꧁Entertainment District꧂

570 15 5

Me and Inosuke reached the headquarters just before sunrise and parted ways to get rest. Well, I guessed Inosuke did at least whereas I stayed up to look for my haori.

It was no where to be seen. I at least checked everything twice or even three times. This was definitely caused by someone.

I sighed and fell onto a pile I had created full of random things such as clothes. I closed my eyes and tried to just sleep it off but it just didn't sit right with me!

Damn it! Something isn't right but what?!

There was a small tug on my skirt which made me get up a bit too quick. I hadn't even had my eyes open to see what was going on and they remained shut as my forehead harshly hit something above me.

I immediately rolled over while I covered my head with my hands and tried not to yelp as everyone was sleeping. Who knows what kind of trouble I would be in if I was caught making noise.

"Sorry for scaring you! I truly am!" A soft voice reassured me quietly before rubbing my back.

"Please don't stand right above me, Tanjiro." I composed myself and turned over to him.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" He got on his knees and begged for forgiveness.

"What are you even doing up?" I sat up and looked at him with Nezuko by his side. "The sun will be rising soon."

"We have a mission, don't we Nezuko? But she wanted to give you something first."

She stepped forward with her small legs and handed my a piece of what felt like cloth. "Hmm? What's this-"

My heart dropped when I saw my haori stitched neatly with half of another piece of cloth. It was pink with a hemp leaf pattern and looked oddly familiar with Nezuko's kimono pattern; in fact it was the same!

I stood up and placed my shoulders on Tanjiro's shoulders while I stared at Nezuko. "Where the hell did you get this..? ఠ _ ఠ."

"Nezuko designed it like her kimono. She is really good at these things."

"Mhm!" She hummed.

I slowly crouched in front of her and patted her head. "Thank you. (ಥ﹏ಥ)"

"Well we better be off, Nezuko." Tanjiro opened the box that Nezuko stayed in. "We have to get back before sunrise."

Nezuko hummed before fitting into her box.

"See you later then and good luck." I say to Tanjiro before he takes his leave.

I stared at my haori before smiling and heading off to go rest.


As I started to wake up, birds started to chirp and the sun shone through the windows. I was meant to see Oyakata-sama just before noon so I quickly got dressed. I fixed my hair and did all the other 'morning jobs'. I was way too tired for any of this.

I really need to ask Lady Shinobu for a different outfit... Something a little less revealing at the top at least.

I grabbed my haori and looked at it closely before putting it on. It had been a long time since I had an actual one so I wasn't going to complain. It was the right size - just perfect.

I grabbed my scythe and made sure the blades were wrapped with fabric before setting it into place on my back. Then it was time to go.

I walked for what felt like forever before I reached the front of the Butterfly Mansion where there was a lot of commotion.

"What are you doing here?"

"Lady Shinobu left earlier for a mission."

"Hey what are you doing!"

"Stop complaining!"

I turned the corner to see a tall guy with white hair and wearing the corps' uniform. He did look familiar though. His eyes were a dark pink or even red and was very muscular. He held one of the triplets, Naho, while he looked like he was decided who else to take.

There was another girl there apart from Aoi and the other three. She also had a butterfly clip in her her hair and her eyes looked a lot like Shinobu's. This must've been her successor - Kanao.

"Miss (Y/n)! Please help us!" Naho yelled.

"Please help!" Sumi and Kiyo repeated.

It took me a moment to realise what was going on. "It's way to early to be doing this y'know." I yawned before being picked up off my feet. "Oh and would you look at that."

"You at least seem a bit strong." The man said.

"He took Miss (Y/n)! What should we do Lady Kanao?!"

She froze for a moment before finally making her move by trying to stop the man by grabbing my hand and Naho's.

"Help Lady Kanao! Charge!"

"Yeah! Charge!" The other two ran to stop the man from moving any further away.

"I'm way too tired for this."

꧁Dᴀɴᴄɪɴɢ Wɪᴛʜ Tʜᴇ Sᴛᴀʀs꧂ (Demon Slayer x reader) || DISCONTINUED ☹️Where stories live. Discover now