Chapter 21: Copycat

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"good Noon, Mr. President" Angelice greeted him, He waved at her. "Those plans you proposed for the Christmas party, was approved" She informed him about it. "tell everyone, please that would have a small talk later afternoon, to just talk and finalize the plans" he wrote down on his phone

"Very well," she wrote on her notebook for a reminder. "and it looks like, that's all our task..."  She said. She looks at him... He was holding his lunch box.

"We're you planning to eat in the Council room?" He nods. "may I join, you?" She asked. He nods, "Wonderful, you can just wait for me, while I get mine" she said walking away. Charly takes a deep breath, and enters the Council room.

He walked up to his seat, on meet desk, he observed the red velvet fabric... It was soft and  comfy... Perhaps he didn't it notice it, the first time, but this room was probably more Expensive than any classroom, in the Entire school.

The High quality walls and floor, the Polish, the red curtains laced with Gold trims, the furnishings, The carpets, the windows, bookshelf, and even the pens were of the highest degree of quality... Though I bet the science room is more expensive than this... He placed his lunch down before he sat down and waited, while he waited he ponders...

'am I living in a fairy tale?' he asked himself... he shook his head, but the thought still remained... Those he live in a fairy tale?

He placed it at the back of his mind and begin to hum quietly to himself... After about a minute or two of waiting, Angelice finally made it. She smiled at him.

He looks away... 'it's a mirror, I hate it...' he coughed, Wondering if she was female copy of him. The way she walked, the smile, the walk, the formality, and the looks. He waves at her... She waved back with the same motion...

No it was getting weird. She sat down next to him... "Apology, for making you wait..." She said opening her lunch... The smell of a mother's cooking, he could tell that her mother knows how to cook good food...

"Am, being to formal?" He shakes. "Are you sure, you seem to be bothered by me"

He looked away annoyed. 'this girl, can read me, like a book' She giggled... He let a quiet sigh, before opening his lunch.

"How, have you been?" She asked... He  typed out his response... "That's good to hear as for me, I've been great..."

"Say, Do you have any hobbies? Just asking..." he once again typed out his response... "Reading books, and instrument is what it could be boiled down too" He said... She raised her eyebrows. "You play What kind?" "Piano"

She was impressed... "It's nothing much, really"

"Just playing one is already big enough..." He rolled his eyes.

Where's my Gift!!!:

"Hmmm, mother always makes the best food!" Angelice said as she cleaned up, the table with Charly...

"You go on, Ahead Mr. President, I'll clean up, no problem..." He raised a hand. "Your sister is waiting outside..." He turns behind him... Chilly was indeed standing on the hall outside of Red Council. He rolls her eyes.

"Have you gotten my gift yet!?" She asked furiously. He stares at her blankly, before sighing and walking with her.

"Don't worry, Mr. President, I can handle the clean-up" she waved goodbye to him, he waves back.

"Where is it huh!?" She asked climbing on him. 'get down' he tried to shake her off but she didn't moved. She clinged like a monkey high up on the trees.

"Where's my gift!!!" She screamed. "I don't have it yet" he typed out. "Oh! Ok! Then!" She smiled and leaped off. "See at home!" She waved goodbye.

He wasn't surprised... This was common December, especially since her gifts are the most extraordinary gifts.

Burn the Wich!:

Ana slammed his hands on the Desk. "I came up with a new game!" He said.
Heal rolled his eyes, already knew what was going to happen.

"It's called the who's the Wich! The basics of is that there's a player who is a Wich! And through clues hidden All over the school that the Wich left all, they are a Total of five clues, after a week the other players must come together and give up all the clues they found and discuss who is the Wich, if they Guess correctly they win and if they guess incorrectly they lose! Simple right!?"

He looked around. "Sorry we can't play, right now we have a lot to discuss later and the periodical exams are coming up" Jade said flipping her book over, while Charly was thinking about the party for this December.

"Heal, atlas, Kris?" (Our schedules are busy, sorry) Ana was in State of disbelief and shock... He understood and sat down at his seat and sat there with a smile.

An Friend to friend chat:

Heal sighed, as he sips his coffee on the counter a quiet day on shop and a whenever it is a quiet it's usually a boring day.

"Morning heal!" Chilly greeted him, out of nowhere... "Good Morning, what do you want?"

"A chat!" She said. "What do you want to chat About?"

He asked her, she's not the best person to but at least it's better than, Handsome boy over here.

"Anything!" She said. "the do you want to talk about-"

"Oh! Parrots!!!" She said. It probably better to talk to handsome boy over at least he listens...

"Do parrots really talk!?" She begins to blabbering on about this and that, Eventually the topic of older siblings. "hey, cutie are you even listen!?" She asked.

"Don't call me that..." He said "and yes I've been paying attention" he continued.

"Right, you said too me that have an older sister! Right?" He nods. "yes she's sixteen"

"What school does she Got to?" "Uhh... Let's talk about something else..." 

"No, I said what school does she go to?" She lowered her voice a little.
"Hmmm? Tell me heal..."

"Well, at... Escura of course where else!" He put on a fake smile. "Then, where is her file in the student council files?"

"Perhaps she hasn't been fully made yet and the author needs a while to-"

"Listen Cutie, one more slip up and we might get terminated..." She said shushing him.

"Charly..." He sighed and pulled her away. "Good talk, heal!" She waved goodbye...

The end.

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