Chapter 22: Clumsy, Unlucky Jade

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"good morning-" Jade slipped seemingly on the newly floor waxed floor. Charly catch her before she hit her head on the edge of the chair.  "Oh... Hehe, t-thanks... Charly" She recomposed Herself. She sat down, "is this what the classroom, looks like when your early?" Mr. Smiley asked. 

"since when were you here?" Jade stared at him, "Ever since Charly was here!" confetti flew out, "not to worry! I'll clean it up!" 

"Let me help you..." Jade said as she stood up. Charly decided to join in as well, Jade and Charly walked to the closet. "you know, I feel more clumsy today" Charly with a smug look. "what's with that look!?" 

"SPG officer, who are available at this hour, you are being called to the Council room" Alberich's voice rang out in the speaker, "what is it? the student council or SPG" Charly shrugs. "You can go on ahead! I can clean it myself!" Atlas said, Charly and Jade out of the Classroom. the two walked quietly to the stairs. Jade takes at step on the stairs. "watch out!"- 

she was drenched in water... "oh! so sorry!" The student bows... "ohhh... no, please don't tell him! that I messed up the mixed" She said as she ran away, "Sorry! again!" Jade sighed, "looks my luck also got effect" she looked at Charly he looked sick... "are you ok!?" She worried, He seemed to struggled to breath, He covered his nose and coughed... 

"is something wrong?! tell me..." Charly opened his mouth... "that, mix... t-that s-student spilled on... I-I think *cough* that was strong purfume... don't worry about me... i-it's just my asthma It's nothing severe..." He walked further away from her. she smelled her unifrom... She pulled it away of her nose... "you're right that is strong..." 

"may, may... what happened to you?" Alberich asked, "I got strong purfume spilled on me" Jade said. "that doesn't sound bad" He said, "at least now you'll smeel nicer than you are" He joked as he turns to Charly. "are you alright mr. president?" He nods as his breathing returned to normal... 

"hmmm... come on then you two, let's go"


the three open walked in through the door of the Red Council. "Good morning, Sir Alberich" Angelice Greeted him. "May I ask, what you called us for?" she asked, "nothing to special... just a quick outfit change is all"  He walked to the cabinet on the left and opened it, there a set of newly tailored of their unifrom, it was more darker, with a red outline and Golden colors of the Unifrom made them standing out...

"enjoy!" Alberich said, "hmmm, must we wear this everyday? Since well..." Angelica raised a brow. "Yes" he simply responded... "So we have to wear the same uniform?" Jade asked, Alberich Gave her a smile. "dear sister of course not... We made five of course" He said... Jade just stared annoyed.

"Well I guess, I should change off" Charly walked back in the Room wearing his Council Uniform.

It's was opposite of the colors, It was the color of a raven, almost entirely black with a red outline and Golden colors for the school insignia and buttons on his Polo...

His pants instead of being a ugly brown it was now a dark shade of Black.

He has a face of pure comfort... "Since when did you, get in that?" Jade asked

He shrugs off. "Back with the shrugs..." She mumbled to herself... She takes a step forward, he slips and Falls on the expensive wood floor, she stood. "My bad..." She slowly made her way to the closet and Grabbing the hanger... It snapped in half... She sighed and just took it...

She walked to them, "hold these for me" she took off her, accessories... "Since when did you buy, Necklaces and Bracelets?"

Alberich asked, "mom gave, it me" she said walking past him. "watch you step..." Alberich warned, she once again tripped and was in course to hit...


Charly hits the floor, Jade was next to him faced first on the floor... Charly smelled the strong perfume... He was now incapable of standing... Mostly of the shortness...

"Oh dear me..." Angelice Helped Charly up... "Let's get you a seat, Mr. President" she said as helped him to his seat...

"Come on let's go" Alberich said helping his younger sister up, the two walked out of the room...


Trading Items:

"Are you feeling better?" Angelice asked him as the two walked to their classroom... He nods, "that's wonderful to hear... Say, have you seen one of those phone cat chain?" She asked... He nods, as he takes out his phone. "Oh, that's a nice, I wished I had that" she said. He thought for a moment, this might be a stupid Idea but here it goes. He tapped her shoulder. "Do you have the little lord's rule?" He wrote down, "oh, I do! It's a good read" she said with a smile.

"I could trade my phone chain for that Book" she gave it some thought and It wouldn't hurt, "sure why not, Let's go to my classroom and get the book from my bag"

The two soon arrived, at the 7-A Model Class of the 7th grade. She stopped at the door.

"Don't worry, My classmates are nice people they, won't bite" She reassured him as she opened the door...

"Everyone! Charly has entered our room! The lord has blessed us!!!" Someone called, everyone turned and ran to him... Charly's still after this happening one to many times, he still hasn't got used to it.

He was a about to faint... Before, He was pulled out of the crowd, "Calm down everyone" Angelice voice stood amongst the delusional students, they stood quietly like a loyal army.

"Don't mind them, Mr. President" she said. Charly hugged, 'you life saver you could have saved me from an embarrassing diaster!!!' he thank the heavens above for her.

She turned red, her current situation Infront everyone...

He pulled out quickly and looked away... "Hahaha... Her you are Mr. President..." She hands him the book, Charly took and gave her the Cat chain.

He smiled and walked off, she couldn't make eye contact with him for the rest of the day.

She sits, down and process the events that happened.

"Hey, Angelice how did that hug feel" one of her Classmates asked, soon Enough the Entire class was beginning to ask her questions...


Just a kiss:)

Heal stood in the quiet and empty Restaurant... "Seriously Charly, why do we have to stay in this empty Restaurant for a the entire day when the only Time, it's actually entertaining to be here is in the afternoon!" Heal ranted, Charly listened as he couldn't to rant and rant.

"Can you my blood pumping please?" Charly smirked and pulled him closer, "huh? W-wait I'm not ready yet!" Heal said, as red began to fill his face and cheeks.

Charly pulled his face closer and closer until the two could only see their eyes... 'oh no he's not going to, what he's going to do?' he closed his eye, he feel something peck his check, It was soft like a lip... Charly walked away.

Heal opened his eyes, "you didn't right?" Charly looked back with a smug smile.

Heal passed out... In reality though, It was actually just Charly's finger, He wrote an apology soon.


"So you didn't, actually... Kiss me?" He shook his head. "Hahahahahahaha!!! Of course!" His face was mix between being aroused, angry, sadness.

Study session:

"Mr. President would you accompany me to a one on one study session?" Secretary Angelice asked, Him.

"Sure I would like too" she smiled, "alright tomorrow at your house?" She asked. He nods, "alright then, see you tomorrow Mr. President" she said as she packed her things and left the Council room.

Jade walks by her, she could a sense of envy wash over her... But she doesn't know why...

"Hey, got any plans tomorrow?" "I have a study session with Angelice" she found out the reason...

"Wait... No-"

The end.

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