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I landed on a roof underneath me and stood opposite Upper Moon Six - Daki. I looked to my side to see Zenitsu with his eyes closed and a bubble form from his nose.

"Have you just fallen asleep mid-battle? ( ͡ಠ ʖ̯ ͡ಠ)" I asked as I stared at him.

He was still dressed in a yellow kimono and had his hair tied in two pig-tails.

"This one is new one. A boy as a girl?" The demon said.

"I know what you did." He replied. "Apologise to all the girls who you have hurt."

"The news spread around quite quickly then, huh?" She replied.

"No one belongs to you. You don't have the right to treat anyone like that."

"Please don't bore me with that. And why does someone as ugly as you have to talk to me."

"You're literally a demon. Demons are ugly, moron." I said hoping she had heard it.

"Women are merchandise here and you should know it! Sold for gold, bought, and destroyed. The owner can do whatever they want - ugly people don't have to eat, the weak shouldn't be treated as humans!"

"You shouldn't do the horrible things done to you. That hurt you didn't it?" Zenitsu told her. He was right, of course, but where was this going to get us?

"Well, you are wrong about that." Two voices came from the demon. Her normal voice and one that sounded like her brother, Gyutaro's voice. "The bad things that happened to us and that made us suffer, we do them back and collect debts. We can never make up for those debts without taking from the blessed. That how we do things here!"

A line grew in the middle of her forehead and visible veins made their way towards it. An eye appeared as it was ripped open. 'Upper six'. It must've been Gyutaro's!

"We are going to kill you all like those people who made false accusations about us."

Her belts flew upwards and down into the building. The fight down there must've already begun.

"Woah! Three eyes?!" I looked across to see Inosuke next to Zenitsu.

She can probably see and predict all our movements now her brother can see her situation and she can see his situation. This isn't good. Is this their true form?

Her belts grew larger and popped up through the roof and we all had to defend ourselves from getting hurt. One belt after the other, they seemed to be duplicating.

"You can't even get close and you call yourselves slayers?!" The demon yelled.

"Shut up, Worm woman!" Inosuke yelled back. "If you want to prove your point, try kill us! It has sure been a while!"

"As you wish!" She stepped back as more belts teared through the roof and hurried towards us. This was a perfect opportunity to attack.

"This is our chance." I tell them quietly but loud enough to hear. "Go."

We all made our way towards Daki and managed to dodge her attacks. Not only that, blood sickles were also flying around.

One scratch of those sickles is deadl-

I turned around to the sound of a sickle. It had already reached me; there was nothing much I could do.

I moved my scythe to stop the blade spinning, which it did, but the very tip of it pierced my skin near my stomach.

Is this the end for me?


I continued to fight despite my injuries. Besides, the sickle only went slightly under the skin; how bad could it get?

꧁Dᴀɴᴄɪɴɢ Wɪᴛʜ Tʜᴇ Sᴛᴀʀs꧂ (Demon Slayer x reader) || DISCONTINUED ☹️Where stories live. Discover now