Whobilation Pt 1

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Down in Whoville, the air was thick with the merry feeling of Christmas. All the Who's came together to begin their annual Whobilation celebration. All throughout the streets, Who's went about spreading their Christmas cheer in their own way. Singing songs, dressing up in festive attire, and all-in-all being merry. Walking down the main street towards City Hall, Cindy Lou, along with her equine (And dragon) friends walked amongst the chaos with Lou.

"So what do we do with the information we now know Cindy?" Twilight asked.

"I was thinking about something a little out there to help Mr. Grinch get back in the holiday spirit," Cindy responded.

"What exactly do you mean by 'a little out there'?" Starlight asked curiously.

"Don't worry," Cindy assured her. "It won't be too crazy."

"Trust me kid," Rainbow patted her shoulder. "We know a thing or two about 'too crazy'."

She tilted her head to the side a few times gesturing to Pinkie Pie, who was merrily bouncing down the street alongside them. Cindy giggled in response and Rainbow ruffed her hair with her hoof.

As they continued down the street, Pinkie immediately came to a halt. Her eyes went wide as saucers; she stuck her nose into the air smelling a sweet familiar aroma. A huge smile formed across her face as she noted all the baked goods sitting on the stands. She literally levitated off the ground and floated towards the bakery they came from. When her hooves finally touched the ground, she stood before the local Whoville bakery where a number of cakes and fresh pastries were set up on display for all.

"Ooh... all sorts of wonderful goodies!" She smiled with glee.

"And tasty too!"

The sound of a small squeaky voice made Pinkie looked around to see who spoke to her. That's when she felt a slight poke to her side and looked beside her. When she finally found the source of the voice, her mouth dropped, her eyes widened once more, and her pupils were replaced with tiny little hearts. For standing beside her was a tiny brown creature, with gigantically adorable eyes, tiny little stubs for arms and legs, and the most adorable smile in Whoville.

 For standing beside her was a tiny brown creature, with gigantically adorable eyes, tiny little stubs for arms and legs, and the most adorable smile in Whoville

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"Oh... my... Faust!" Pinkie squeaked. "You are just the cutest little thing I've ever seen in my whole entire life... except for my beautiful baby boy Lil' Cheese. But you... you're most definitely the 'second' cutest little thing ever!"

The little creature had a small red tint on its tiny little face, as it smiled up toward the pink party pony.

"That's really nice of you to say!" The creature replied. "Name's Tubby, Tubby Nugget!"

Tubby held out one of his little stubs and Pinkie held out her hoof. They both shook in respectful greeting.

"Pleased to meet you Tubby!" Pinkie said happily. "I have so many questions for you! What are you exactly? Where'd you come from? How are you so cute?"

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