Hearths Warming Horror

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Disgust... hatred... the only two words which best described the feelings of one tiny little foal sitting and shivering in the darkness of the caves she called home since arrival. Cozy Glow shook vigorously, nearly freezing to death in the cold darkness. The land of Equestria had officially turned to winter. The usually dark, cold cave she and the remainder of the Dark Order resided in was now colder than ever, the freezing air blowing briskly through the caverns.

"I-I-I h-h-hate w-w-winter..." She shook.

"Oh, quit your griping, will you?!"

Cozy turned with a glare toward Tirek, who looked down upon her. The giant minotaur merely glared back toward the little filly, as he walked off towards the center of the cave where the Dark Order usually met. Cozy picked herself upon her shaky hooves, strolling against the cold and followed closely behind him.

"You know Tirek, I personally hate the idea of Hearth's Warming Eve," Cozy told the minotaur. "I mean... a bunch of ponies gathering around giving presents and singing songs. Like that really keeps the Windigos at bay?"

Tirek merely groaned while clutching his aching head. For the past few weeks, since winter arrived in Equestria, he'd listen to Cozy Glow complaining about winter and especially Hearth's Warming. She just never seemed to shut up about how much she despised the season.

"I sear, if I have to hear even 'one' more complaint out of you over the season I'll sew your mouth shut!" Tirek threatened.

"As if!" Cozy scoffed. "You know as well as I do the Benefactor needs all of us for what's coming. Meaning you can't do anything to me."

"What is it you hate about the holiday so much anyway?" Tirek asked her. "Celestia forbid you don't get enough presents overflowing in your own house."

"I don't know..." Cozy shrugged. "I just hate it."

"Hmph... fine, I didn't even want to know anyway."

At that moment, the Mysterious Benefactor strolled into the area and as usually arrived with a robe covering every possible semblance of their being. Following behind the Benefactor was their newest addition to the group: Chickenstein. Following a successful experiment with the Randomonium, the seven-foot chicken monster was now their most obedient servant... a creature of very few words. Once the Benefactor stopped, Chickenstein loomed around and drew out a tiny brush from its inside vest pocket and proceeded to dust off the throne chair before the Benefactor could take their seat.

"Congratulations Cozy Clow," The Benefactor told her. "You've been granted an assignment that will be just perfect for you."

"Oh yeah?" Cozy perked, with interest. "What might that be?"

"You are to sneak to that wretched nest of filth they call 'Ponyville' and wreak as much havoc as possible."

This made Cozy Glow's face light up like the lights on a Hearth's Warming tree.

"Now that sounds fun!" Cozy grinned maliciously. "So... what am I targeting exactly?"

The Benefactor grinned beneath their hood as they thought of the perfect place to strike to ensure some chaos. Somewhere chaos thrived itself into its very foundation and required to go less it brought everyone together to learn what they have in store next.

"Discord's Theatre..."


The crisp air blew a cold breeze across all of Equestria, as a thick white blanket of fresh fallen snow littered the grounds. In the town of Ponyville, a feeling of merriness and joy could be felt as every pony prepared for a glorious Hearth's Warming Eve. Little foals raced amuck, playing games in the snow, and enjoying all the happiness the holiday had to offer. And such joy and splendor on this merry time of the year, as ponies decorated their homes with wreaths and lights or laying out fresh warm pies along the window, every citizen in town broke out in song.

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