Chapter 65: Riley the soft Leader [Shorts!]

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Charly stared at the Piano upside down for about 2 minutes and it was making his head hurt...

"What do you think he is Planning?" Riley asked Kris. (Trying to get a headache?)

He said eating the Still powdered Milo. "Oh, can I have some?"

(Go get your own) He said. "Come on give her some" Ana Jumps in. "Yeah... You heard him"

(..... Sorry) he walked to where Charly was Sitting. "Get back here!" Riley shouted. (You can't hurt me) he said sitting down next to Charly "watch me!" Riley raised her hand, She brought it down! (I told you) She couldn't do it... she just couldn't.

"AARRRRGGHH! FINE I'LL MAKE MY OWN!" She walked away angrily. "you know for a delinquent leader who is known for her violence, you sure don't show force, you are known for..." Ana chimed in. "shut up!"

(she's like that) "you shut up too!" Charly also agreed with them. "Now You're taking their side" (we aren't wrong...)

"No! you are wrong very wrong!" (prove It) She walked up to Charly... He did dare look up... she picked him up. "german sup-" Charly hit her weak point on the neck. "eeee!!!" she passed out, She let him go, the fall still hurts it at least beats getting into a coma. Kris lightly bonks her on the head. "owww...." (when I said prove It I didn't mean Suplexing your childhood friend) (sorry about that)

Charly nods and gave a thumbs up.


Charly the Piano Player.

Alice Turned her head to the door... She could hear a quiet Piano playing Outside... she stood up and rubbed her eyes... she Walks out of the room. The place was dark and only one light came from the end of the room... She walked closer to the light and the sound of the soft piano playing was getting louder and louder with a very proper step down the hallway.

the tune was unfamiliar to her, it would go from fast then to slow again then completely stop. It was unchained and it had no direction, Just like the wind, It changes. She finally reached the room where the Piano was playing. Charly was sitting down and quietly humming.

She sat down where the couch was and Watched him Playing the piano... She laid down on the Couch and Watched, as he Played peacefully. At this time Charly had no Worries... It was early in the morning and he knows nobody would be Awake until later.

He Played and Played... That Alice While she was Listening, Fell asleep by the playing.

Charly Finishes Playing... He stood up and looked at Couch... He saw a sleeping Alice in her pajamas.

Charly Want back and Took a blanket and placed it over her...

He sat down, just sat down, and Waited. He was surprised someone fell asleep to that Tune.

Not long as the clock strikes 6:30. Alice Woke up again. She felt something soft and Gentle Touching her head. She Finally Opened her eyes. It was Charly, He was looking at something else while he was Holding her Hair...

He eventually looks down at her... They made eye contact. Charly just smiled at her, as His Good Morning. "O-oh! G-good Morning..." She continues to lay down on his lap... It was soft...

"Did I Interrupt you?" Charly shakes his Head. She finally sat up again. "You are... Good at playing the Piano, I... Guess now I can Critic you on your playing" she Joked... They both said Quiet... She sighed and tried her Luck on this Game, she Leans on Charly's shoulder. He was startled but Didn't mind it.

"Can I stay like this for a while? Who knows I might fall asleep again"


The Band room.

"Charly on keys... Heal on Guitar... Riley on drums... Me on bass..." Ana was talking to himself again. It's not an uncommon thing. (What about me?)

"Vocals?" (Ehhh... I think the Girls got that job down) he Pointed at Jade and Alice with his Thumb.

"I... Can't really hit high notes..." Jade said "And me too, For a girl my Voice is Actually pretty deep," Alice said.

"Come on you two... Clearly wants this?" He was Split with the idea of playing in Infront of a Crowd.

"Jade can sing to soprano you know and if she wanted to she can Sing up to falsetto"

(Good Idea and Alice Can Provide the deeper parts all be it Quiet)

"Sounds like a plan! Charly you're Call?" He Approved it.

"So how should we Get about doing this?"

"I dunno play of each other?" Heal said...

Kris watching them. (Do you even know what you're doing?) [Nope]

"I think we should like cover songs!" Ana said. Charly was fine with that! "Alright then Killer Queen!" Jade laid down her song


Charly Begins to play the first few notes of the song.

"Hold on! There Queen Fanboy. What are the chords?" Heal asked.

After a While of "Practice", they finally decided to finally Play Together.

Kris was their spectator in this 1st session of Playing, He watched as They Messed up failed, and miss, but even after all that. he could feel the passion in them.

They Finish playing.

(Quite... Admirable... It's not the best playing... But with time I think you can get there, you missed a couple of notes here and there you messed up here... And you forget here... But hey Nobody this was going to be Easy)

"You're one to talk, you're not doing anything!"

"Actually... He can Remix and mix Stuff-" (quiet! That's our secret!) "Whoops..."

"Too late now she spoke too much!"
(Unreliable Girlfriend)


Jade is "Average"

"That's not safe you..." Jade said. Charly catches the Knife he was Flipping around. It wasn't sharpened... So he had no Concern about getting hurt, if it was sharp he wouldn't dare.

Charly just continues to stare at her. "Alice has a Wonderful singing voice," Ana said. He seemed to be in a trance. "Uhhh... Thank you but it's nothing special really..."

Charly was also Impressed. "Like I said It's nothing special... Jade is the one who is really special"

"Hehehe... Yeah, But Really you are also a great singer" she said. "I'm nothing but an average girl" 

Everyone just looked at her.


the end.

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