Holiday Heist

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The Grinch, Cozy Glow, and Max had finally gotten themselves into the rocket sleigh. The Grinch was warming up the sleigh, humming as she pushed a few lever to start the engine, turn on the radar, and one... for the vibrating sleigh seat. Frankly, the Grinch rather enjoyed the vibrations against his behind.

"... Thaat feeels goood..." The Grinch uttered.

"The terrible trio were made ready for their big trip,
With the Grinch as captain at the helm of his great ship."

The Grinch began patting down the gas pedal with his feet, starting up the fans that would make his great vehicle airborne. Cackling at the fans working, he flicked another switch, turning the many headlights on to light the way.

"Engine is running! Air-lift mechanisms are fully functional! We have visual from the lights!" Cozy declared, over the engine roar.

"All that's left is the thrust!" Cozy continued, checking the take-off list. "You sure we got enough from the boosters?!"

"Only one way to find out, kiddo!" The Grinch exclaimed, gleefully. "Here goes nothing, hot dog! Hee-hee!"

He flipped another switch, releasing two heavy streams of fire behind the sleigh. They both looked behind to see the vast flames hitting the metal door. The boosters were definitely giving more than enough thrust, as they turned back to face the front.

"Wow..." The Grinch and Cozy uttered, in awe.
"They were soon ready for launch, to take off like a shot
So the Grinch declared..."

"Well, baby, let's show 'em what you got!"

He pushed up the spatula gear-shift, turning on the gas gauge... slowly lifting the sleigh into the air. As they were becoming airborne, the Grinch was simply delighted, chuckling loudly as he clapped his hands with success.

"Mr. Grinch, we have lift-off!"

"I know! This... is... NUTS!"

He then stood up, as if to bid his imaginary reindeer forward.

"On Crasher, On Thrasher! On Vomit and Blitzkrieg!"

Before he could continue, the sleigh blasted from the ledge on Mount Crumpit, propelling them forward and downward, pushing the Grinch back into his driver's seat. The Grinch and Cozy screamed with terror over the sudden descent.

The Grinch quickly manned the steering wheel as he tried pulling the sleigh up and steady it. However, the sleigh had touch off one of the hilltops on the ride down, causing the sleigh to spiral causing the Grinch and Cozy to scream even louder. The sleigh spun round and round, with Cozy and the Grinch terrified from this ride. Max fell out only to begin spinning around by the 'safety leash' the Grinch put on him.

"Ahh! Why did we not think this through?!" The Grinch exclaimed, terrified.

Cozy could not answer as she was screaming for her life, questioning her every decision since arriving here. She briefly turned to face the Grinch, only to see him wearing a Grogar head mask, laughing maniacally in some fear-induced hallucination.

"AHHHHH! Why did I ever land on your mountaintop at all?!"

"We're gonna die! We're gonna die!!" The Grinch shouted. "I'm going to throw up, and then WE'RE GONNA DIE!!!"

"Mommy, tell it to stop!" Cozy Glow bawled. "I wanna live! I WANNA LIVE!!!"

Soon though, the sleigh began to stabilize its flight, landing Max right back in the sleigh... with a fear stricken Cozy Glow latched onto the Grinch's side. They both trembled with fright and the Grinch slightly blubbered from the ordeal, until he looked around... saw everything was okay... and sighed with relief.

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