. They couldn't go on one this week. Prom didn't want to be taken out anywhere while people were rebuilding and mourning. It felt weird to go out to the arcade to have fun while people lost their lives. Instead they just walked around the garden in the Citadel just the two of them. Still felt nice to be alone together, talking and joking, Noct forgetting she was leaving. Everything with Prompto came natural. Silence or talking, it didn't matter to them. Their company was enough.

"If you just stand there staring you won't have enough sleep for tomorrow." Noctis looks up from Astrum to the blonde standing at the door to Astrums room. The prince looks down to his son. Prompto moves to stand next to him. "You should head to bed too." the blonde suggest rubbing Noctis back soothingly.

"I want to stay." Noct says. Prom looks at him, then nods. She could understand why.

"Okay." she says moving to go to her room. Noct moves instantly. Hand grabbing hold of her wrist stopping her.

"I want to stay with you too." he says. She stares at him silently. How does she respond to that? Noct knew she's not use to them now dating. Also knows she's not good with affection. Good at giving affection not good at receiving affection. She always gets surprised or embarrassed and doesn't know how to react to it. Noctis pulls her into a hug. Arms wrapped around her tightly, but not to tight. It took a second but she moves to hug him back.

Enveloped in warmth and comfort.

Staying in the same position for a while.

"Noct... I've been on my feet all day." Prompto says.

"S-sorry." Noct mutters, reluctantly letting her go. She looks up at him with a smile. She grabs his hand.

"Come on let's go to my bed." She pulls him forward. Leading him to the room. Noct blushes the whole time.

"Um... what? Are you sure?" Noct looks down at her hand then he looks at the back of her head. She turns to look over at her shoulder, giving him a smirk.

"We've slept in the same bed before. A smaller bed." She points out walking into her room. She lets go of his hand, moving to one side while Noct moves to the other side. 

"Right." Noct mutters silently, moving the duvet so he can slide in. 

"At least this time we won't be squished." Prompto says sliding into her side. 

"Do you want your camera? Its still in the armiger." Noct says as he lay on his back next to Prompto who also lay on her back.

"Maybe when I get back. I'll get those pictures all developed when I get back." Prompto answers smiling. She forgot she took pictures of their trip. 

"I'm sorry." Noct says in the silence, voice low in the silence. Usually the busy streets of Insomnia could be heard but because the area around the Citadel is being reconstructed it's rather silent since the workers have gone home for the night. 

"For?" Prompto turns her head to look at Noct side profile. 

"Not fighting for you." Noct says, it's actually been bothering him for a while.

"Noct, I know-"

"Please let me finish." Noct interrupts her. Prompto nods at him. Letting him collect his thoughts as he lets out a breath. "You say you understand why I didn't say anything, because of my love for Lucis but that's not an excuse. I see that now. I was just afraid... of a lot. I didn't want to disappoint anyone. Dad seemed sad about me being chosen so when that went away he was relieved but the council seem upset that their prince was no longer the chosen one."

"Did they understand what being chosen entailed?" Prompto ask, moving to lay on her side to face the prince. 

"I don't think they did." Prince shakes his head still looking up at the ceiling of the room. "I was willing to be the chosen one, it sucked at times but not everything was bad. I got to meet you. When the news said that Iedolus died I was glad, like a lot of people that the war was over, but dad still thought about being engaged to Luna. He always talked about how important it was. The council members all wanted it to happen, saying how it had to happen. Didn't want dad to have to deal with them if I said no, didn't want dad to be disappointed with me, didn't want Ignis to be sad, or Gladio to be... actually I don't think Gladio cared. There were a lot of people who wanted it to happen." Noct finally turns his head to look at Prompto. "Still, like you said Luna was able to fight to be with Sol, I could have done the same thing. But I was a coward and didn't do it." 

"It's okay now." the blonde says smiling at him. "You got me from Adryn. Even after learning the truth you still want me. That makes it all better. I was scared you didn't, I really thought I was a goner for a second." Noct smiles back at her, moving his hand to hold onto hers. 

"I wouldn't have given up until we found you." 

"Thank you for not giving up." 


Noct stood by his father, Cor, Clarus, Gladio, Ignis, Iris and Talcott as Luna, Prompto and Astrum all got driven away. The car driving away from the Citadel. 

His face is still red from Prompto kissing his cheek in front of everyone but it was a good motivation and a promise. A promise she will be back. And motivation to work hard. While she's in Tenebrae training he's got to be better. 

He's not the only one. Talcott said he wants to be stronger, with his grandfather in the hospital he wants to continue the legacy. Iris said she wants to start her shield training. They were all proud of her, especially Clarus and Gladio, Prompto was thankful, but Iris seemed changed. Like the experience unlocked something within her. They don't know what but it seems to be a fire to protect. She said she rather enjoyed punching and wants to maybe continue with that. There are many weapons being used by the few kingsglaive they have and crownsguard so why not have someone that use brass knuckles, or gauntlets? 

Either way, everyone is going to be somewhat changed when Prompto and Astrum comes back.  

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