Chapter 37: A day with Miss Angelice #2

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"wooo! that was fun! to listen! and that was just one part of the performance!" Jo said, He happily continues to explore. 

"that's another one, Where to next boss?" She asked, Charly had two more clubs in mind. "The Anime Club and then the Art Club" He said, "big fan?" He nods. "ok then, I've been looking to see their Manga collection" Angelice leading the way. 

"Ooohhh Anime!? do you have any favorites?" Jo asked "I'd rather not tell"  Angelice and Charly said. "huh!? why not?" 

"Personal reasons" They quickly responeded. 'so fast!' The short trip was mostly quiet. they arrived to the door of the Anima club and they they coule feel the Cold of the air conditioner Hit their Feet.

"A chilly room! I could use it it's quite hot today" Jo said Happily opened the door of to the clubroom, the cool air blasted their face relieving them of the hot weather outside, inside the clubroom was a large T.V. in the room lighting up the the dark and lightless room.

"Excuse us?" Angelice tapped on the wall with her knocks, this alerted them as they didn't expected anyone of come here let alone three members from the Student Council. They immediately turned off the TV and flick the switch turning on the lights.

The room was decorated in Hd quality Pictures of Husbandos on the Left side of the and Waifus on the other. They had their Manga Collection on one of their shelves. "Quite the Decor" Angelice Joked.

"Aha! Welcome! Welcome!" A girl greeted them, they assumed that this girl was the leader of the club.

"Good afternoon, May I ask where your manga Collection is?" Angelice asked her, she crossed her arms. "Ooh! And where are the Figures?"

"Over there by the closet" Jo smiled and happily hopped towards the Figures, ready to admire it.

"As for us?" "Over there!"

She nervously lead them to it. "Can we take any?" "But these are-" Charly took out his wallet. "Ready to talk prices?" Angelice questioned her.


"You liar" Angelice said, as they left the Anime club. "you said you didn't have 600 on you but you have a two thousand in pocket"

"Hardwork plays well" Charly responded to her angry statement. "You really hiding behind a mask, And underneath it is a lair and Manipulator!"

Charly rolled his eyes. "well then Let's get out of here... And go to the Art club" Her voice was agitated at this display of attitude. The slow trip was mostly a quiet one they ran out of topics to discuss. as for jo...


"Heh!? you don't like this one!?" 


The reached the door of the art club and already, the outside was decorated with beautiful art pieces and colors. They took a moment to admire the paintings on the wall. "these is some talent" Angelice commented, Charly nods at her statement. "I wonder if they commission paintings for Students" she walked backed to the door and quietly knocks. 

"hopefully we didn't disrupt anyone" Charly wrote down, "unlikely... but who knows but them" they both waited for someone to open the door but no one came to the door. Charly decided to knock again- "why, hello you two!" The door opened to Alberich with a painting of himself. "Afternoon sir, may I inquire?" Angelice pointed towards the painting

"aha!- No, Anyways what brings you here? a Painting for two?" "actually, we came for-" "great!" He pulled them both inside. suddendly they were the lastest models of the Art club. 

"so what are we suppose to do again?" Angelice asked as they were sat down on the stools, "just sit there and look pretty!" The President told them. Charly, on the inside was ready to implode Taking pictures is hard enough but him being painting is another level... but in the outside he seems ok. 

for the members they took their pretty time on painting this portrait on them, This might be the only time these two will come here ever again! 




*ding!* Charly got bored with sitting down on the stool... 'Already Bored 2 minutes in...' He looks the around with his eyes, 'I need something interesting happen...' He locked eyes with Angelice, Normally he wouldn't mind, but he relize how close they both were to each other. 

"!!!" that Made him jump, "hehe, I didn't mean to scare you" Charly took a moment to process what happened. His face had more expression now then before.

Angelice quietly Giggles at his face. Charly heard it but didn't comment.


Charly walked out holding his Favorite painting signed by the Artist, it was a marvelous piece of art. 

"Colorful, Pleasing and tasteful" those were his words written down on paper. The Club member passed out when He Praised their work.

"So are you taking it home or?" Charly Already knew where to put it. "Decor" He said. "for the Council room?" He nods at her Questions.

He starts to walk back to the student council room. While on the walk to the third floor. Angelice has a question.

"Charly, What do you think about yourself?" She asked... Charly looked away and lowered his head. "is it a bit to personal?" He didn't answer again.

"I'll take that as a yes" She let go of the questions. "You know, when you got scared early, your Expression was quite funny, It made me wonder... Why aren't more Expressive?"

Charly found it weird that she brings this up. "Well, looking at your face, you look pretty intimidating... That soul pricing glare, those angry brows, and overall you look pretty Annoyed" She pointed out.

Charly coughed and began to think long and hard for his New default Expression.

His eye opened with glee, He turned to her and asked Angel to close her eyes.

"Done?" He clapped his hands. She Opened her eyes and was meet with a Cute face staring back at her. Charly's new Default looked more Calmer, his Eyes had a caring look to them, his Brows were more relaxed, and his mouth had a little smile to it.

"I..." She looked away, she just gave a thumbs up.

To continued- the end.

Flowers are pretty

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