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Noctis smiles down at his plate absentmindedly pushing away the vegetables he caught to the side of his plate. His and Prompto relationship got better. They are talking and joking with no awkwardness. Being around each other in silence isn't awkward. They can enjoy each others presence without feeling like something needed to be said.

They do get to spend more time with each other now that Prom has a better schedule. One that's exactly like what she had at the diner. Now after dinner she walks in. She's still tired but at least she gets home to dinner being ready. After Ignis feeds her he leaves them so Noct spends that time with Prom. During the week he's spent time helping her with Astrum. He has helped her take Astrum a bath. He's watched as she puts him to sleep, then he's tried it. Even though it's not much and it's weird he has to say he enjoys it. Doesn't know why but he does, but he enjoys anything he does as long as Prom is there. Nothing will be boring as long as Prom is there.

"Ahem." Noct looks over to his father clearing his throat. The prince blinks. He stopped paying attention way back. Can't help it when he can't stop wanting to be around Prompto and Astrum. They are his family.

He loves them.

The day they went shopping as a group he was reminded on why he likes Prompto. She puts herself down to much but he finds her very beautiful. He took care of Astrum as Iris took Prompto to get some nice clothes for her. Iris demanded a small fashion show, telling them they needed to for Prompto's sake so they made sure to say something nice to her. Her face turned bright red he's sure Ignis could cook on her face. She looked embarrassed but she seemed happy about the compliments. She looked good in almost any style. Shyly Prompto had to accept Iris buying her some of the outfits she wore.

Then they went to the bookstore, Ignis wants to get some cookbooks, Gladio wanted to get some romance books, Iris went with him to see then went somewhere else. Prompto also disappeared. He went to see if she wanted to check out the small comic collections, and he found her crying in the manga section. He ran to check on her, wondering and worried for her. She only smiled, explaining that she's been behind on a manga called One Piece. The chapters she's catching up on are sad. He rubs her back. Another reason he likes her, she shows all of her emotions. She's so open about herself (even if she tries to hide them some times), she lets her feelings out, no one he's around does that. Even Iris has come to act like that too. Sometimes the young teen acts quiet and almost cold, especially when they have those parties, full of other people who have an agenda. He doesn't blame Iris for quickly learning how to be cold and hide her true feelings. 

He thinks he's not the only one who likes being with Prompto. Iris seems to love being around her, and Astrum. Around Prompto anyone could be who they want to be and Prompto will not judge. Iris could be who she wants to be around Prompto. Which is a little shocking because Iris has friends but Prompto is different from anyone they will meet. 

"When did you stop listening?" His father asks. 

"Before you started talking." Noct answers with a shrug. He wasn't paying attention to anything. 

His father lets out a sigh, "well I can't blame you." He says. "The council are getting scared more and more as the day passes."

"Why?" Noct asks.

"Noct really?" Ignis asks from his seat.

"They are scared of the person connected to the crystal. They keep wanting me to do something about it, I've been able to turn their attention to the crime that's been going up." The king summarizes. 

"They are afraid of Astrum?" Noct raises one of his eyebrows. 

"Nothing's going to happen to Astrum or Prompto right?" Iris asks worried, looking at both the king then her father. 

"So far nothing's going to happen. They still don't know but it needs to be told one day. They are not going to let it go." Regis says. 

"As long as Prompto and Astrum are okay." Iris says with a huff. She will die for those two, though she knows Prompto wouldn't be happy to hear that. Clarus looks at his daughter. Never seen her care about someone this much. She's usually quiet during these talks, only talking when talked to, or voicing her opinions when it's something interesting. She keeps to herself during the council talk. 

"You care about her alot." Clarus says, he looks over at Noct, Ignis and even Gladio. They all really care for her and Astrum. He knew but he forgot about it for a while. 

"Of course I do. She's... freeing." Iris says, not sure how to explain the feelings she has when she's around Prompto. Freeing is the best she could say. Noct nods his head, Ignis and Gladio just smile.

"For now we should do something about the council. So they can stop worrying so much. Prompto will be kept secret along with Astrum. It's too early to let the people know about them." Regis answers. Iris smiles, good nothing bad will happen to Prompto and Astrum. 

"How about after Luna's engagement, the people won't be upset but they will be confused. I have gotten my invitation." Ignis says.

"I did too." Gladio adds. 

"Prompto and I got ours." Noct says looking up from his meal.

"Me too!" Iris raises her hand excitedly then deflates in her seat. "But I can't go, I have a test that day and can't miss school." She says frowning, poking at her meal.

"I have too but I won't be able to attend." Regis says.  

"I guess it's just Gladio, Ignis and I going." Noct says.

"Prompto's not going?" Iris says shocked. She really thought she would. 

"Prompto wants to go but she wont have anyone to take care of Astrum. She doesn't want to leave him with someone she doesn't know for more than a week or so. How ever long it's going to take to get to Tenebrae. And after the break in she's more... cautious." Noctis answers. Regis lets out a hum as he thinks.

But he is curious, "how does Prompto and Luna know each other?" the king asks. 

"Something to do with a handkerchief." Noct answers shrugging his shoulders. 

"I think Prompto... saved Luna? At least that's what I pieced together." Iris answers from her spot. 

"They sent letters to each other after." Noct continues. 

"If they are close why not have Prompto go and I'll take care of Astrum." Regis answers. The table getting quiet. Noct looks at his advisor and shield. All three looking at each other. Faces unreadable but they all thought the same thing, did they hear right?

Ever since Regis took Prompto and Astrums blood the king hasn't done anything else. He hasn't mentioned what the results are, not that he needs to, he hasn't asked Noct how did this happen, he hasn't even gone to see Prompto and talk to her in private like they all thought he would. 

"Of course there's still some time to talk it over, you all still need to prepare for the long journey. But I think it would be meaningful for her to go instead of me. It's just a thought to have her think it over. It is up to her." Regis says.

"It is a thought." Ignis voices as he looks at Noct who looks worried. But they all knew it came down to Prompto. 

What would the blonde choose to do?

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