Peek into the Past

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The very next morning, at the Lou Who home, Cindy Lou and the Equestrian gang all shared breakfast together. Applejack whipped up a batch of her famous honey apple pancakes for everyone and they all proceeded to chow down. They needed all the energy they could get for they had a very important mission today. They needed all the information they could gather about the Grinch, and hopefully find Cozy Glow if possible.

"Alright... we need to find someone who knows about the Grinch's past," Twilight explained. "But who would know about it?"

"I'm wondering that myself," Rarity nodded in agreement.

"How about the Mayor?" Spike suggested. "The mere mention of the Grinch seemed to get his attention. He must know something."

"That's actually a good idea Spike!" Twilight complimented. "Any pony else have any ideas?"

"I heard Martha May might know something about him," Fluttershy spoke up.

"How'd ya find that out?" Applejack asked curiously.

"Well last night, Rarity and I were helping Betty with her Christmas lights. I mentioned something about the Grinch, and that's when I noticed that Martha May tensed up."

"Well duh!" Rainbow rolled her eyes. "Everyone's afraid of that creep, except for me of course."

"That may be darling but seems like she was tense because she 'knew' something," Rarity added.

"Huh! I don't remember any of this from last night," Pinkie replied confused. "Then again, the writers have a knack of adding stuff on the spot and out of nowhere."

Oh, like you're one to talk Ms. 'Does Completely Random Stuff For No Apparent Reason'?

"I've done a big of digging around and found out there are two old women in this town that knew the Grinch from long ago," Starlight piped up. "Apparently they raised him."

"And how pray tell did you find that out?" Rarity asked.

"I have my sources," Starlight shrugged.

Pinkie basically stole the script from us, again, and told Starlight...

"Oh, don't get so worked up Mr. Grumpy Pants!" Pinkie giggled.

Soon as everyone finished their breakfast, Cindy Lou quickly put her coat on, grabbed a recording device, and made her way out the door.

"If we're going to have any hope of finding anything, we should get to work," She declared determined.

"You're right Cindy!" Starlight agreed. "The sooner we get some info on the Grinch and find Cozy Glow, the better."

"So here's what I'm thinking," Twilight suggested. "Starlight, Cindy, and I will speak with those old ladies, Applejack will talk to the Mayor with Rainbow and Spike, and Rarity will meet with Martha May along with Fluttershy and Pinkie. We'll meet up as soon as we've gathered everything we need~"


It took a while, but soon Twilight, Starlight, and Cindy Lou were able to meet with the two sisters, by names Clarnella and Rose Who.

"Yes, we were wondering if you could tell us about the Grinch?" Twilight requested, holding a tape recorder. "We want to know what he was like before he became so... well, mean."

"Oh, do come inside, dears," The sisters beckoned, inviting them inside.

"The girls all had questions in their curious hearts."

"Why does the Grinch hate Christmas?"

"Yeah, and where exactly did it all start?"

"Well thankfully with her dad's Blab Recorder, Cindy Lou wouldn't give an inch..."

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