꧁First Encounters꧂

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I strolled through the town and soon enough found myself near the main market. There were many, many people to the point you wondered if they all really stayed here.

At least I knew my way around and knew a few people.

"Is that you (Y/n)?" A shaky voice called from a stall behind me.

I turned around to see an old lady holding boxes stacked on top of each other.

I immediately rushed over to her. "Here. Let me carry them."

I took the boxes of the woman and followed her to where she wanted them put.

"I'm glad you remembered my name." I laugh.

"How could I ever forget your name? People in the village have been waiting for you to return." She told me.

"Really? What are they saying?"

"Just saying how helpful you are and how grateful they are when you help around." She explained.

"I actually come here to look after a family member. I do what I can to help!" I smiled at her.

"Here, take this." She took my hand and hung a bag on it. "It's got food in it so go and look after whoever you need to."

"Thank you so much!" I took the bag and started to walk away, waving back at the woman.

As I turned around and made my way back, I heard a strange conversation I don't think I was meant to hear.

"Someone in this village has an illegal weapon!" There was a very high pitched voice. "Find them quickly! Quickly!"

"Do you have a description at least?!" And there was a deeper voice that sounded very rough.

I kept on walking, hoping to not encounter these two.

"She has (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes. She is wearing a half haori! She has a big weapon which is attached to her belt! Now go! Squawk!"

That description describes me! And is that a bird? ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)

I sprinted from there and reached my uncle's house. Without explanation, I unpacked everything in the bag and later it on the table that was near my uncle. My master was already there too.

"Listen, I've got to go for a while. I'm being tracked and they already know what I look like. I will come to visit soon. Master, look after him." I said swiftly before I legged it out of there.


I ran and ran til I found a building that had no people around. I couldn't sense anyone either.

I took the time I had to take out my scythe and put two new blades in on either side. Was this what I put years of training into? I didn't even know what was going on.

I hit the centre of the wood that held my scythe together with my knee, breaking it into two. This should've been even easier to use now.

I hold both parts behind my back and step out from the shadows, trying to act normal.

"You wouldn't happen to be (Y/n) would you?" That same deep voice came from behind me.


He had messy white hair and scars all over his body and face. His eyes were wide with purple dots for pupils. He wore a black uniform which was unbuttoned on his chest and a white haori which was tucked in. The most freaky part was his expression - a very sinister smile. It wasn't a happy smile though.

I ignored him and walked away in the other direction, hoping he wouldn't cause trouble for me.

"You've gone through hell with the demons haven't you?"

I stopped walking.

"My master only wants to see you about that. So don't make this hard and come with me."

"Liar. You want to take me somewhere cause I have a scythe!" I yelled and revealed my scythes.




"Star breathing; second form; Whirlpool Galaxy."

I lifted one of my scythes in the air and the other below it and made a circle. A miniature galaxy was created and spun towards the man.

It shouldn't hurt him generally, but the fall will.

As expected, he blocked my attack but he was lifted into the air by it. Next thing I knew, he was falling at a rapid rate towards the ground.

Who is this guy anyway? He looks a bit too... normal to be looking for me?

He landed on the ground harshly to the point you could feel it shake. The thing that surprised me the most was: he didn't seem to take any damage?!

He stood up with an even bigger and scary grin on his face. It almost made me back up since I knew shit was about to get real.

"Looks like I'm gonna need back up, don't I?!"

Huh? What does he mean by that?

Loud noises of destruction could be heard in the distance followed by a rumbling in the ground. I kept my guard up, looking around constantly for any sign of attack.

The ground wasn't being destroyed so maybe something from above? It sounded like it was coming from behind me. The sound of trees being knocked over in one hit got closer and closer.

I turned around and saw something head straight towards my legs in an instant. I jumped as high as I could, hoping to miss this object. Thankfully, I did.

I turned back toward the white-haired boy and saw that he had to jump to. I took a closer look at the object and saw it was a spiked flail connected to a chain.

How did that manage to get thrown that far and not touch the ground?! That could've killed me!

"My bad, Sanemi." Another voice came from the direction the flail came from. "If only this child had stayed at home..."

I turned back to see who it was. There was a massive man who had a scar across his forehead and looked blind. He wore the same uniform as the other boy but with a green haori with words on it. Not to mention the beads he hung around his neck.

I stepped back from the two quite a bit. These two knew what they were doing and would probably crush me whenever.




"Star Breathing; third form; Universal Time Stop."


꧁Dᴀɴᴄɪɴɢ Wɪᴛʜ Tʜᴇ Sᴛᴀʀs꧂ (Demon Slayer x reader) || DISCONTINUED ☹️Where stories live. Discover now