Holiday Hi-jinx

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Back in the town of Whoville, the denizens continued to go about their day as usual. Completely unaware that two terrors were currently walking amongst them, ready to spread chaos in their wake. One such figure was dressed in a dirt-colored cloak and a rubber Who mask covering his otherwise green, catlike face. A small mangy-looking dog followed his heels, as he slinked through the town. Accompanying the pair, also dressed in an old smelly cloak, was a tiny, pink-coated Pegasus filly. Normally she'd be taking to the sky and fly, but since she was trying to remain incognito she preferred walking behind her larger companion as a group of Who's passed by.

"Merry Christmas!" The group said.

"Oh yeah, you bet!" Grinch spoke unenthusiastically. "Ho-ho-ho and stuff."

"Yeah, and good tidings to all!" Cozy added, under her hood.

"Don't oversell it kid!" Grinch quietly whispered.

The group of Who's turned back toward the two suspiciously due to their unenthusiastic responses. However, in doing so they accidentally crashed into another group of Who's and everyone went down.

"Oh my, someone has vandalized that vehicle!" Grinch spoke, in mock shock. "You see that, the city is a dangerous place."

"No kidding!" Cozy replied. "To think that could've been us, run over by those careless Who's. So... what shall we do to get back at these ingrates?"

"I've got a few ideas," Grinch smirked.

The Grinch quickly snagged a hacksaw from a nearby hardware store display, hiding it behind his back as they continued down the street. Cozy had no idea what he had in mind with the hacksaw, but she knew it had to be good.

"The Grinch hated Christmas, the whole Christmas season. Now please don't ask why, no one quite knows the reason."

"Okay man, no offense or anything, but does 'everything' you say have to rhyme?"

"Pardon me my friend, but it's all part of my presentation."

"I really need to have a serious discussion with Seuss about this later. Carry on!"

The Grinch and Cozy Glow, with Max in tow, continued down the street passing many other Who's in their path. The Who's, being kind as they are, greeted them one by one in such a sickly sweet manner.

"Top of the day!" A policeman greeted.

"Flatfoot!" Grinch waved back.

As they trekked down the path, Cozy noticed two little Who girls skipping merrily along the street. Getting a nasty idea, she grabbed the hacksaw from the Grinch and handed it to the pair.

"Hello little cuties!" She spoke, feigning friendliness. "Here's a little Christmas present for you! Now be sure to run real fast with it, okay?"

"Okay!" They said excitedly.

"Goody, now come on!" Grinch encouraged. "Double time! Let's move, move, move!"

The two girls burst into a run down the street with the hacksaw, much to the amusement of the Grinch and Cozy Glow.

"Think they'll be alright?" Cozy asked.

"Oh yeah, no problem at all," Grinch scoffed. "Maybe missing a few fingers tomorrow, but they've got plenty more."

Cozy Glow soon spotted a nearby grocery store and a devious idea formed in that twisted little head for one mean thing to do. She quickly marched her way into the store and spotted a smaller Who woman trying to reach a jar from a high shelf. She grinned wickedly before taking a quick peek around then used her wings to float her off the ground towards that top shelf. She grabbed the jar which the woman tried to reach for and examined it.

Cinematic Adventures: How the Grinch Stole Christmas Where stories live. Discover now