Worst Assassins

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He decide to go with it after talking to the blonde.

As Ignis cook diner, the other three sat around the living room. Gladio reading his book, Prompto playing with Astrum as Noct play on his phone. In between cooking Ignis goes to the living room, joining them. Noct doesn't know what Ignis and Prompto are talking about, he wasn't listening to them until they talked about Prompto dressing more formally. Prompto wondering why she needs formal clothing Ignis explaining her wearing jeans and t-shirts makes her stand out.

"How about your old crownsguard suit? You'll be getting a new one so you can use some parts from your old one." Ignis suggest. Prompto hums as she nods her head, then sits back on the floor, laying on her back as she lets out a sigh.

"Can't. It's at home." Prompto says.

"Home?" Ignis wonders.

"Yeah. My old home..." Prompto thinks about how to explain it but then decides to say it. "It's at the Argentum house. It's safe, and should still be taken care of." she says. Ignis sighs in defeat. "I'm sure it wouldn't have fit anyways." Prompto adds.

This got Nocts gears turning in his head. Prom had mentioned she had left many of her important things when she was kicked out. So the next weekend, after discussing it with Gladio about it, he came up with his plan. When the day came Prompto got dressed and Noct let her eat breakfast then drag her to the car, Gladio Jeep.

The whole car ride the blonde ask what are they doing? Where are they going? And Noct was sure he was poking his nose in to her business but he would love to get to know her more. To see more. Hear more. He wants to see the sides the blonde doesn't show anyone. Everything and anything about the blonde. If he's learned anything so far it's that he knows nothing.

When they got close to their destination Prompto got more quiet. He knew she would but he has a plan. Noct parks down a couple blocks from their destination. "Come on." Noct say getting out. The blonde scampering to get out and join him. She has questions. She sprints to catch up up with him.

"What do you mean come on?" Prompto hisses in a whisper. Noct raises one eyebrow at her. "You do know where we are?" She asks.

"Why are you whispering?" he wonders. He continues to walk down the street in his more casual and inconspicuous outfit. A black cap on his head, a black and blue behemoth zip up bomber jacket, with a white t-shirt underneath, jeans and black converse. Prom wore a sleeveless shirt and ankle length jeans with of course her converse.

"Call me paranoid but..." Noct walks with no care as Prom follows behind him as she hides behind anything and everything trying not to be seen though no one is even out or paying attention to them. "I'm paranoid. We aren't supposed to be here." she whispers. All she gets from Noct is a thoughtful hum. She looks around sure someone is staring at her. Noct turns, walking up the path to the Argentum house. "Noct!" she hisses in a whisper. Forgetting being stealth and running to catch up.

"Relax." Noct tells her as he rings the bell a couple times.

"How can I!" she hisses angrily, she felt her heart race increasing the longer they stand around. Noct takes a step back to look at the whole place. Seems no one is home. Noct grins, perfect.

"What's the worst that can happen?" Noct wonders going back to the door, he gets down on his knees, eye level with the doorknobs and locks. He pulls out a kit from his back pocket.

"What are you...?" Prompto starts seeing the prince open the kit then take out two sticks out and shoving them into the lock. The blondes eyes widen. "N-Noct! What are you doing?" she whisper shouts. Eyes going to the lock then the princes face, obscured by his cap and hair.

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