Whobilation Pt 3

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Back in Whoville, as the Whobilation was underway, Cindy Lou and her Equestrian friends all stood together in almost disappointed and sadness. The festivities were nearly over, and the Grinch still hadn't shown up (Not even to claim his award). It seemed his hatred for Christmas was indeed far greater than they could ever have imagined.

"Well, I guess that's it," Starlight sighed disappointed. "He's not coming..."

"Why are you so bummed Starlight?" Rainbow asked. "It's not your fault the not-so-jolly green giant didn't want to come."

"I know, but I just hoped he would."


Starlight closed her eyes with a heavy sigh before facing all her friends.

"I care so much because when I look at the Grinch, it was like looking at myself all those years ago," Starlight explained. "Back when I didn't 'care' about Hearth's Warming Eve at all."

Twilight Sparkle approached her apprentice/friend and placed a comforting hoof over her shoulders.

"You were hoping he'd change his mind like we changed yours?" She asked.

Starlight merely nodded her head in response.

"That was a noble effort Starlight dear," Rarity spoke up. "But I'm afraid you can't make 'everyone' change the way they view things."

"If the Grinch wants tah sit up on that there mountain and be some stickler we can't change that," Applejack added.

All we can do is try to spread the joy and jubilation both Christmas and Hearths Warming brings to every pony," Fluttershy smiled.

Just then, Pinie Pie and Tubby Nugget popped out of nowhere with trays of freshly baked Christmas cookies.

"Not to mention the super-duper tasty treats it offers," Pinkie said happily. "There's chocolate chip, peanut butter, snickerdoodles, oatmeal, macadamia nut..."

"We get it Pinkie!" Spike interrupted.

"I love, love, love, love everything about this special time of year!" Tubby said, snuggling Pinkie's head.

Meanwhile, up on the stage, Mayor May-Who continued to address the crowd gathered at the Whobilation.

"Well I guess the award goes to the runner-up," He spoke, with false disappointment.

"That's right!" Whobris spoke up. "A man for whom Christmas comes not once a year but every minute of every day!"

While Whobris built up May-Who, the way an architect constructs a pedestal, the mayor himself just smiled in faux surprise.

"A handsome, noble man. A man who's had his tonsils removed twice!"

Hearing this made a bunch of Who's snicker (And perhaps a pony or two). May-Who, on the other hand, merely laughed nervously.

"That's actually a funny story," He spoke nervously. "You see what happened was..."

But before the Mayor could finish that sentence, the sound of rumbling drew everyone's attention to the 'Dumpit to Crumpit' bin which slowly opened. Out of that bin, the Grinch flew out screaming as he soared across the sky and crashed into a giant drum. The impact of which caused him to fly backwards and ricochet off a giant banner which propelled him forward right into Martha May. Both went crashing down upon the cold floor, with Martha looking heavily shocked especially by the manner of Grinch's... landing.

"Hello Martha," The Grinch muffled a greeting.

"He made it!" Cindy yelled happily.

"Well... that's certainly one way to make an entrance," Twilight observed.

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