Chapter 57: milk tea and Tea Catch-up [shorts]

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"let's see where you're at... More Friends since you started" Jade said. "What else happened? Oh yeah Christmas thing, you became the Student Council President, Kris is now your boyfriend and you cut your Hair, you are Kiki and... Well that's all I can think... Oh yeah you are friends with a super star and your Mother is back! And you won a signed a figure of Lady Rena."

"Your milktea and Tea" Ana gave them the orders. "Thanks"

"A lot has already happened you even got yourself a boyfriend, congratulations!" She rolled her eyes... Charly Drank his Milktea. "So got anymore plans? For day or are we Heading out?"

"Want to walk around the park" Jade almost choked, "Ahaha... Actually I remember something! Soo uhhh, see you tomorrow! Goodbye char!" She ran out, Charly found it odd. 

the end.


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