꧁The Hashiras꧂pt1

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It was day two of having to stay in bed all day. The one who looked after me, Aoi, said I'd be starting to walk again tomorrow; but I didn't have the time for that.

I needed to leave.

Tanjiro, Zenitsu and Inosuke had disappeared to their training so that left me time to get going without hassle. It couldn't have been that bad to the point I couldn't walk so I swung my legs over the side of the bed and slowly stood up.

"This is probably why I am not the one to make decisions. (;'༎ຶٹ༎ຶ')." I groaned to myself.

My back ached and pained with any slight movement my body made. My head was heavy to lift and my neck was stiff. But I needed to push through it.

One step at a time, I made my way down a long corridor trying to find an exit.

Where even am I? This place doesn't look familiar at all.

Footsteps could be heard coming towards me. They were gentle and light which meant it was most likely a girl.

As predicted, it was. A girl with a side ponytail and a kind face turned a corner and walked past me. I tried not to draw suspicion to myself and walk 'normally'.

She didn't say anything. To be honest, she didn't even look at me. So I turned the corner and out of her sight. I needed to collect my scythe and clothes back before I could leave, otherwise Yakushora would kill me. He was the person who makes my scythes each year. Goodness knows what he'd do if I lost this one early.

There was a door at the end of the corridor which was probably the way out so I headed towards it. Little grunts and shouts came from the other side and got louder as I approached.

What is going on?

I gently opened the door just a bit and peaked through the gap. Tanjiro, Inosuke and Zenitsu were training in a large hall with some girls; they were doing push ups, flexibility training and many other things.

I almost had to cover my mouth to prevent myself from laughing.

"Ara ara~" A voice said in my ear. "Who do we have here?"

I didn't hear anyone come from behind! Not a single sound from anywhere!

I spun around and started to fall backwards since she was so close. Who exactly was this?!

She swiftly moved one of her hands under my back and held one of my wrists to prevent me from falling any more. I stared at her.

She had black hair that faded into purple at the end. Her eyes were also purple with white at the top. Her haori was patterned like butterfly wings and her hair pin was also a butterfly. Her smile was gentle but she seemed to never stop.

"We don't really want to be disturbing their training now do we?" She asked as she brought me to stand up again.

"Thank you... I guess." I told her. "Would you know where my clothes are and where the exit is for this place?"

"Wait, you're the one Sanemi and Gyomei caught the other day." She said. "You should be resting and awaiting your trial soon."

I sighed and walked past her until I reached where the two corridors met. I held out my hand to the side and waited a couple seconds before something came whizzing straight at me. I managed to grip it before it could hit me; it was my scythe.

It would always find its way to me if I get too far away. No one knows what Yakushora did to it, but it did come in handy.

I turned back towards her with my double sided scythe behind my back, "I asked for my clothes and the exit."

She had pulled out her sword and pointed it towards me.

"People like me don't take threats here." She said with a reluctant smile.

"I don't care who you are. Just tell me how to get out." I demanded.

"You don't tell me what to do in my estate either."

"How about we take this outside."


The others had heard our conversation and had followed us outside, trying to calm us both down. Obviously, none of us listened and we concentrated on each other.

We were stood on dirt that was lightly coloured and almost looked like sand. It was almost like a very large garden.

"(Y/n)! You don't really want to be challenging a Hashira!" Tanjiro yelled.

I turned to look at him and tilted my head in confusion. "Hashira?"


The lady that was just in front of me was gone.

"Woo! I wanna join in!" Inosuke declared as he jumped around.

Where did she go? I better keep my guard up.

I gripped my scythe and cautiously looked around. If she wasn't around me then she must've been...!

I lifted my scythe blade above my head.


There she was.

Her sword met my blade and she jumped away. Her sword was definitely not the type for slashing through bodies. It looked rather for poking. But why?

"It looks like you have really good reflexes considering your current state." She told me.




"Wait! Don't use your breathing technique!" Tanjiro tried to stop me. "It could hurt you even more!"

"Star Breathing; sixth form; Gam-Ray Bursts."

Spears of light pierced me from every angle until there was no more room for any. Each one felt like a harsh pinch to my skin.

I lifted my scythe and pointed one of the blades towards her. One last beam of light rapidly made its way towards her.

꧁Dᴀɴᴄɪɴɢ Wɪᴛʜ Tʜᴇ Sᴛᴀʀs꧂ (Demon Slayer x reader) || DISCONTINUED ☹️Where stories live. Discover now