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Prompto couldn't believe them. She held the railing in frustration, knuckles turning more white than before. How embarrassing and cruel of them.

She let out a shout. Not caring if people were around. The trip was turning around, she was having fun. What's she talking about? She was always having fun. Even as they all sat around on the road, trying to get help. It was all fun, still, and it will make wonderful memories but now they felt tainted. Just a little bit. How can Noct do that? He doesn't know how sensitive her heart is. Right now she closed it off, all romance off the table for her baby. Astrum being her one and only right at the moment.

Her ears twitch at the sound of familiar boots scuffing across the deck. She doesn't turn, or straighten her spine. She continue to stand there, leaning against the railing as she watch the sea surround them. The large boat making its way through the ocean. She didn't care how depressing she looked. She didn't want to see either of them at the moment. She wasn't ready. She could still feel anger boiling within her. When she felt a body stand next to her she turns her head to look away from them. She hears him sigh. Leaning his elbows on the railing. Prompto can feel his eyes on her but she continued to look away from him. She has nothing to say.

But he does. He has a lot to say. He rubs his hands together to calm his nerves. He's never had to do this before, not to anyone and most of all to the blonde. "I'm sorry," the prince says. "If I knew what they were doing I would have stopped them." he says. Prom perks at that. If he knew?

"You didn't know?" she asks to confirm. He shakes his head even though she can't see.

"I know you aren't ready yet, I was trying to go slow before expressing my feelings. I thought they knew what happened, what was said. They don't- didn't know." Noct answers. Prom lets out a sigh. Can't be mad at him when he doesn't know. She looks at him, and she can see it in his expression. He does look sorry and he's not lying.

"I forgive you. But only you." she says knowing the other two can't be that far behind. Noct nods smiling glad to hear that.

They stands next to each other in silence, watching the blue of the sea. The slight silhouette of the fishes underneath the water. Noct breaks the silence this time, "you know, I didn't mean to hurt you when I said that." he says looking at her. Her eyes move to look at him.

"I know. It still hurt." Prompto tells him, her face sad, remembering what he said, then she walks away. Where to he doesn't know. Of course it would hurt, in that moment, where they were both vulnerable in more than one way, for him to reject her then talk about his engagement to Luna, of course she would be hurt. 

After a while the prince goes back up to the top floor of the ferry where he sees the two anxiously waiting for him.

Ignis spots him first. Then Gladio. "So?"

"I'm forgiven, kind of but you two are going to need to find a way to make it up to her." Noct tells them, not what they wanted to hear.

"Seriously?" Gladio whines slumping in his seat.

"I didn't start planning things behind her back." Noct tells them.

"We were trying to help, knowing you would do something stupid. How were we supposed to know you screwed up before any of this happened?" Gladio explains. Noct frowns.

"Hey!" the prince did not like that, though he can't say much.

"Since you know Prompto best, is there anything you think of that will help us?" Iggy asks cutting in.

"There's Chocobos, but we already went to the post. I'd say videos games but we went to the Assassins festival already and Kings Knight isn't doing any special give away. There's Justice Monsters." Noct points out. Ignis and Gladio look at each other.

"Justice..." Ignis starts.

"...Monster?" Gladio finishes.

"Yeah, the movie." Noct adds hoping that would help them but it doesn't, if anything it makes them more confused. "You both have never heard of it?" the prince asks getting head shakes as an answer. "Well the only option left is photography and I don't see how you can use that to apologize to Prom." Noct says shrugging his shoulder. Gladio frowns at the prince who was no help as Ignis let out a sad sigh as his shoulders slump.

"We need to think of something." Ignis says to Gladio.

They spend the whole terry ride thinking of ideas only to realize they need to get the blonde to look and talk to them first. They decided to just go for it. She can't just leave them.

Before they knew it the ferry docked at Altissia, the capital of Accordo. As much as they would love to spent hours, maybe the whole day sightseeing they need to continue their journey. Going from one small island to the next until they reach Ultima so they can catch another ferry to Portia which is in Succarpe in Niflheim.

By the time they do reach Ultima the ferries are closed for the night. So they had to get a room at a hotel. That night was quiet and awkward. Prompto ate in her room so the boys ate in the restaurant themself. They sat at the table, ate in silence, went to their hotel room, took showers and went to bed without saying much of anything. Who would have thought Prom being mad at them would change the atmosphere. They didn't talk to each other about anything, no small conversation, no small talk, nothing to start an argument about. The blonde is always the one to start talking. She is the glue that keeps them going. If she's not with them they are distant with each other. Without the blonde they aren't friends, not really. Without her they act distant, like workers, like an advisor should, like a shield should.

But no one wants that.

They should hurry and apologize to Prompto.

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