Chapter 2

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You know I tried. I tried to call 911, but the phone rang and rang; no one ever picked up. Then I tried to call customer services on amazon but heck they didn't even pick up. What the heck was I to do with the man in my living room? Wait, the instructions...
I looked briefly over the instructions the mailman had passed me. I gasped. What the... what was this?

letter below
RVD- Real Vampire Dolls
Dear Raven K. Clymore, Thank you for purchasing an artificial doll from our company! You ordered category 4: vampire doll, with modification 7 which includes the following; race: blasian, height: 5'11, body 04: lean, Special Assessments: mood changing eyes, long eyelashes, and beauty marks. If any of the previous information was delivered or filed incorrectly please contact us. Listed below are rules to be followed to maintain your doll.
1. Your vampire is to be fed raw or rare meals daily.
2.Do not feed your vampire garlic, it makes vampires sick.
3. Make sure to take care of your vampire's emotions; however only minimum care is required.
4. Do not allow your vampire outside your home in public.
5. Never kiss your vampire.
6. Make sure you do not cut yourself.
7. Final warning, do not let your vampire ever drink your blood.
8. Be careful.
Do not break any of the previous rules; we are not responsible for any repercussions. Lastly, if your doll becomes defective due to your ill management, we may have to reclaim it and refund you.
Real Doll Makers

Well this was just perfect. If it's a doll why does it need to be fed and all this management? I shook my head. I had to be the main character in some horror movie. I bet it moves...what if it talks? Gosh, I wish I could report this company for trafficking because there's no way that was a doll, he looked real... and on top of all that he's a vampire? Heck, and im just somehow just not suppose to cut myself? What if it kills me?

Damn. I feel like I just got stuck up with some sick experiment. I tried one last time to call the police, who didn't pick up. Maybe I could call my sister- A small thud came from the living room.

My body grew cold. Gritting my teeth I decided it was time to meet the monster. If anything went wrong I could always hit him with a frying pan. Wait crap. It's a should have clothes right?

Just in case, I grabbed my pink sweats that were laying on my bed and some shorts...since I don't have any boxers laying around. One more deep breath, and I slowly walked into the living room.

"What the heck?" I mumbled.

His slender figure was spawned out on the floor with a cover draped over him. He was cupping his hand to his chest; his back to me. My fish tank was cracked on the floor in pieces in front of him, the koi fish flipping on the floor.
He turned looking at me; his big blue eyes were slightly pooling. He looked so... I couldn't find the words.
Taking a step towards him, he scooted back.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to break it." He said. I shook my head.

"No it's fine."

"But it's dying..." he said, looking at my koi fish; still struggling for air. He reached out to grab it but flinched.

"Are you hurt?" I tried to reach for his hand but he pushed mine away.

"Just help the fish," He wouldn't look at me. Damn it, he was sweetheart. Sighing, I grabbed a large glass bowl in my kitchen filling it with tap water. He watched me curiously out of the corner of my eye.

Kneeling next to him I picked up the fish, barely breathing in my hand, and placed it into the bowl. It didn't move at first but when it did I heard him let out a sigh; a light smile on his face. Although he stopped when he noticed me.

I pushed the bowl closer to him, and we watched my fish swim a little.

"Can I see your hand?"

"No." He said scooting away from me. I pressed a smile.

"Well, uh if let me help you, I'll let you name my fish?"

"Really?" he said crossly. His straight eyebrows creased. I nodded and he offered me his hand. He had an awfully lot of scars on his upper arms, like he had been lashed beforehand. I grabbed some tools coming back with some peroxide, bandages,and tweezers.

"I'm just going to pull the glass out, tell me if it hurts." He nodded. After I was finished I pressed on the band-aid and grinned."There we go, a perfect job done by yours truly." He looked away, not returning the smile.

My eyes drifted away too, remembering that this exchange wasn't normal at all. Nothing that was happening tonight was normal.

"You must be the one they said will be taking care of me." I grinned, more like you were forcibly shipped to me.

"Yeah, you could say that." he looked at me.

"Why aren't you in a white suit?" He asked. I laughed nervously.

"Why would I be?" His eyes turned a dark grey as he watched me. I wonder what was going through his head.

"So, uh, you have a name?" He paused, not responding for a while.

"0429." He said. I raised a brow. "Well, actually, I don't have a name."

"Well then...How about Andrew?" I smiled. "I think it fits you, well, only if you like it though?" He shook his black raven hair in such a way it covered his eyes. He thought about it for a while. A hint of red dashed his cheeks, but not a smile could be seen.

"That should work...thank you." he mumbled. Getting up, I grabbed his clothes I abandoned earlier and handed it to him.

"Here you can go change in the bathroom down the hallway and take shower. I'll fix the couch for you." he nodded before getting up. His arms pulled the covers tight, and after one last look at me he headed down the hall. The cover dragged on the floor behind him and I cringed.

That's definitely going to need to be washed. After the door clicked, I fixed up the couch for him and pulled out some covers.

Finally, I entered my room and shut the door. I'm sure the FBI or vampire trafficking service was going to come knocking on my door. It was so clear he was being experimented on by some sick scientist and damn, the scars on his arms? How do you explain that? And if I report him, what if those scientists or whoever experimented on him got a hold of him again? I sighed. Tomorrow is going to be horrible, I just know it.

But if we're being honest, the way he stared at my dying koi fish was adorable. It wouldn't be so bad to have him around.

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