꧁Underground Base꧂

385 12 1

Fwip! Fwip!

The last thing I heard before I blacked out. I had remembered seeing clothing material crawl around the room; never thought I would've seen that in my life and there were multiple of them from all directions.

They covered the walls, ceiling, floor and door and probably me as well. But the real question was: where was I?

It was almost like a large, dark room apart from that it had no start or end. Maybe this was a dream?

I need to get back and tell Uzui that Warabihime Oiran is probably the demon. Something isn't right about her!

Which way what I supposed to go? There was no exact direction or way to go - it was either stay here and wait or get lost while trying. I knew which option I was going to pick.

I was going to wait.

So I sat down in the place i was standing in, folded my arms and waited. There was no place to go from here and how was I meant to find a place anyway?!

I stared straight into the abyss, longing for something to happen; but the obvious happened instead (nothing). I let out a big sigh and threw myself on the floor.

What am I supposed to do now?! Everyone could be dead and I'm stuck... here.

Minutes became hours and hours became days and I was stuck in this unpleasant void. That was until there was a gust of wind that brushed against my face.

I looked around and drastically became weaker to the point where I couldn't stand on my own. There was a light, however, that could be seen in the distance. There was no way I was walking over there. Either way, the light was growing which mean it was getting closer; so I didn't have to move.

My body grew weaker and more tired, the bottom half of my legs became numb.

What the hell is going on?

That was my last thought before being engulfed in the approaching light.


My body was weaker than I had anticipated - I couldn't move at all. I could only open my eyes and possibly talk a little. But when I did open my eyes, I saw something blue hanging over my head. I couldn't figure out what - well that was until I saw a head move and look down at me. The situation became clear to me now.

My head was resting on a girls lap and I was looking right up at her - you guessed it - I wasn't even going to put that thought in my mind.

She had black hair with dark blue eyes and she wore blue, sleeveless dress with a very low neckline which exposed her cleavage.

She gasped. "Makio! Makio! She's awake!"

"Took long enough!" Another girl yelled back. She wore a red dress with slits on the sides and had bandages that seemed to cover her legs to work as high-socks. Her hair was brown, tied in a ponytail, and had yellow bangs down the front side of her face.

"C-can you move?!" The black haired girl asked.

"Of course she can't, Suma!" Makio yelled.

These were... Tengen's wives? I guess I found two - or rather they found me.

"That demon definitely didn't want you too leave. It did everything to prevent us getting to you!" Makio explained as she continued to battle off long pieces of moving sashes. Was this the demons Blood Demon Art?

I managed to turn my head and see Inosuke and Zenitsu at the other side of the... cave? We were surrounded by dirt and rocks so I supposed we were.

Zenitsu's eyes were closed and he looked oddly calm, whereas it looked like Inosuke was talking to him and patting his back. It didn't look like Zenitsu was listening either. It was probably for the best.

The earth shook vigorously with us inside. Suma put her hands under by back and held me close so I didn't get hurt by debris. To my surprise, it stopped pretty quickly and it seemed like Tengen had joined the fight too.

He finished the job off quickly by trying to get rid of the floating sash, but it just retreated back from where us came from.

I still had to process and needed to ask many questions. Like where the last wife was? Or where Tanjiro was.

But obviously I couldn't even get up.

꧁Dᴀɴᴄɪɴɢ Wɪᴛʜ Tʜᴇ Sᴛᴀʀs꧂ (Demon Slayer x reader) || DISCONTINUED ☹️Where stories live. Discover now