꧁Dance of the stars꧂

767 19 1

I stood strongly with the feeling of energy running through my veins. There was a loud silence before I made my first move against Akaza.

I have always been banned from using my seventh form by my master because of how 'dangerous' it is. From what Hoshi taught me, 'Dance of the Stars' required me to be in critical condition or near the verge of death but have a certain amount energy for it to work.

"You heard the suicidal girl! Let's get big brother Rengoku out of there!" Inosuke shouted as he charged straight to him. The others followed after him.

My scythe had followed behind me in perfect range for me to grab it. I had made my way so fast towards Akaza that there were faint, frozen clones that slowly disappeared behind me. Akaza had no idea which one was me.

Lucky enough, I was right behind him - in mid air and ready to slice his head off.

I glared at him from behind. A cold look on my face as time seemed to stop. The sun was starting to slowly rise from behind the mountains in the distance meaning if I didn't kill Akaza, he would burn away.

A small laugh came from the demon. "What a great day! Another person with potential!"

I swung my scythe to his neck; there was no way this would miss. That's what I thought anyway. My scythe did pierce his flesh but not his neck; instead it was his arm preventing me from slicing his neck.

I grit my teeth together, trying to put more energy into my arms. The scythe wouldn't go any further. I had to find another way to beat this guy.

My seventh form could be used for a maximum of ten minutes, being the most useful form of them all. After that, I would go into my original state I was in before all this trouble.

I moved away from him and circled him a couple times before deciding my final plan - wear him out. Then came his attack.

I just have to keep him here for a few minutes. Just keep this up!

Akaza charged straight towards me as I quickly did the same thing. He swung his fist at me as I swung my scythe at him. I was fully aware of all his attacks. Even if he did get a hit on me, I wouldn't die.

"I don't have time for this!" The demon yelled to himself as he jumped back.

But I didn't let him get anywhere. I followed in his tracks just as quick as he jumped back. One of my blades pierced him in his chest. I brought myself to move my scythe upwards towards his neck with all my might.

He grabbed the scythe and attempted to pull it out but it didn't work. It was too far in to be pulled out.

"Let go!"

Cut through... Cut through!


A line of fire went past my face but didn't touch me. I could tell from Akaza's face it probably got him. He fell to the ground as his head separated from his body.

"That was awesome..." I whispered to myself as I stared at Rengoku.

"You're the one I saw the other day! What an opportunity to be working with four- no five talented people!" He said.

I held my scythe to my side. "Oh thank you-"

"See how cool big brother Rengoku is?!" Inosuke shouted from across the field.

"He's the best!" Tanjiro joined in.

"It looks like I'll be taking my leave then." We all looked down to see Akaza had gone.

I turned around to see him holding his head in his hands and about to run away. It must've been because of the sunlight.

I gripped my scythe and chased him down the the edge of a nearby forest. It was always the forests that demons headed for.




I held my scythe above my head. "Star Breathing; Fifth Form; Star Cluster."

I swung it down into the ground and a vertical line of dots, that slowly grew, chased the demon down no matter how far he went.

"Damn you, Upper Three! This won't be the last time we will meet!" I shouted knowing he would hear me.

Then something pat the top of my head. "You did well, so relax and wait for help to arrive!"


Soon enough, help did arrive. Those masked people had come to collect us and clear up the wreckage of the train. Many of the came to carry us back to our resting places - that would be Shinobu's house (the Butterfly Mansion). The same would go for Tanjiro, Inosuke and Zenitsu.

The others chatted and discussed about their mission on the Mugen Train while I rested my head on the unknown person's shoulder and didn't say a word.

The others tried to talk to me once in a while but I didn't reply. I just pretended I was asleep.

We were soon separated from Rengoku and taken directly to the Butterfly Mansion where we met Shinobu and her helpers again.

As usual, medicine was handed out for all of us and we were ordered to have some rest before the next mission. But not me though. I had to see if I was worthy enough of becoming a slayer face to face with the Master. But I also had other things in mind.

꧁Dᴀɴᴄɪɴɢ Wɪᴛʜ Tʜᴇ Sᴛᴀʀs꧂ (Demon Slayer x reader) || DISCONTINUED ☹️Where stories live. Discover now