Post Office Panic

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Later that very same day, all the Who's were back to business, preparing for Christmas day as usual. Many Who's were in the process of decorating the streets, plenty of Who's were still shopping for Christmas gifts for others. While all this went on, a certain group of ponies and a teenage dragon were trying their hardest to locate a certain trouble-making filly to no avail. After taking Cindy Lou to school, they spent the remainder of the day searching for Cozy Glow. Thus far, however, their efforts to find the fiendish little Pegasus have been fruitless. Eventually, they all met back in town square, exhausted from hours of searching, for a status report.

"Any luck finding Cozy Glow yet?" Twilight asked the others.

"Not yet Twi," Applejack answered tiredly.

"This is ridiculous!" Rainbow groaned. "Can't we just use some spell of sorts to find Cozy Glow and be done already?"

"We 'would' use a locater spell if we could," Starlight explained. "The problem is we need 'something' that belongs to the pony we're trying to find. We use the spell on the item, the magic would take us to who we're looking for. Unfortunately, I don't think anyone has anything that belongs to Cozy Glow."

"So we're stuck running all over until we find her?"

"Pretty much."

Exhausted and tired, Rainbow finally put her wings to rest and plopped right onto a pile of snow. It was so cold, but at this moment she really didn't care.

"I don't see how we're ever going to catch her like this," Fluttershy sighed.

It was then, at that moment, the group noticed Lou Who heading down the street toward their direction.

"Well hello there everyone," He greeted kindly.

"Hi there Mr. Lou Who sir!" Pinkie waved excitedly. "How's your day going? Is it super-duper, loopty-looper, spectacular today?"

"Just another old day in Whoville," Lou smiled. "Anyway, I've got to go and pick Cindy Lou up from school. Would you all like to join?"

"Well, we might as well," Applejack shrugged. "Seein' as we ain't nowhere near findin' Cozy Glow at the moment."

"What Applejack means to say is we'd be delighted to accompany you, Lou," Rarity said kindly.

With that in mind, the ponies and Spike followed Lou towards the local schoolhouse. Walking through its halls, they eventually found the class Cindy was in. Just then, the final school bell rang and a barrage of Who children raced out the door. They noticed, however, that Cindy was not leaving like the rest of the children. She just sat in her chair, looking toward her father and new friends with sad, puppy-dog eyes. Her teacher, Ms. Rue Who, turned toward Lou with a rather heated glare.

"Uh Ms. Rue Who, I understand that you're keeping Cindy after school," Lou spoke nervously.

"Sit down Lou!" Ms. Rue Who demanded sternly.

"Yes ma'am," Lou said, taking a seat.

Ms. Rue Who turned toward the ponies and Spike, who were currently standing at the door. She couldn't exactly make heads or tails about them.

"What are you all?" She asked confused. "And what are you doing here?"

Sorry for disrupting anything madame," Rarity apologized. "We're just friends of Mr. Lou Who here, coming to bring Cindy back home."

Ms. Rue Who seemed as though she wished to question the matter further. But ultimately, she was far from a curious mood at the moment.

"Then it seems you all get to join us as well," She replied, pointing toward the desks. "Have a seat!"

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