꧁The Trial꧂

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My body was laying on the ground with my head being compressed by something. Sanemi's hand.

How'd he move so quickly? He was never that fast.

I tried to get up but I was no use; I couldn't lift up my head anyway.

"Glad to see you could make it." There was a man with long black hair and wearing a black gown. He had white eyelashes and half of his face was purple? "It's such a beautiful day, isn't it? I wonder if the birds are flying high today."

So this is the Master? Is he blind?

"I'm glad to see you in good health, as well, Master." Sanemi calmed his voice down. Why did he do that? "I fervently pray for your continued good fortune."

There was a short silence.

"Thank you, Sanemi." The Master eventually replied. "I gather this is (Y/n)?"

"Yes Master."

"At last I get to meet her. I've heard a lot already and have come to a conclusion. I would appreciate it if you all accepted it."

All the Hashiras stayed quiet and listened closely to the request.

"(Y/n) will be imprisoned for the use of dangerous weapons. Or she will have the chance to be free and work as a demon slayer."

EHHH?! .

I felt Sanemi's hand lift off my head.

"EHHH?! (⊙.⊙(◉̃_᷅◉᷅)⊙.⊙)" the others yelled.

I looked up to see the Master with his finger in front of his lips; hinting us to be quiet. So we did.

"With all due respect, Master, what makes you think that it's a good idea to let a dangerous person join us?!" Rengoku yelled with a smile.

"Please read out the note, my child."

There was a girl stood by the Master and she had white hair with a yellow accessory in it. Her eyes were wide and purple. She must've been his actual child.

"I see your organisation has taken (Y/n) into custody by force. I have been teaching her a breathing technique also known as the Star Breathing technique. She has pretty much mastered all of her abilities and I think she is ready to join the Slayer Corps if possible. I'm sure she will be alright." Her frail voice announced.

It turned quiet to the point not even a bird chirped.

HEEEEEH?! ヾ(゚д゚)

"From Hoshi Yuudai." The little girl added on.

Not one of the Hashiras spoke. I looked over to see why they were all so quiet and the expressions on their faces said everything. Obviously they knew my master for some reason and didn't expect to hear his name.

I hadn't ever heard my masters name before. 'Hoshi'. But they were more surprised than me.

"You can't mean-!" Sanemi raised his voice.

"He trained this girl?!" Obanai yelled.

"What is the meaning of this?" Shinobu asked.

"It's not a big deal, is it?" I responded.

"Not a big deal?! (╬ಠ益ಠ)"Everyone shouted.

"I didn't even ask to learn it alright!


I sat in front of all the other Hashiras as they sat in a line next to each other. The Master explained how I would join the Demon Slayer Corps if I succeeded in my first mission given especially from him.

What a bother.

The fact my own master just gave me away spun around my head.

Wait til I see that old man. ( )

"Your crow will be given to you in a couple days and you can begin your mission after that. Dismissed." He said with a smile.

"Thanks I guess." I stood up and stretched my arms. "Now then, you might have won the battle but the war ain't over - Sanemi."

I lunged over to him and raised my heel over his head. A smile wiped across my face until I was held back by someone. It was the masked people who help around.

"Oi! Let me at him! He started this!"

"Calm down miss!"

"Hey." A small voice called out. Something hit my head. I looked over to see the boy with blue hair throwing rocks. "Don't disturb the meeting."

I paused.

"Who do you think you are?! Push it too far and I'll be after you too!"

I was eventually dragged away back to the house and reunited with Tanjiro, Inosuke and Zenitsu. I kinda felt bad for those helpers who had to deal with me but they managed.

"So... how'd it go?" Tanjiro asked.

I huffed. "How'd it go? How'd it go?! My own teacher left me in this shithole! How am I meant to..." I trailed off remembering about my uncle.

"How to... what?"

"It's nothing. They said I would join the Corps if I manage to succeed in a mission."

"That's good isn't it? Haven't you been training for this?"

I tucked myself into my original bed and laid there. "I didn't even know about this place. But something tells me there are a lot of secrets hidden around."

꧁Dᴀɴᴄɪɴɢ Wɪᴛʜ Tʜᴇ Sᴛᴀʀs꧂ (Demon Slayer x reader) || DISCONTINUED ☹️Where stories live. Discover now