Chapter 1

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I shivered, sipping from my mug full of hot cocoa and pulling my robe tight around me. My old cabin on the outside skirts of the city creaked from the harsh winds. This weather was just wonderful.

Cozed up in a dark living room I scrolled through my phone. After watching so many romance movies, eating buttery popcorn, and crying all night, my fat self was done. And even if I was drop dead broke, I continued to look through amazon.

Clicking onto a blue dress, my thumb accidentally hit a doll listing on the screen. Groaning, trying to click back,my phone was done with me. It kept freezing, buzzing, and blacking out. Buzz. Buzz. Buzz. Finally It unfroze. On the white screen were these words; Thanks! Your purchase is being shipped!.

I banged into my fluffy couch as I began fighting the air. C'mon I only had 30 dollars left on that card! What the hell am I going to buy my corn chips with? Obviously not important but still!

The tv flashed before a crack of thunder boomed outside; sending me falling to the ground. My chest heaved and my breath hitched. More cracks and zips of light could be heard and seen through my window.

Damn im not trying to die extra smoking hot tonight...I laughed to myself, now's not the time Raven. After what felt like years, I sat up. Hip slightly bruised in that rough fall to the floor.

Just before I could relax, a faint knock was at the door; my muscles tensed. Getting up, tip toeing to the kitchen, my hands clasped a frying pan. Heading toward the door I took a deep sweaty breath. It's almost twelve o'clock, who the hell was at my door?

In the peep hole was a young looking man with red eyes. Ugh, a vampire. And no, I don't hate vampires or anything...I just don't like the thought of my blood ever being ringed from my being. I've heard rumors that vampires still kill instead of buying donor blood bags legally and I don't wanna die being single and broke.

Even so, the way the man stared at the door made my skin crawl, as though he could see me. Next to him was a large box, almost the size of himself.

Opening the door a crack we met face to face.

"Good Evening there, would you happen to be Mrs. Clymore?" he asked. He smiled like a christle cat.

"Yes, and who are you?" I asked.

"I'm with the Real Doll Makers company, just here to drop off a package." I clenched the frying pan, this just didn't feel right.

"Well actually that was a mistake-"

"What did you say?" His tone of voice changed and I smiled. If looks could kill.

"Uhh nothing-"

"Yeah so, sign here." He said, passing me a pen and his clipboard. I hesitated before signing my name. Once my name was on paper he snatched his clipboard back and handed me another paper. "And those are the instructions." He leaned in. "Read them carefully... Now, I can drag this box in for you?"

I cringed at the thought of letting him into my house but the box looked heavy, I nodded opening my door. He stared at me expectantly and I sighed, stupid vampire formalities. At least they can't come in without you letting them.

"Yes you can come inside." I said. Without warning he quickly heaved the box in like a feather, placing it into the living room, and zoomed out of my house with a simple goodbye.

Locking the door, I sighed. That was weird. Everything about this damn package was weird; my phone freezing, the tv flashing, and the cracks of lighting.

Thud. Every hair on my neck stuck up at the sound coming from the living room. With my frying pan still in hand, I huddled through the cold hallway. Oh hell naw. Did The fool bring me an Annabelle doll?

In the living room, the box was on it's side moving ever so slightly. I put a hand over my mouth, trying not to scream. All the crazy crap is literally always happening to me. Someone must have wanted me gone for good.

Walking to the box, the ripping of the tape could be heard. A million white fillings tumbled outside onto my grey carpet. I think I forgot I was black because I took a step closer.
Inside the stuffing was a sleeping man. And girl, he was beautiful...until his eyes opened. I whacked him with my frying pan so fast...maybe even twice.

I then ran into my room, without looking back, locking the door behind me, and sliding down on it.

I was screwed.

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