Whobilation Pt 2

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Back in Whoville, things were heating up for the Whobilation. Everyone gathered at the Lou Who home in time for the lightning contest. After being ejected from the Grinch's cave, the Mane Six and Spike were a slight peeved for several reasons. The first being that the old stubborn green guy wouldn't even contemplate the idea of attending the Whobilation. The second being that he refused to tell them the whereabouts of Cozy Glow (Least not directly). Celestia knows he wasn't fooling any pony, especially Applejack, especially when he claimed he 'kicked her out'. She instantly knew right away that information was as false as her granny's false teeth.

"Ah can't believe that ol' Grinch," Applejack pouted angrily. "Lying to mah face."

"What'd you expect A.J.?" Rainbow asked her marefriend. "Birds, or in this case villains, of the same feather tend to stick together after all."

"I simply just can't believe that brute wouldn't even consider coming to the festivities," Rarity said appalled. "Then again, I suppose all this cheer and goodwill would have been wasted on him anyway."

"Come on guys, let's not be so negative," Starlight spoke up. "After all, this is supposed to be a time of joy and happiness."

"Excuse us if we're not exactly feeling in the festive mood," Spike groaned, clutching his head. "Some of us just had a few heavy sandbags dropped right on our heads and dropped down a garbage chute... don't ask me 'how', I'm too sore to think."

"I feel so bad for the Grinch," Fluttershy spoke sadly. "So many things have shrunk his heart almost to non-existence. It's so sad."

"Well he might not know it yet, but he will be showing up," Twilight smiled.

This caused every pony and Spike turn toward her with confused expressions.

"What the hay are you talking about Twi?" Rainbow asked.

"The seeds of curiosity have already been planted in his mind," Twilight explained. "Soon enough, he will be here."

"Forgive me Twilight darling, but I don't have a clue what you are talking about," Rarity responded.

It was then Pinkie Pie and Tubby Nugget popped out of nowhere with huge smiles and party hats.

"What's so confusing about it you guys?" Pinkie asked. "It's so obvious what Twilight is talking about."

Even Twilight turned toward Pinkie in confusion now.

"It is?" She asked.

"Absopositivolutily!" Pinkie nodded. "See we told Grinchy about the party and his award. He probably can't stop thinking about it. And knowing Jim Carrey, he's bound to show up and make a huge hilarious scene that'll be both funny and disturbing. But then we're all going to have super-duper, double looper, hoopty-hooper, fun time!"

"All the Grinch needs is some fun and a few new friends!" Tubby smiled adorably.

"I suppose only time will tell," Twilight nodded.

While they were talking, all the Who's were focused entirely on the lighting contest. Mayor May-Who himself was preparing the announcements for the competitors.

"And now the excitement of the Whoville lighting contest finals," He said. "Put your hands together for your Martha-May Whovier!"

Every Who in the crowd cheered as Martha May stood atop her roof waving to the crowd. One push of the button on the remote control and a series of lights shined brightly on her home. Seeing the lights, everyone cheered louder as the judges wrote down their scores.

"And Betty Lou Who..." May-Who announced, with a bored tone. "Mother of the girl who invited the Grinch. Hit it Betty."

From atop her own roof, Betty looked over toward Martha, who in turn stood on her own roof.

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