King In The Morning

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Regis stared at the black modern door to his son's apartment. He shook his slightly trembling hands to stop them from trembling.

It's early so Noctis might not be awake yet, at least not fully, but he knows Ignis must be inside and Prompto should be awake. Or is about to. From what he remembered last time she was awake around this time. 

He would like to be able to talk to her, maybe apologize for his behavior from before. He must have come off as rude. And from what he's heard from the others, mostly Iris, she's not a bad person. She is very well liked. He would like to talk to her himself, and from word of mouth he knows she's a busy and hard working person. So the morning seems like the optimal time to talk to her, to apologize to her. And see Astrum.

He's also had time for the information that Astrum is his grandson to stew and settle within his mind.

He doesn't know if it's arrogant to say that he feels a little too young to be a grandfather already. With how Noctis acted he always thought he'd be a grandfather around the time Noct reached his thirties, and he was sure he wouldn't be around to see it happen. That doesn't seem to be the case at all. But he knows first hand how fate changes. That's fine with him and Noctis doesn't seem to be unhappy so it's fine. 

He rings the doorbell. He takes a look behind himself to see Clarus standing there waiting patiently and professionally. He turns to back to the door, weird, it feels like it's taking Ignis longer to answer the door than he should. They both turn their heads to the sound of the elevator dinging. When the door opens they see Gladio standing there alone. He looks up from his phone and starts walking, putting it away as he takes his steps forward. He pauses for a second at the image of Regis and his father standing there in front of the princes door. 

"Hello." Gladio greets them both. A little cautious of them being here. He literally saw his father an hour ago. The only reason they would be here is for Noctis but why?

Gladio moves to open the door but it opens before he gets close. Ignis stood there with Astrum in his arms. The advisor looks tired. He stares at Gladio for a minute then his eyes go towards the king and his shield. "Hello. Sorry if you waited long. Astrum had a diaper problem." He tells them with a warm smile. He steps to the side as he lets the three in. Gladio lets Regis and his father in before going in himself. Then he goes in. He stops in front of Ignis to take Astrum from his arms. Ignis smiles at Gladio with an appreciative nod. "Noct is still asleep so you'll have to wait your majesty." Ignis tells them as he closes and locks the door. 

"I'm not here for Noctis." Regis answers as he takes a seat at the table. Ignis comes into view, he looks at Gladio to see him just as surprised. Before Ignis can ask anything more Noctis comes out yawning and scratching the back of his head. He pauses to look at the empty living, as he continue to stare and goes to his seat. He's barely awake but he knows that the empty living room doesn't make sense. 

"Did you brush your teeth?" Ignis asks. Noctis shakes his head slightly as another yawn escapes him. 

"At least go wash your face." Ignis says. Noct nods.

"Yes, mom." Noct teases as he gets up from his seat not paying attention to his surroundings. Washing his face will wake him up good. As Noct goes Ignis turns to the kitchen to continue making breakfast. Gladio sees this and smiles. 

"Are you all hungry?" Ignis asks.

Regis smiles, "I already ate." Clarus shakes his head as an answer. 

Ignis looks at Gladio who smiles back. "Ate already." Gladio says. Ignis nods an focuses on cooking.

"NOCT!" They hear Prompto shouting. "GET OUT!!"

"Sorry! I thought- OWW! MY EYES!" Noct screams back. They hear the door shut close and something falling. They stare at each other then at Noct as he comes out of the hallway. Both hands rubbing his eyes, now very much awake. He saunters to his seat, landing heavily on the chair. He moves his hands and they see tears coming down. Gladio smiles.

"What did sunshine do?" He asks curious.

"She poked both my eyes." Noct answers as he wipes away the tears. "Right in the middle." He adds causing Gladio to laugh with Astrum still in his arms. Astrum just stares at Gladio laughing as he suck on his pacifier. 

"Oh, I forgot. She was taking a shower. I didn't think she'd still be in there." Ignis tells him now remembering.

"Why is she taking a shower? She usually does that at night." Noct asks, eyes blinking as more painful tears fall. Damn, she got him good. 

"Very late shift at the cafe. One of the night workers couldn't come for their shift at the bar so Prompto volunteered in return for overtime pay. She just got back. She's said she's going to take a shower and a nap, she's got the rest of the day off." Ignis answers setting down a plate of breakfast sandwich in front of the prince. 

"I didn't hear about this." Noct answers with a slight pout.

"You did, you just weren't paying attention." Gladio answers. "She send it as a group text." He adds. Oh, Noct might have ignored it as he was playing some games. 

Not long after Prompto comes out in her pajamas, frowning and blushing. She sits in front of Noct, that being the only available seat, and turns her head away from the prince. Not looking at him. They see her pouting, slight bush on her face but her light complexion made it very obvious. Noct looked shocked, he made her mad at him. 

"P-Prom," Noct stutters which made her pout even more. "I'm really sorry. I didn't think anyone was inside the bathroom." Noct apologizes. Prompto gives him a side look. It really wasn't his fault. It was bad timing. She was in there longer than she wanted, she must have fallen asleep while standing. Bet Noct can't even do that. When she came to she was still in the shower and the water had gone a little cold. When she came out and dried herself Noct opened the door and saw her naked. He saw her! She's so embarrassed but it's not his fault. The walls are thick here, you can't hear when someone is taking a shower, in her apartment you could hear your neighbor taking a shower. 

"Fine. It's not your fault. If anything it's my fault, I must have fallen asleep." Prompto says looking back at Noct, though the blush on her face isn't gone. 

"When you finish make sure to get rest." Ignis says setting down her plate of breakfast and a cup of orange juice. 

"Thanks." Prompto smiles at Ignis who smiles back. First Prompto goes for the orange juice, as she takes a drink she turns her head now noticing the guests. She chokes on her juice. Ignis quickly gets a towel as Gladio pats her back still holding on to Astrum.

"Prom, you okay?" Noct asks. 

"Your majesty!" Prom shouts in between coughs. 

"What?" Noct asks, shocked because Prom has never called him that. He turns to where she's looking at and sees his dad. "Dad! Why are you here?" Noct shouts shocked himself. How long has he been there? Regis just smiles. That was entertaining to see. 

"I came to talk to Miss Prompto." He smiles looking at the blonde wiping her mouth. They all pause and stare at him. 

"Me?" She asks pointing to herself to make sure. With a smile still on his face he nod.

"As much as we would like to know why, Noct hurry and get ready we have a full schedule today." Ignis interrupt if anyone was going to say anything.  

"What?" He looks at Ignis to see the tall man giving him a look. Noctis growls out, "fine." He gets up and gets ready, brushing his teeth and washing his face.

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