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I opened my curtains as I yawned and got ready for the day. Just the normal routine. Get up. Get dressed. Make my bed. Brush teeth. Eat. Meditate and finally start training.

"What a bother." I muttered.

It was still dark outside and the moon was still visible by a bit. Besides, it was winter so what else did I expect?

I strolled out of my room and closed the wooden door behind me. In front of me stood my master; the one who was teaching me a special type of breathing.

He was not the shortest in the world but he wasn't the tallest either. He had black hair with a few grey strands visible in the light. He didn't even look that old.

He had been practising this type of breathing for years and, surprisingly, he was the first to ever use it. He wasn't recognised for it though. Not even by the Slayer Corps.

"You coming with me to Ogisha today?" I asked him to clear the silence.

"You need to train today. You're getting weak." He replied.

"How so?"

"There is a star or planet above you about 3 million year away which-"

"I came here to learn a breathing style... not astronomy..." ಠ_ಠ.

As he rambled on about his research on unnecessary information, I looked around the room looking for my haori - or rather half of it.

I used to have a whole one before I fought my first demon. It was so aggressive to the point it dragged me by my clothing and ripped it. I decided to keep it and not ask for a new one so I made it neater and sowed the edges. I have to wear a belt around my waist when I put it on so it doesn't fall off. 

But then I saw it, hanging on the coat rack by the front door. The purple fading into a deep black with white dots covering it.

As you probably guessed, my master did insist I got that exact one.

So I reached for it and put it on neatly on top of my clothes.

"You coming then?" I repeated my question.

He stopped his rambling and nodded his head.

We both put our sandals on and went outside of the house. I waited for him to lock everything up and the urge to leave without him was immense. But then I wouldn't be able to go back without a punishment. So I managed to live with it.

Soon enough he finished and met me in the garden. He held a long rod of wood which had two opening at both ends.

He knelt down on one knee and held it up to me so I could take it. It was my scythe with a blade at either end. Much more easier to use than to use a sword.

I took it out the man's hands and gripped it before sliding it into a large pouch that was on my belt. I picked up my master and held him under my arm.




"Star Breathing; third form; Universal Time Stop."

There was a massive pulse that flew across the Earth. Everything it touched was frozen in time apart from the one who cause it, me.

That should give me at least 30 seconds to a minutes worth of time.

Considering my speed, I should be able to almost reach Ogisha.


"I see you have almost mastered that skill then Hagakarē." My master told me.

"My name is (Y/n). Call me that."

"Oi! I tell you what to do!"

"Oh and look at that. We are already here." I said trying to block out my master's voice.

I stood in front of the house where my uncle was. It was such a shame he was housed in such a loud and noisy village. Goodness knows how he managed to sleep at night.

I knocked on the door and waited for someone to answer but there was nothing. My auntie should've answered it already.

"Hey are you listening to me?!"

I covered his mouth and hinted him to stay quiet. I closed my eyes and put my ear against the door.

There was a slight shuffle from inside and that's when I knew something wasn't right.

I kicked the door down with all the strength and it flew open. There on the floor was my uncle. He was in a position where he looked like he was reaching for something. I immediately dropped my master from under my arm and went to help my uncle.

"What happened?!" I asked as I put his arm around my shoulders and helped him back to his bed.

"I tried to warn her not to go." He replied gently.

"Auntie P? Where did she go?" I asked.

"She went out of town to find you! She doesn't even know where you stay!"

"Why did she went to find me?" I laid him down on his bed and tucked him under the covers.

"We needed medicine and she couldn't find any in the village. She left when it was still very dark!" He yelled. "I've not seen her since!"

I sighed.

"Master. Go report this to the police."

"Excuse me?! You don't tell me what to do!"

"Does this look like the time to be debating this issue?!" I shouted.

He didn't say anything and instead did what I told him.

The sun was only just starting to rise which meant that my auntie had left quite a while ago. If so, she would've been back by now.

I knelt down next to my uncle and put my hand on his. "We can only assume the worst. But even so, we need to find her."

I get up and make my way to the door. "I'm going to get some food for you. If I don't return in half an hour, tell my master when he returns to not look for me."

"What makes you say that all of a sudden?" My uncle asked.

"I just have a really bad feeling something bad is going to happen."


꧁Dᴀɴᴄɪɴɢ Wɪᴛʜ Tʜᴇ Sᴛᴀʀs꧂ (Demon Slayer x reader) || DISCONTINUED ☹️Where stories live. Discover now