Chapter 18: welcome home, Brother

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"my my, me Jade, you picked quite the handsome Man... I'm so jealous..."


"Good morning, Charly" she smiled sweetly. Charly responded with a small wave. She sits down, He continues to stare at her... She tried her best to ignore it...

3 minutes of staring later...

"Can you-" she stay still... As Charly's face was too close for comfort, too close, enough to hear His breathing... He snaps up of the trances like state...

He lowers his head. "Sorry, There's was bug on your cheek"

"Is there now?" He nods. She touched her left cheek... And there was indeed a bug... A small ladybug, now it's has sadly past away.

"Oh, I killed it..." She laughs, Charly just blankly stared... "Uhhh... Hey, Can I tell you something?" He nods slowly, "ok... Then... My-"


*Knock! Knock!* Misses, Parlor Opened the door. "Good morning, Mother!!!"

"Kilala ba kita?" - "do I know you?" Mrs. Parlor asked the young man Infront of him. "dear, me mother have I been away for that long!? Or maybe of my accent change? It's me! Your son! Alberich!" He said oh so, grandly...

...she Stood their in silence, "Mother?"
"I don't remember you, being this tall Alberich" he crossed his arms, "and what happened to you?"

"Nothing!" He said walking inside the house, "oh, right" he goes to hug his mother. "Welcome back"

"Yes! How's Jade? Has she made friends?" He asked, "Well, one... It's boy, by the Name Charly a cute one too" she said,

'Boy and cute?' he formed a smirk. "Oh you must be tired, after a long trip! Where are your bags sweetheart, outside"

She walked outside and Grab his bags... "Is Dad, home?"

"No, He's off bug hunting" She said,


"Got one! How about you Kori!?- !!!" Kori was quietly sitting down while reading a book about A prince and a pauper. He was covered in animals, "wow!"


He sat down on the couch... [Alberich, need I explain? Ok unlike his younger sister, he doesn't look like an average person, He is flamboyant and I would compare to is a flamingo] (nope, sorry nothing)

"Where, does Jade go to school?" He asked, "at, Escura school raven of the south" She said a loud the title of the school. He gets up and stretches. "I wonder if the teachers still remember me?"

"I Leaving" he said, putting on a white fedora, "looks good"

"Leaving already?" He nods before tipping her a goodbye.

He got in his car, "WAIT!" She ran out. "Can you give this to her, please she forgot her lunch"

He takes the lunch box from her hands. "I'll be off now" he waves before driving out.

She waves goodbye.


Lunchtime ahhhh lunchtime, today Charly didn't had an appetite, perhaps he saw a dead rat a huge one, having it's entire torso remove by a cat, that or he ate to much.

"Darn, I forgot my lunch... Looked I have to buy some" Charly stops her. "Hmmm? Do you want me to buy something?" He shakes his head he hands his lunch over... "You're too kind, but I'll buy my own besides I don't want to get Hungry..."

"That's ok, I'm not hungry, beside I'll just buy some chips if, I get hungry..." She didn't have no reason to take it, besides it is mother dela's cooking...

She took the lunchbox, and Began to eat the delicious cooking of madam Dela... It was delicious.

So delicious, that she hadn't noticed that she already ate it all... "Ohh..." She looks down... "Are you ok?" "Hehe... I guess you could Say I'm still hungry?" She smiled. "No... I'm ok" she said.

"Alright, I'm going to washroom, see you later..." She said standing up as she quickly left the room.

He nods, Charly begins to waits, it was nice the peace and quietness... Was amazing... "Excuse me?" A voice called. He looks up at What seemed to be a male and older version of Jade was staring at him. "Does, Jade Parlor belong in class?" His voice was soft. "Yes, she's my friend" He wrote down. 'quiet huh?'

"Wonderful!" He sits down down next to him. "Are, you Charly by any chance" he was spooked and began to shake violently. "Hahaha, hey calm down, I'm not a threat..." He said lowering down his guard... Charly looks at him and nods. "Hello, I am Alberich Parlor, I am Jade's older brother" He gently shaking his hand.

Charly turned pink... "Ahaha, your cute when your embarrassed" he commented,

'he has the same tease techniques as her.

"Did you have lunch, yet?" He asked, He shakes his head, "I gave it, to Jade because she forgot hers"

"Hehe, funny I was about to give this to her" he said taking her lunch. "But still thanks" he smiled, Charly didn't no what to do...

"Charly!..." Alberich smirked and stood up. "Good Noon, little sis!" He said walking up to her,

"My my, Jade you picked quite the Cute boy..." He whispered, "yeah, At least I got one, how about you did you get one yet?"

He laughed, "why, are you here anyways, shouldn't you be off somewhere?"

"I already finished!" He said, walking back to Charly. "Also, are you still hungry?" He asked, "no..."

"Hmph, rude. Of you to not eat mother's cooking" he said opening her lunch...

"Hey, that's mine!" She said, "not anymore more" he said eating it. He turned to Charly, "do you want some?" He nods. "Go ahead" Charly took a piece and ate it.

She sits down. "Tell me little sis, have you made any friends..."

"Yeah a lot..." He smiled when he heard it. "That's good to here" he said.


"Yooo! Jade!" Ana walks up to her. "Oh, Who's this?" "That's what, I should be asking you! That"

"Why! Why! If it isn't Mr. Piano solo, Himself!" Atlas filtered voice rang out. "Ahaha, hello Atlas"

"Alberich, a pleasure!" He nods at Atlas.

"Kris, trust me! It will work..." Heal had his Jaw wide open. (Don't mind, him, please, he hasn't two handsome, boys in one room) Kris said Dragging him away...

"Hmmm, flamboyant and-" Olivia stopped, "A Flamingo!" Noelle said touching his hair.

"And a pinch able face" Floarance said.

'ahhh, so she does have this much friends'

He turns to Charly, he in turns looks at him. He winks and nods.

New friend Acquired!

He stood and carries the lunch with him. "I'll be off now, Jade see later" he waves goodbye.

"Good Noon Miss Emelia" He bows to his old teacher...


"Who was that, Jade!?" Ana begins, to pester about the handsome man that came by. "He's my brother"

"EHHHHHHH!!!!????" (Ohhhhh... I don't care)

The end.

Ana are you ok.
You've been by hit
You've been struck by a smooth Criminal.

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