Long night of Solace

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The smell of sea salt hit Arthur's nose. As he looked down below from the falcon he was in, he saw the ocean beneath him, the crashing waves, colliding into each other with each flow

The green shades and hues it made up shimmered from their depths. He's gotten used to seeing them now at days.

He sometimes wondered if he'd ever be able to get himself and the others home safely.

However, he also didn't want to leave just yet, at least not until the war was over. What he also didn't know was, was he being selfish or not?

The falcons then jerked the brit, snapping him from his train of thought. He then heard the voice of noble one speaking over the comms.

"Move up the beach and secure the launch facility. Take the battle to the Covenant Super Carrier." He said as two of the falcons containing noble team then hovered over the ground, dropping off Nobles One, Two, Five and Six at a beach, downrange from the facility.

The tallest spartan noble five then chortled out, "Bit of a hike to the launch facility."

Noble one could only reply with "Anywhere closer's too hot to land." Made sense England observed.

"Watch it, guys. I see covies, " alfred commented, as he began taking out snipers over the cliffs.

"Yeah, we can see that al." Noble five chuckled out, as noble team opened fire on the covenant, the other members of both ghost and noble team supported them from the air.

"Move up the beach, Noble." Carters voice rang out again, then soon all four Spartans were making their way up with ease. And as they had, several Orbital Insertion Pods hit the ground near Noble Team, They paused their presute to then fire at the enemy.

Eventually, they reached an area where a Spirit had dropped off several Covenant troops. The launch station was quickly soon coming into view at this point.

England couldn't help but look on with awe at the Spartans. like fish moving upstream, they carved their way through their enemy unil they made it to the facilities entrance.

Once Noble Team enters the base. A Pelican drops additional troopers to combat covenant forces outside the gate.

"Still can't believe Holland said yes to this." Jorge muttered through the comms, noble two chuckled out, and replied with."Well, some plans are too good to say no."

"We got a Wraith on the lower platform!" A marine yelled out.

When the soldier did, arthur saw two spirits drop two wraiths below them. "Take'em out!" The Marines yelled.

All the soldiers below laid out, covering fire to the injured and have a few medics.

"Let's help'em out!" alfred yelled out, and the two spartan teams did so. Firing their weapons until Carter chimed in from the base, "Let's get that Sabre airborne before he changes his mind."

"What about you and Kat?" Jorge asked noble one, "Jun's on his way with a Falcon, we'll exfil with ghost team after you launch. Move!"

"You heard him. Six, let's go." Jorge then said with a determined tone.

Then the A.I. voice program then spoke out, "Struts disengaged. Commencing launch in T-minus five, four, three, two..."

The Sabre's engines ignited, and the fighter lifts off from the facility. Soon, another Sabre can be seen lifting off from another facility in the near distance.

"Alright, gentlemen, good luck," alfred said with a light tone over the comms. Both Jorge and Six chuckled out at it. With Jorge replying with "we won't need it."

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