Chapter 6 Pt.2

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"Give me a moment, I'll be right with you," I said before storming out from behind the counter.

This lady was bout to get it!

"C-can you stop? I don't like being touched." Andrew said. His eyebrows were knitted together, and his eyes were a dark irritated green. The lady laughed.

"Oh c'mon, I'm just playin around sweetheart." The lady said, before gripping his bicep. "Ohh you're skinny and packin? Are all vampires this ripped?”I wrenched her arm away from him, glaring."Oww!" I pressed a tight smile.

"Didn't he tell you he didn't like that? It's considered sexual harassment." She smacked my hand away tilting her head.

"Who cares? Guys do it all the time anyway, boo." She said, spitting her words. I wiped my face, grinning.

"Omg…you're so right! It's totally okay to do things other people don't like." I picked up her iced coffee from the table and pulled off the lid."That's why it's okay if I do this, right?" I said, spilling the ice coffee on her head. She opened her mouth astonished, as the cold brown liquid dripped down her face.

"How dare you!" She screamed. Everyone in the cafe turned to us in silence as she got up. She pursed her lips, grabbing her purse ready to leave.

"Manager!" She screamed repeatedly. When Chan didn't come in time she huffed, pointing a finger at me. "I'm giving you guys zero stars on your website!" She pressed a smile. "And Monkey, I hope you and your little dog eating vampire live a happy life." 

I raised my hand to smack her when Andrew grabbed it back. 

"Andrew, what are you doing?"

"What if you get fired?…just stop it."

"So what? I'm supposed to let your harasser go and do nothing?" I shook him off, turning to face him."My job isn't more important than what happens to you, dummy!" I glared at him and he looked away. 

"Raven Clymore! Darling tell me what in the world is going on!" Chan yelled, stepping out. His hand was on his hip and fire was blazing from his ears.

"Some rude customer sexually assaulted Andrew…so…I may have…accidentally spilled coffee on her?" 

Chan made a face.

"You poured coffee on a valued customer?" I nodded. There was a long pause before he fluffed his hair."Good job. I like to see a woman taking up for her man," he gave us a thumbs up. My eyebrows raised, my mouth falling agape. Now ain't this some garbage you hear on TV."Everyone get back to work, Andrew, Raven, go home,"

"Our shift doesn't end till 6," I said slowly. Was I fired? Chan rolled his eyes.

"You love birds need the rest of the day off right? Go get some rest,"


"Raven Clymore you're still getting paid, leave." I nodded curtly. 

All the customers' eyes were itchy on my skin. How did I forget we were standing in front of so many people? Grabbing Andrew's hand, I pulled him  out of the shop.That was embarrassing but worth it.

Collecting myself I let go of Andrew's hand crossing my arms. I glared at him and he pouted his lips.

“You didn’t need to do that…I can handle things on my own you know.” He mumbled, breaking the silence.

“Oh really? Because it didn’t look like you were doing much. What’s so wrong with me helping you out, anyway?”

“I’m not a kid, I don’t need your help.” he snapped. I raised a brow.

“Really Andrew?” He opened his mouth, closing it, his eyes turning a stormy blue.

“Sorry that's-I just mean that…What if you lost your job because of me? How would you pay your bills and all those things? You don’t… have to be so nice to me all the time, okay?” He raked a hand through his hair. I tapped my foot.

“And why can’t I be nice to you?” He sighed. 

“No ones ever been nice to me…so don’t feel like you have to-,” He stumbled and I grabbed his arms.

“Woah, you okay?” I said, catching him. I placed a hand on his forehead. ”You're burning up!” 

“It’s nothing, I just feel sick.” He mumbled trying to push me away. ”You should go home without me…I-I’ll be there in a little.” He brushed me off of him, stumbling before he almost fell again. I grabbed his shoulder.

“Andrew, stop it! You're not making sense! I live thirty minutes away so how the hell would you get home?” Something was wrong with him. He was hot as a teapot and his skin was a dangerous shade of white.“C’mon tell me what’s wrong with you.” I dragged him to the passenger’s seat of my car. 

“Stop, I really can’t be with you right now.” His voice was pained. Pushing him into my car, I jumped into the driver seat.

“Shut Up, I’m taking you to a vampire doctor,right now.” Pulling out of the parking lot, I started down a street. 

“I’m a doll remember?…I doubt they’d be able to help me.” He groaned, pulling at his hair. “Please let me out right now.” His eyes were a shaky red…a color I knew all too well. Pulling into an abandoned parking lot, I stopped the car. 

“Is it…blood?” I said. It all made sense. In the shop his eyes kept turning green, and I may have mistaken his uneasiness for nervousness. What if he was losing it because of blood thirst? But he ate breakfast, so why-

“It’s nothing Raven…just-nevermind, I have to g-go.” he said, his arms shaking as he tried to open the car door. Maybe I should just let him go…I didn't need someone vampire freeloading at my house any longer…

Grabbing his elbow, I pulled him back inside. 

“C’mon we can talk about it…if It’s blood you need,” I sighed.”You can have mine.” His hazzy red eyes blurred blue. Droplets of tears rimming them. 

“Why are you being so nice to me? I'm a vampire, Raven!”His lips trembled. “What if I… lose it and… kill you?” He covered his face with his hand, his shoulders rising and falling harshly. 

I squeezed his hand. 

“You won’t…you're not a monster, okay?” I offered him my arm, a nervous smile pressed on my face. “So stop being an idiot and drink.”  

With those last words, Andrew’s eyes blurred red before he jumped on me. The monster inside of him showing its true colors. 

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