Chapter 43: Valentine's festival Part 3 [day 2]

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Charly arrived at His Classroom. Heal and Ana looked at him with a Cheeky grin. And Even Kris expressed Emotion.

He sighed. He walked out, not wanting to know what happened last night.

He made his to the Student Council. "Come on Alberich!!! Tell us"

"Ehhhh... No I think she had Enough" "seriously you shouldn't be worrying about this! Worry about Grades and studies! Love doesn't get you money, unless you marry Rich or a hard Working person, but that doesn't matter."

Angelice waved at him. He walks to her. "congrats, On your Valentine" She winked.

Alberich stood up and walked the other members continue to pester him, he laughed it off.

"I have other things to do too, see you" Angelice stood up and walked away. Seemingly following were they were going.

Charly, Gone over the day today.

At 8:00 AM, The Music festival will begin and ends at 10:00 PM, for the remaining 1 hour will be lunch and at 12:00 PM, will be the Continuation of the play or something, and at 2:00 PM will be a Concert Held by the Music and any person, who would like to Join in, to conclude. The Valentine's festival, after no Class for the rest of the week!

Jade enters the room. She fell silent... Charly waved hello. "Uhhh... Hey" she waves back.

"Are you ok?" He typed out. "I'm fine just need to catch on sleep..." She Yawned, Charly knows that Feeling.

"How about you? You also look rather Tired"

"I'm fine, I'll be more awake later" he said. "I can say the same for me"

She sat down at one of the Chair. "Hey, can I ask a Question?" Charly was listening.

"Have you ever wonder... If someone had a Crush on you? I mean in your Case you have Hundred falling for you both ways"

Charly took a while to Evaluate her question... Charly did think long and hard. Before he came up with and answer.

"Well..." He spoke, "if Someone were to have a Crush on me... I would only have one question, Why?. Why would someone Have a Crush on me... Sure I may look Good but I not really Talented in Anything and I'm nothing Special, and I'm essentially a loner who only got Lucky... To meet someone like you..." He gave his Explanation.

"I don't think so... I mean there's could a lot of reason why someone would like, you're Kind, sweet, cute, Funny, thoughtful and Talented. Talented in playing the Piano and singing. You're  Creative and you aren't a loner anymore you've made Friends all on your own and I'm proud of that. You are a Perfect Person In my eyes"

"Anyways... I need to take a nap" she knocked herself too sleep.

Charly stared at her peacefully sleeping and those words Echoed... "You are a Perfect Person in my eyes" he repeated in his head... He stood up and looks himself at the reflection of the Window. "But I'm not... Perfect"

He didn't know what to make of this... His Anxiety began to run. Thoughts rushed in. 'why did she say that?, Why did she asked this?'

'does she have a- NO! NO! THAT'S STUPID YOU IDIOT!!!' 'why am I blushing!?' 'stop I'm nothing! She is a...' 'Charly No! Stop!'

'she's Ten miles ahead of you!' "but still..." He turned to Her... "Does she really? No... There's someone better for her, there's always is"

He sat back down, His Anxiety began to calm down. He was Locked in permanent thought and a Blush.


Jade opened her eyes... She was Fully refreshed after her nap. She checked the time it was 7:30 AM. She turned towards Charly. He Had his hand covering his Face. 

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