New Alexandria pt 2

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"We have civilians under here!! We need backup!!" A marine yelled out.

When England and the others had arrived at their destination they were greeted with heavy plasma fire, with dying marines and ODST's taking aim and firing giving innocent people cover as they escaped into pelicans, waiting for take off.

"Spartans incoming watch your fire!" A female ODST screeched, the UNSC troops had for a brief moment of relief before being sweped up back into the firefight as an explosion shook the ground.

"Sir, we have multiple civilians in need of evacuating, but we're dying. I lost ten marines to the covies, and I'm losing more men by the hour." She explained to them, "Nat you, Francis, and Ivan go over there and get as many civilians as you can out of the rubble!"

"Romano, I need you, Mattie, and Yao getting medical whatever they need." Alfred had ordered, both Spartans nodding to their assignments."Iggy, you and I are going to give them as much time as we can, I'll push up ahead and handle the heavier guys, and you stay further back with the ODST'S take out the skirmishers, jackles, and grunts give the others some time."

And before England could further elaborate on why he should stay behind an explosion, shook them off.

"Alright," he agreed, breathing a huff even though he didn't like the idea.

Alfred had then ran off in a sprint and fast to.

England then wondered if that was the suits doing, "ALRIGHT MEN READY UP AND KICK SOME ALIEN ASS!!!" The ODST that made the boisterous order was non other than Randell.

The ODST that was telling them stories a month earlier.

"Nice to see you again," Randell greeted once he was close enough to the brit and then asked, "What's Commander Jones doing?"

"Alfred said he was handling the larger covenant forces further up ahead," England explained.

"Well, we'll at least have a bit of a breather, not as open as a full spartan team but it's better than nothing," he said, the ODST then grabbed a battle rifle and handed to the island nation.

"For now, stick with me and my team. We're going to hold this ground and give evac whatever time is needed," he further explained, England nodded and ran with Randell to his team.

"Ohhhh, making new friends?" A team member playfully shot out. "Hey!" Randell, who then shrugged." It's not my fault I'm more popular than you." He then smiled out.

"Well, Mr. Popular mind getting these guys here?" A woman said with a somewhat annoyed tone, Randell could only sigh out a small "classic Trish" before turning his attention back to Arthur and giving him his orders for now.

"For the time being, stay here and help out both Anderson and Montez in killin' these covie bastereds' alright." Arthur nodded before speaking out and asking, "How much time do we have?!" He had to yell over an explosion that raked the air around them. "The sooner? Hopefully, only a few hours, but I honestly can't say how long we have now. "

And with that, Randell had ran over to Trish and assisted her with evacuating the civilians from the city.

England knelt down behind a broken wall of concrete. He checked over his weapons, making sure they were loaded and clear of jams. Pleased with them, he took aim and fired.

Canada/Matthew's pov...

"Over here!"

I could hear one marine yell out, I see Romano make a run for them to assist in getting wounded.


To my right, I hear Yao exclaim a yelp of suprise as a few ODST's brought out a mother and her daughter. The two sobbed near uncontrollable from not only pain but fear as well.

I grabbed blankets and wrapped them around the frightened pair, as if on auto pilot, I knew what my role had become now, I grabbed as many of the medical blankets as I could carry.

With every new survivor emerging from the rubble of broken buildings, I wrapped them in blankets before tending to their wounds.

So far, the casualties were unknown, and they only kept seemingly rising.

It dishearned me to see so much, so many things so many lives, and they're all lost.

There was so much destruction, I hadn't felt the warm hand that gently rested on my shoulder.

Looking up, I see Yao. His eyes were full of sadness and a touch of both sympathy and empathy. As nations, we hold a bond with our people no matter how far they are.

A feeling not so strongly felt until time of war or well anything, in subtle ways they influence our emotions.

So, to see so much anguish and horror, it almost beared to be too much for me.

I couldn't even imagine how Yao was feeling. Being a nation that has lived so long, I pondered a second on how the older man kept himself together.

But my mind kept blank, and all I could do was try and push through.

Yao then patted my shoulder it was firm but soft. more for grounding and keeping in the present than scolding.

With unspoken words, I got back up.

Made our way through the rubble, and assisted the wounded and dying.

Many aircrafts filled up with people, but few truly left the atmosphere to the frigates above.

I could see Nat, Francis, and Ivan working on getting people out. An elite had managed to sneak up on them, but natalya had tackled it, punching it to death before managing to throw it a few feet away, making quick work.

For a moment, I was in both awe and shock. The only person I knew to hold such  strangth was... Alfred.

The alien alone towered a normal human, and even with the suits hight difference and their abilities, it still should have been near impossible for her to lift it and throw it.

Alfred, even as a small colony, only the physical age 4 had the unnatural strength to pick up a bison and fling it across a field.

I almost chuckled at the memory, the look on Englands face when that happened. You could tell he was rethinking his life decisions.

But as soon as the pleasant memory arrived, it disappeared, only leaving the question of how?

And only to further prove my point, I saw Romano move rubble double the size of the elite, something happened when the war started the two nations we never that strong physically.

If anything, natalya was unnaturally fast last I saw her.

That only made me question things more, I would have to ask alfred when we got back to camp.

<zombie noises, soooooooo I'm really sorry this is late, I did not intend it to be this long for an update, but I'm not gonna lie. My brain was super unhelpful

For the most part, it has been a hurricane of what to do as for ideas. I recently finished rdr2 *I played it beforehand but didn't get to finish it because i accidentally restarted when i was at chap4* and cyberpunk 2077.

And boy, oh boy, was it hell XD One was rdr2/cyberpunk.

Two was hetalia/rdr2 *seriously nobody has made crossovers of that yet!?! That's like prime America shanagans XD for either Alfred or Amelia*

A few GOT dragons sprinkled in *for some fucking reason it was of arthur just flying on a dragon, no contxet just a cowboy flying on a big lizard*

But...yea that's been my hell, I'm somewhat tempted to do a rdr2/hetalia story but no clue how I would go about it *definitely using nyo America though she needs love too.*

So enjoy the update, I promise more are coming I intend to finish the story CK.>

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