To The Festival

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Noct thumbed his leg for the millionth time. He ignore the blonde snickering next to him.

Promote turns her head, from looking down at her ancient phone to the prince. "Geez Noct, can you be anymore excited? I thought I was the energetic one." she giggles to herself, and the prince loves it, loves the sound and how it makes him feel, all warm and giddy but today is not normal. Today is special.

"Is he that happy?" Gladio asks not looking up from his book in the passenger seat of the Regalia. Ignis driving again.

"Like a child high on sugar. He can't sit still." Prompto answers smiling down at her phone again. Gladio lets out a snort.

"It's still ways away before we get to Lestallum, for the festival." Ignis informs the prince.

"When will we get there?" Noct wonders.

"By evening, which is good, Cindy will be meeting us there." he answers.

"Can't we get there faster?" Noctis asks, and the three don't know if he purposely sounded like a child or not.

"No we can not." Ignis says firmly. The prince huffs, turning to look out the Regalia, roof still down.

"C'mon Noct, what fun is an Assassins Creed festival in the middle of the day anyway?" she says nudging the princes shoulder.

"Mmmm, your right. Think we can dress up?" Noct wonders looking at the blonde who gasps and looks at him back as if he made the greatest discovery known to man.

"You're right. I hope they have cool ones. Gladio would suit Bayek outfit. Ignis would be perfect in Arno outfit." she thinks out loud. She turns to Noct grinning. "You want to wear Ezio's outfit from brotherhood don't you?" she asks knowing his answer but wanting to hear it anyway.

"Yea! That's my favorite game." Noct says excited again. "What about you? Whose outfit would you wear?" Noct asks back.

"Of course I would wear Edward Kenway, he's my favorite. Black Flag is my favorite game." she smiles brightly.

"So no Kassandra?" Noct wonders.

"I think that was during exams and Valhalla came out during post-pregnancy so I haven't played it."

"What are these names your speaking?" Gladio asks turning towards them confused.

"How is everyone back at Insomnia?" the advisor wonders changing the subject. It was pure luck Cindy called them that morning asking them if they were still around and if they would like to go to a festival. All she had to say is Assassin Creed and Noct voted they go. Ignis and Gladio thought why not, plus they were slightly worried about the blonde and how she would react after being attacked. This will hopefully take her mind off it.

"Everything is fine and peaceful. Well was, Astrum had a big fit and it was worrying. Regis said it got really hot. Clarus says that Iris has been a great babysitter to Astrum." Prom says.

"It got hot?" Noctis wonders.

"Yeah, two days ago or so. As Iris put it 'as hot as Ifrits ass' then it got cool again." she explains. Noct looks at Ignis and Gladio. It happened again. Astrum used his powers as he somehow noticing Prom getting attacked. But they are so far from the capital, how can he know? Is he that connected to her? Is it because she's his mother? It is one mystery after another.

"Iris is babysitting?" Gladio asks.

"Yup. I got a couple pictures from her." the blonde answers. "Want to see them?" she asks.

"I do." Noct answers. Ignis smiles as he sees the blonde scoot closer. They always had that skinship so to see it again proves now close they are. Things seem to be moving forward.

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