꧁The Plan꧂

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As I waited, I caught a few eyes fall onto me. This was dangerous for a girl like me to be alone in the middle of a street in this type of district.

I tried to distract myself and hoped Tengen would come back soon; I really hoped I wouldn't have to talk to older men. But that wish shattered almost immediately.

Two grown men approached me and stood either side of me. I was going to react until I remembered what Tengen told us.

"Don't do anything you will regret. We are only here to solve this problem.."

This would mean I would have to act like a normal girl and be gentle instead of fighting back. That would only create more problems.

"You would indeed have price looking like that." One said.

"It's not safe for unemployed girls like you to be seen out here."

"Oh gentlemen please," I giggled slightly. "I am just merely waiting for someone. Thanks for your concern."

"What a shame. We could offer an accommodation in our local house!"

I looked slightly across and saw the boys just staring at my situation. Tanjiro had a worried but determined look on his face whereas Zenitsu was just looking in disappointment. Inosuke was just... there?

Why were they looking like that? Did I do something wrong? And why was Tengen holding the back by their haoris?

"An accommodation? What do you get from this?" I asked.

"A new worker of course! With someone looking like you, you are sure to become an Oiran in your life."

"An Oiran?"

"You did come here for a reason right?"

"And why do you have a big weapon on your back? Are you scared of us that much?"

"Or are you the grim reaper?" The two men laughed at my scythe.

Keep calm. Keep calm.

"I am in fact the grim reaper - but do not tell anyone!"

The two men still laughed. "Well, I'll be on my way." And I walked off heading towards the others

"See boys? She can handle things by herself."

The boys put their guards down and looked around again. "What exactly is this place, then?" Tanjiro wondered.

"An ideal place for a demon to hide." Tengen answered. "This place dazzles in the night and sleeps in the day. Courtesans - known as prostitutes - and sold here due to money problems or poverty. In return, they get food, clothing and lodging and as they climb up through the ranks, richer men buy their contacts."

"So what rank is 'Oiran'?"

"That is the highest rank. This includes the woman being intelligent, beauty and mastering every traditional art. She is the one that time and money is wasted on. Rather a woman of distinction. That's enough explaining. Let's go."

Tengen lead us to a small building without speeding ahead. The word 'Wisteria' was painted on the sheet that acted as a door and we allowed ourselves in.

It was one of the bases provided by the Corps and every inch of it had wisteria in the walls, ceilings and floors. No demon was getting in that any time soon.

We all walked in and a man showed us to the room we were going to stay in for a while. He did leave us alone so we could have time to discuss plans, thankfully.


There was a bowl of rice buns in the centre of the room, along with tea and cups. Inosuke obviously started eating at first glance of the food. We all placed our weapons to the side of us and sat down.

"Now listen up." Tengen took our attention. "When you infiltrate the Entertainment District, your first job is to look for my bride. In the meantime, I'll be looking for information on the demon."

Why did we even come here again?(⊙_☉)

"This is absurd!" Zenitsu screamed. "How dare you bring us all the way here to look for a bride for yourself!"

"Excuse me?!"

"I don't want to hear it! I am going to stand up for what's right!"

Tanjiro attempted to stop Zenitsu from yelling, but that didn't go quite well. I took a rice bun and enjoyed the show.

"Someone like you definitely has no luck with ladies and just because you want a wife doesn't mean you ask others to do it!" (⩺_⩹)

"Where did you get that idea from?!" Tengen fought back. "I'm talking about my wife who has already infiltrated the Entertainment District! She is probably doing her hardest on gathering information right now! I need to check up since I haven't! Does that make sense?!"

There was a short silence as me and Inosuke tried to listen closer.

"That's probably something you made up on the spot."

"You idiot!" Tengen threw letters upon letters at Zenitsu and they all scattered on the floor.

"These are all the letters sent by the Kasugai Crow."

"This is quite a lot." I said as I picked up another bun.

"Has she been here a long time then?" Tanjiro asked.

"I have three wives. That's why there are many."

"Did I hear that correctly? Three. Wives? ಠ_ಠ" Zenitsu's voice deepened a lot. Besides, we all pretty much thought the same thing. "Why do you need three?!"

Tengen did eventually punch him right in the stomach and Zenitsu just laid on the ground.

"Do you have a problem with my wives?"

After a while, we had read all the letters and managed to put them into piles again.

"What are we going to do exactly?"

"Well," Tengen started to explain. "I told you we shouldn't stand out so we need to disguise ourselves. As much I despise it, we have to do it in an unflashy way. My wives are intelligent ninjas. Kunoichi to be exact. Last time I came here, I couldn't get any contact with the demon. So I sent them further into the District. You guys will go into the houses they were sent into and find them."

"They must be dead." Inosuke finally said.

"That's what I was-" I started to say before Tengen punched the boar-headed boy too.

"What was that, (Y/n)?" Tengen asked.

"Nothing. ଵ˛̼ଵ"

꧁Dᴀɴᴄɪɴɢ Wɪᴛʜ Tʜᴇ Sᴛᴀʀs꧂ (Demon Slayer x reader) || DISCONTINUED ☹️Where stories live. Discover now