Nothing But The Truth

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"Is she okay?" Noctis wonders, following Ignis to the room where they put Prompto in.

"She's awake now." Is what Ignis answers.

"Is she freaking out?" Gladio asks.

"She seems to be taking it extremely well." Ignis tells them, mildly shocking the other two. This is their Prom right? She would be freaking out, shouting and flailing her arms, eyes spinning in confusion and worry. Maybe even cry for causing so much trouble. 

"And she is a friend of yours. All of you?" Regis asks, wondering why he's never heard of her till now.

"Even you Gladio?" Clarus asks his son.

"Yes." All three answer at the same time.

When they get to the door Ignis leads them in. It's quiet when they walk in and they can't hear anything out of the ordinary. Almost like there is no one is in the room. Ignis felt his heart rate pick up. Did Prompto run? That worries him. Maybe he should have eased into telling her that Cor wants to talk to her. That must have scared her. "Prompto, darling." He calls for her. They all walk in looking around the room for the blonde.

"Sunshine." Gladio says happily, seeing the back of her head on the back of the couch. They all turn to Gladio to see where he is looking. All of them move around the couch to get a look at her, curious to why she hasn't moved when they walked in. They all stop, pausing in their tracks to see Prompto asleep as Astrum continue to suck on her breast.

It wasn't shocking for Regis and Clarus who knew that she is the mother for the baby, they have seen her but they are shocked that they are all friends with her. For a long while they thought it was just Ignis and Gladio who knew her. Ignis was happy that she didn't run away. Gladio didn't think she would be able to fall asleep like that. Noct couldn't help but stare. She's breastfeeding a baby. When did she have a baby? And with who? Why didn't she tell him? Is this why she stopped talking to him?

Noct blushed when he realized he's been staring her. He turns his head to see the other men doing the same, well besides the young advisor. Ignis walks forward, nudging her shoulder slightly. "Prompto, you have quests." He tells her as he nudge her shoulder again. This time she wakes up slowly. Her head raising as she blinks awake.

"Iggy?" She questions.

"Yes." He answers. She blinks twice, when did he get back? Astrum was feeding. She looks down to see Astrum still sucking. How long did she sleep?

"How long...?" She rubs her eye waking up more.

"Couldn't have been more than twenty, maybe twenty-five minutes." He explains. After dropping off the papers, he went down to the crownsguard office he saw Noct and Regis there. They heard him tell Cor that Prompto is awake so here they are. "Are you still tired?" He asks. Prom nods looking down at Astrum who seems done now. She moves Astrum to rest on her shoulder not caring she's showing almost the whole room her nipple, but she didn't even notice them.

"Prom!" Noct shouts her name. She jumps in her skin, her name being shouted waking her up fully. She sees the audience she has. A squeak escapes her lips. A blush firms as she sees everyone's head turned away. She fixes her shirt then continues to burp Astrum.

"Hello." She says nervous and embarrassed.

"Prompto, the baby." Is all Noct says, not even asking a question, or saying a full sentence.

Prompto looks over at Ignis who just nods. The look on his face saying it's too late. How can she hide him? Especially when Noct saw her breastfeeding him. (Also she can't believe she flashed one of her breasts to not only the prince bit the king and his shield too) "Hello, this is my baby Astrum." She says awkwardly, holding her baby close, but still burping him until he finally burps where she turn him to face the others. "Astrum Lucis Caelum." Prompto says, biting her lip. She looks at them, Noct eyes widen majorly. Regis is shocked, and he shows it, more subtle than Noctis or Clarus.

In a blinks Noct warps out the room. She blinks, shocked he just disappeared. She gulps as she is left with them all. Luckily Ignis and Gladio already know so she's not completely alone.

"I'm sorry, but not to be rude I'd rather confirm that with a paternity test." Regis says staring into Prompto, his very intimidating gaze baring into her soul. All she could do is nod, her hands slightly shaking with fear but all he does is walk out with Clarus behind him. The kings shield giving her a one last look before leaving with the king.

"That could have been worse." Ignis says, pushing his classes up.

"You did good Prompto." Gladio says rubbing her head with a smile. "I better go find the princess." He says leaving them with a smile.

Then it's just Ignis and Prompto again. "Tomorrow, can you watch Astrum? I want to visit Ronan." Prompto asks.

"Of course. I should head to get your purse. Sorry for the delay." Ignis says a soft smile directed towards her. He, well both him and Gladio, didn't think she would outright tell them who Astrum is. Maybe just a 'this is my baby but I won't tell you who his father is,' that's what Ignis was expecting. At least it's out and there is no need to hide, not that any of them were really asking.

"It's not your fault. Besides the day isn't over. Oh, and Astrum needs more diapers." She smiles at him, she seems to be better than a few seconds ago, she's no longer trembling.

"Of course. I'll be right back." Ignis says. Then he's gone. Prompto relaxes. One reaction she had never considered would be denial. That's better than them taking her baby away from him. Though she should have seen it, of course they won't believe her, especially not the king. What she told them is a serious accusation, even if it's true. 

Somewhere far away from the door, the room, that Prompto is in Noct warps one last time before stasis hits him and he's breathing shallowly.

Noct leans against the wall, sliding down to the floor. It all has to be a joke. Some long and convoluted joke she and Ignis planned. Gladio also helping. It has to be. "You okay princess?"  Noct turns his head to see Gladio walking towards him. "Something wrong?" he wonders. Noct looks at him half shocked and half angry. Is he seriously asking that?

"Prompto has a baby," he says wanting more to say but can't think about anything else to say, to add.

"Yeah, that's what happens when you have unprotected sex." Gladio casually says. Noct face changes again, mortified that he knows and that Gladio is talking to him about this.

"You know?" he asks, looking down to his lap. Embarrassed that he knows.

"Yup, Prompto told us when we found her." Gladio says.

"Found her?" Noct questions, looking at Gladio, "you mean you weren't with her the whole time?" Noct asks.

Gladio shakes his head, "She ghosted us all. It was shocking the day she opened the door for me, but now we have different things to discuss." Noct looks curiously at him. What is he talking about? "Noct, weather you wanted to or not are a father. You helped create a baby with Prompto, you need to think about what it is you are going to do. Your father and mine are the only ones to know, and though your father doesn't believe it what if the council finds out? What about your marriage to Luna?" Noct slowly shakes his head.

"I don't know." the prince says, putting his head into his hands, head hanging low. Things just got a lot more complicated than they already were. 

"You should hurry up and figure it out because you don't want to regret anything and end up losing everything important." Gladio tells him, it was supposed to be encouraging but it came out more like a dark warning.

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