Christmas Miracle

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Christmas morning had come about, but there was no joyous sounds of merriment from the usually chipper people. Instead, every Who down in Whoville simply walked about the snowy streets, all dressed in their pajamas and all rather depressed. Many of them gave a big 'Boo-hoo' as they walked sadly through the streets. Amongst them were the Lou Who family and their Equestrian guests. Cindy Lou looked about in confusion, as did all the ponies and Spike.

"Boy, without the decorations, this place is actually depressing," Spike spoke honestly.

"I can't believe this!" Twilight said shocked. "I mean, I knew the Grinch hated Christmas. But I never thought he'd actually take 'everything'."

"Why are you so surprised Twilight?" Rainbow asked. "Did you really think that big, green, and ugly would just let bygones be bygones after what happened at the Whobilation?"

"Well... no. But still, I hadn't expected him to actually come down here in the middle of night and steal everything."

"All I can say is you probably should've seen this coming."

"You're one to talk Rainbow," Rarity spoke up. "After all, you and Applejack seemed a bit 'preoccupied' the other night to notice anything."

Hearing this made both Applejack and Rainbow Dash freeze like deer in headlights. Their faces turned a bright scarlet red.

"Uh—I don't, uh—what—what do you mean?" Rainbow stuttered nervously.

"Oh, don't play dumb now darling," Rarity replied. "I was literally in the room next door and you two certainly didn't make 'any' attempt to keep quiet."

Rainbow and Applejack both looked at each other rather awkwardly. Then they looked down to avoid any eye contact with every pony else and kept walking.

"I just feel so bad for all these poor Who's," Fluttershy said.

"Don't worry Fluttershy," Pinkie smiled. "I have a sneaky feeling things are going to turn around any moment. Like good things are bound to come crashing right into town."

Little did they know, right across town, the Whoville police office raced out from his home and jumped into his police cruiser.

"What an embarrassment!" He muttered. "I've been robbed!"

The sirens of his car blared loudly as he pulled away from his home, completely unaware of the winch attached to the bumper. Meanwhile, inside the home of Mayor May-Who, the Mayor himself just opened his eyes when suddenly his bed was pulled with great force right through the wall of his home. May-Who was beyond shocked, scared even, as his bed was pulled behind the police car through the streets of Whoville as many onlookers stared after them. Finally, the police car pulled into the town square before coming to a stop and May-Who was whipped in his bed to a stop.

May-Who looked around in shock, as a whole bunch of Who's gathered in the center staring at the Mayo, in his bed, right in the middle of the town. The cop leapt from his car and gasped the moment he saw May-Who.

"Mayor May-Who!" He gasped.

"Oh... my..." Fluttershy whimpered nervously.

May-Who turned over and saw Martha May joining the crowd. He quickly jumped from his bed, as Whobris ran right up and helped him into his robe.

Okay seriously, does this guy just sit in May-Who's house waiting to be called upon or something?

I don't know man. But it's really weird, that's for sure.

No kidding!

"Well, I wonder who could have done this," May-Who spoke to the Who's. "I tell you people one thing: Invite the Grinch, destroy Christmas. INVITE THE GRINCH, DESTROY CHRISTMAS!!!"

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