A Wonderful Awful Idea

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Meanwhile, as the Who's busily repaired and replaced the damaged decorations courtesy of the Grinch's destruction at the Whobilation, Cozy Glow herself had been busy. Since the Grinch's departure, she already made copies of 'all' the Grinch's blueprints for the Benefactor to peruse. With the extra time, she designed and invented some gadgets that might help the Grinch with his 'Ultimate Grinching', and of course... making herself familiar with all the Grinch's currently existing inventions.

Right now, the devilish filly stood at the Grinch's observation deck, checking both the sound detection and hidden camera systems, which allowed the Grinch to keep an eye on intruders over the years spent living up here. However... as she was observing, she noticed one of the screens (Labeled 'Dump Cam') showing the Grinch dropping in from the trash tube... and he did not look happy at all.

"Oh golly... he must be in a bad mood," She remarked, feigning sadness. "Something awful must have happened to him back at the party... what a terrible turn of events..."

Before long, the 'cute' filly donned a more 'sinister' smirk toward the audience.

"I love a terrible turn of events," She continued. "Maybe I can do something to cheer him up, now that we can get to the big plan we talked about. Just can't wait to talk about how we'll—"

Suddenly, her eyes widened with realization. In the midst of all her other plans, she had completely forgotten the plan for the Grinch's 'Ultimate Grinching'.

"Oh, buck me! I knew I forgot something! What do I do? What do I do?! Okay, okay... maybe I can make something up. Ooh, I hope he's not in too bad a mood to listen to me."

She fluttered away from the security system and glided towards the front door, opening it and looked out for the Grinch. She soon spotted him, his eyes ablaze like fire, his scowl having reached maximum Grinchiness. His seething breath could be seen through the cold air.

"Evening, Mr. Grinch... was the party that awful?"

The Grinch merely ignored her, as he stomped towards the ledge. His eyes glared toward Whoville in the distance.

"I'll take that as a... 'yes'?"

"The Grinch ignored her words with a sour Grinchy frown
As he glared his eyes hatefully down at the Who town
For he knew every Who down in Whoville beneath
Would soon be busy, hanging a holly-Who Wreath..."

"Mr. Grinch? Hello?!" Cozy called out, through the winter winds. "Aren't you gonna say something?!"

Soon, the Grinch slowly turned around quite menacingly toward the foal, who felt like freezing as she found herself looking into his cold gaze.

"You want me to say something? You wanna know what happened? Fine!!!"

On one foot, he spun himself towards the young filly and walked menacingly towards her.

"I tried to be nice... I tried to be friendly... I tried to be just like every other Who down there who was spoon-fed with Christmas cheer and goodwill since they were drooling brats! As it turned out, no matter what happens, I'll 'never' fit in cockadoodie Whoville! And you wanna know why?"

Cozy was afraid to answer, but the Grinch unfortunately grabbed her head and walked her back over the ledge.

"Christmas is the reason!!!" The Grinch shouted.

To her shock and horror, he held Cozy over the edge of the cliff. It appeared as if he were about to drop her from such a dizzying height.

"Look at them, little horse. All nice and toasty in their little Who-houses, putting gifts under their Who-trees, hanging all their Who-stockings and Who-wreaths... all of them waiting for Santy Claus to come by just to drop off more Christmas junk. And you know what?"

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