To the future of death

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A/n hello wonderful people, soooo yes this is a hetalia story but this is also a halo one too. I'll do my best to explain things about the lore to those who haven't played the games, sooooo yea heres the next one.

Englands pov...

"Bloody hell," I muttered to myself. The oncoming headache I was feeling was worsening by the minute as everyone in the world meeting sqobled like children. Pinching the bridge of my nose I sighed tiredly and counted to 20 to calm my rising temper, only for my arch nemesis a bleeding French frog as America liked to call him, pestered me with his insuffrabel flirting.

Feeling what little calmness I had gained suddenly vanished into thin air. Thankfully, I wasn't the only one as Germany then called for a break.

Alas, there's no peace for me. "Oh, Arthur! Mon ami! wait for moi honhon!!" 

"Pa-papa, please, not today," Canada quietly said with a slight annoyance.

I was a little surprised that nobody else aside from russia and china, who weren't even that close to us, noticed my sudden bout of irritation at the frenchmen.

I didn't have the patience nor was in the mood for this today, on one hand I could tell France I didn't feel like going to lunch, but on the other hand he does have the horrible habit of just dragging me along for the ride regardless.

It seemed like a little spell to freeze time in place would do just the trick, and make a clean getaway.

"Sha'tuma sol deg'ma!! saa tiiv'ma! rasha nor fea !!!" As tiny lights danced, my then spell ended. What I had hoped was for frozen nations to be still as statues, but instead, when I opened my eyes, I was greeted to blinding white light consuming us.

End pov...

When the light faded, all that was left was an empty room, "hey guys, are you -" when America, who had managed to sneak out of the room without china noticing him. walked back in with concern about all the shouting and comoshion. He froze at the suddenly empty room.

"Did they leave already?" A question he asked to no one, but in the pit of his stomach, he felt like their disappearance was going to cause a lot of drama.

"Oh fun," he muttered.


"*cough* *gasp* ow!" The Brit groaned out. As he rolled himself onto his back, he opened his eyes to see a dark cloudy sky with pouring rain falling onto his face, washing away mud.

Looking to his right he could see China hold his stomach in pain like he would throw up any minute, turning his head left he saw Canada slowly sit up but holding his own abdomen, the same look of nausea eched on his face.

"Freeze!" A yell was heard, snapping his head up to see a man in a military green uniform. The uniform itself was strange to the englishmen.

An olive green camouflage shirt and cargo pants and with what appeared to be armored padding, with an odd gun that was pointed at them, "whoe whoe hey take it easy "Canada said, with arms raised in surrender, it seemed like no one wanted to make a scene.

"Commander, sir!" One of the men shouted, England turned to see a tall man, taller then russia approach them, he wore a black under suit, designed to fit tightly for movement, on top was heavy armor. Painted a cobalt blue, with patches of white on his shoulder pads and a strip on each of his upper thighs.

Held tightly in his grasp was a sniper rifle like gun, and pistol on his hip, turning his head the golden visor of his helmet stared at them, and they stayed still as they were pinned by the man's gaze.

Turning his attention back to the man, he calmly said, "At ease." The smaller soldier nodded, and the rest of the others lowered their weapons. The armored commander motions them to follow him, and they eagerly did so as they were soon out of the down pour.

Once nestled in a small building of this camp, the man asked for them to take a seat, "Where are we, aru?" England head China ask, the man lent back against a table. "Planet: earth, year: 2552, month: July, date: the 22nd," he said, "damn it arthur!!" He heard France yell.

The man then let out a chuckle, watching the scene with a sense normally. "You guys are a long way from home, aren't you? He asked, "how did-" Canada was about to ask, but the man beat him to it "21st century military uniforms aren't common anymore, and a certain brother of mine did always clam to do magic" he said with such a familiar light tone, England almost wanted to say the name of of the person who he thinks it is.

But yet again, the man would beat him to it as he then removed the helmet, the brit gasped, and everyone else followed with the same reaction.
Under the blue and white helm was alfred. He looked older his sunkissed tan skin had paled to white, bright blue eyes were darkened to blue depths that would rival an ocean, and a scar ran on the side of his temple to his cheek bent at an angle, his hair was trimmed back and was messy from the helmet.

He smiled tiredly at them before crossing his arms. "I'm guessing some things need explaining first?" He asked the others in various ways of saying yes to his question.

"It's a long story," he muttered, but that didn't seem to undermine the unfortunate time travelers. "Well as you all can see we're at war with the covenant" he said, "and they are a council of aliens that believe in something called the great journey a religion of sorts" he further explained, "and unfortunately they found humanity to be unworthy of this so they plan to eradicate our species " he said.

"And how long have you been at war?" England asked, "27 years, " he said.

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