chapter 103: Kuya Charly

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Charly laid down on their bed, Boredom Filled their hour, it was consuming their ever minute. He lazily sat up and looked around the room, looking for something to fill his time, his eyes wander to his computer, He'll play games later... The piano? Charly sighed, He might as well practice while he has nothing to do.

He walked over to his piano, he sits down comfortably... The door swung open, hitting the wall letting out a loud *BANG!* "Guess what!"

Little sister Chilly came in shouting, Charly looked at her with an annoyed look. "Big bro!" She looked at her devious grin. "H-hi Kuya..." Charly's eyes wander to a rather pale skin girl, She made contact with his Brown eyes with her Emerald ones. She hid her face began her amber hair.

Charly crossed his hand and legs. "Make it quick" "Enough with your coldness, I need your help" He sighed, "Actually no! Can you come and hangout with us!" She asked him. Charly looked at the clock, it was 10:00. "Sure"

He stood up. Chilly was taken a back! "Right!" She closed the door. "I actually got him to do something!" Chilly felt proud, It's the first time she got his lazy brother to do something with using crocodile tears!

"Chill... All I wanted was to learn the guitar... Not well... to hang out with him" "He only knows, how to play the piano anyway. So you might as well make your 30 pesos worthwhile"

Her friend sighed. "I guess you're right" "there's the Amy I know! Besides, There's no need to worry, my brother is a nice guy, I mean, just look at me!"

"You're the meanest person I know" Charly said from on top of the stairs. "I love you too!" She smiled. He walks down the stairs. "Are we going anywhere or?"

"Shopping!" Charly stares at her. He shook his head. "Well, how about Al's corner?" He shakes his head again. "Abigail's rift?" "You might as well suggest Angel's tail" "Then where do you think we should go?"

"The park" "the park?" Amy perked up, "I'd love that..." "The park!" Chilly nods slowly. Charly rolls his eyes.


Chilly was leading the way while Amy and Charly stayed behind. Amy was practicing hee guitar. Charly was watched her, "Excuse me... Kuya..." "You can call me Charly" She took a deep breath. "Charly... Do you know how to play the Guitar?"

"Not much" he said. "Can I make a request" He nods. "Can you play it for me?" Charly stared at her with a curious look. "It's... I am sorry, I shouldn't have asked" "No... No... I'd like to play" He said giving a hand out, She gives him the piano. Charly strums the string.

He starts to play, Amy hummed along with him, until He finished. She clapped her hands, "Wonderful!" Charly hands her the Guitar back, "That was wonderful!" She smiled, Charly chuckled. They looked around, "say... Did you see where Chilly went?" She asked. "Oh boy..." Charly checked his phone, 30 miss calls, all from Chilly and one from his mother. Charly calls her, "WHERE ARE YOU TWO? I'VE BEEN WORRIED SICK!!!" "Are you crying?"

"NO! SHUT UP!" Charly sighed, "we're fine... as for where we are... We are at the park at the entrance" Chilly breathing slowed and Calmed down, "good! Just stay-" He hangs up. "Come on, I know a good place to get ice cream" He leads the way, She followed him into the park.


Charly walks up to Amy with two cones of ice cream, He hands one. Charly sat down and licks the ice cream, He stared off into the distance. Amy just stared at him. She watched him stare off into the distance. "That's going to melt if you aren't going to eat it?" Her heart skipped a beat. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare" She moves her hair away, "It's fine... I was spacing out anyway"

Charly smirked. She quickly hid behind her hair, She peers at him through the strands of her hair. Charly nods. "You Remind me of someone" She slowly moved her hair away. She listened in closers.

"She was a quiet one, Never spoke much, But you can tell that something was always going on behind those eyes, but her isolated nature became a problem. She felt lonely, she wanted somebody to talk with somebody else other than family. One day she asked her older brother, "How do you make friends?" He replied, with "I don't know" She decided maybe she should get friends, and so she did she made many friends" She nods at this girl's story. She looked up at him. "How did you know this story so well?"

"I like to think about sometimes" She wonders... "Why did you tell me this?" He chuckled, "your ice cream's melting" She quickly licked the falling cream. "As for you question, Like I said, you remind me of somebody"

She smiled, "Something funny?" He asked, she shook her head, "You wait here, I'm going to buy some water" She watched as he walked away. She nods.

"I'll do it!"


Charly patted the head of Amy as she was sleeping on his lap, "190, 191, 192, 193-" "Charly!!!" It was his sister calling out his name, she ran up to them. "You took your time" "shut up!"

"Come on your friend here needs a proper bed, also you owe me 193 Pesos" "I- what? You nearly gave me a heart attack!" Chilly was ready to smash her brother's head in. "Did you get a heart attack?" "No but that's not-"

"Then 193, payment for babysitting your Friends" "Creep"

"Me being here, probably warded off more creeps than me not being here" "You sir are in the 8th grade!"

"And You both are the 7th, it's normal" "let's just go home"

Charly checks the time it was 4:00 PM. "Can't sorry, Jade Asked if I could come over so you can handle her back home" Charly got up. "Oh no you're not..." Charly smirked, "see ya later, Chills" He made his way out for the park.

"Kuya!!!" She cried for her brother. She frustratedly stomps the ground, it was Enough for Amy to wake up. "What's happening? Kuya Charly?"

"Oh come on!" "Hey chills, where's your brother?" She rolls her eyes, "He off going to meet up with his Girlfriend... Whatever, come let's go home"

The end.

Amy knocks on the classroom doors, of Charly's room. The doors open. "Excuse me...? Is Charly here?"

Ana rubbed his eyes. "Well..." He rubbed his Eyes again she was shiny gleaming like a pearl. "He's at the student council room" "thank you... Uhmm..." "Both will do fine"

"Thank you ma'am, sir" She bows. Ana closed the door. "Guys! Please tell that wasn't Princess shibri!? Alice please tell it's wasn't her!" Alice nods... "Oh my god... I can't believe I spoke to her..."

Amy walked up the stairs her Blue hair waved behind her stunning every stunning walking past her, she had a confident glow and a light glowing with courage! She laid her Emerald eyes on the beautifully designed door and knocked on it. "Come in" She opened the doors.

Charly didn't notice her presence. We just bobbing his head while he read his book. Jade nudges him. Charly looks at her and back to Jade.

"This is Princess Shibri from the star section of grade 7" Charly raised an eyebrow. "First name Amy? Charly I don't how this doesn't ring a bell" he snaps his finger.

"Hi Kuya!" He waved his hands. "wait you two..."

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