꧁First Mission꧂

943 19 5

A couple days passed and I was ready to go. What was the holdup then? Why was this taking so long?!

I didn't have the patience for this. I had better places to be than this and I had waited long enough. I was still in the same place I was a couple days ago.

"You just have to wait (Y/n)!" Tanjiro tried to reassure me. "Even if it doesn't come today, it'll come tomorrow!"

I was already dressed in the clothes Shinobu provided me with. It was just the uniform but for girls? It had a short skirt that just about covered me to my thigh and the shirt revealed some of my breasts. I guess that's how it was made.

"I'm off to go find that crow and drag it by the beak!" I tried to break loose from Tanjiro's grip.

"You were specifically told to stay here weren't you?!"

"I've got places to be!"

Soon enough, the crow did end up coming a little after Tanjiro and the others left for their missions - something about a 'Mugen Train'. It's journey wasn't too far from where I was heading.

I better go check up on them when I'm done. Jumping on the back of it won't harm no one.

So off I went with my scythe and half-haori and my crow. The damn thing wouldn't stop following me everywhere; probably making sure I didn't go anywhere I'm not meant to.

"South-West! South-West! Head towards Ogisha Village!" The crow yelled in my ear. "People mysteriously dying one after the other in various ways said to be caused by a demon!"

Ogisha... Village? Damn.

I ran as fast as I could with every step taking more energy and driving me faster.




"Star breathing; third form; Universal Time Stop."

Everything stopped. Including the bird. This encouraged me to speed up, so I did. How did I not see this coming?

It all made sense. My auntie disappeared all of a sudden without a trace and now this? I had to find my uncle and master quick. 

The sun could be seen through some distant trees and was sinking below the horizon. How convenient.

I managed to make it just before anything started to move again and immediately started to look for my uncle's house.

"Sunset! Sunset! Better be quick!"

"Shut up! People don't want to see talking birds around here. Besides, how'd you even get here so fast?"

"Can't let you out of my sight!"

"Be quiet!"


Knock. Knock.

"You should be looking for the demon-!"

"Shut up! I have more important matters to attend to!"

Eventually, the crow did stay quiet for quite some time as I looked around the house for my uncle but he was no where to be seen.

I hit my fist against the wall. "Dammit!"

A shiver went down my spine. That demon was definitely around the area and definitely wasn't weak. I ran outside and looked around carefully for any abnormalities.

I closed my eyes and listened to everything carefully. There was a distant cry coming from south of Ogisha - where the forest was.

I ran as fast as I could, pushing people out of the way and getting closer to the shout. I needed to find out who this was before anyone gets hurt.

The trees that were in the area were too many and the cries continued to echo around. There was only one way to find out who was behind all this.




"Star Breathing; fifth form; Star Cluster."

I moved my scythe to the side of my body as little dots started clump together by it. When I felt there was enough energy, I swung my scythe as hard as I could forward and back to the other side of my body. The white dots grew as they were separated from the scythe and spread out, blowing anything away that got in their way.

Tree after tree fell down in an instant, leaving neat and even cut trunks sticking up from the ground. I could see everything that was hiding now if it hadn't been hit by that attack.

Surprisingly, there was a person there. In fact, there were multiple people? They didn't even look human anymore. There was a light green monster with black hair and an awful frown on his face.

Is this the demon?

I took a few steps closer before stopping again. The only reason there were so many civilians is because they were all dead! Held by vines on trees or being impaled by sharp stems. They were all dead.

"Shit... how did I not see this before?"

"Two more humans... just two to make it into HIS presence." The demon muttered. "Looks like I've found the last one."

"My uncle. Where is my uncle?"

The demon shrugged.

"Where is the person that couldn't do anything or fight back when you took him?!" I yelled.

"I have quite a few of those." He said before clapping his hand. A thorn bush grew from the ground in front of me along with body pieces: a head, torso and legs. They were obviously from the same person but no one I knew.

He lifted his hand out to the side and a large vine continued to grow from his palm. "Or would it happen to be this guy?"

The vine retracted back into his palm as it also dragged someone to him. He was held by his neck and licked on the cheek by the demon before being lifted into the air and hanged by the foot on a branch. My poor uncle.

"I was planning on eating him now but I guess that'll have to wait."

I gripped my scythe.




"Star Breathing; Second Form; Whirlpool Galaxy."

꧁Dᴀɴᴄɪɴɢ Wɪᴛʜ Tʜᴇ Sᴛᴀʀs꧂ (Demon Slayer x reader) || DISCONTINUED ☹️Where stories live. Discover now