Chapter 6. Pt 1

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"What in smoking bacon?" I said. Andrew smiled sheepishly, glancing away.

"Why are you that?" He said. He scratched the back of his neck. I facepalmed. Bloody hell, there was no way I was bringing him to work.

He was huge. I mean he went from 5'9 to 6'3 overnight. His skin looked warm and sparkly like he was a damned tooth fairy.

" mean from the story books?" Andrew said. Great, I was muttering my madness out loud.

"Andrew please for my sanity explain to me how you grew and you got..." Heat flew to my cheeks as I shook my head. I was really about to tell him to his face he got hotter."I mean you look like an actual vampire now."

Andrew made a face, pouting his lips. He looked at me crossly; his eyes a stormy blue.

"Sorry, I look like this?" He mumbled. I rolled my eyes. This wasn't going to cut it. I leaned against the wall in the small hallway.

"Gosh-Andrew, I didn't mean it like's just, ugh.'' I scratched my tracks. If I take him out of this house it's going to be like throwing a piece of meat at wild dogs. The women at my job would devour him.

This is probably why the rules warned me that he shouldn't drink human blood. I sighed.

"Maybe we just shouldn't go-"

"Please? You said we could're not changing your mind, right?" His lips frowned and he tilted his head in a way his droopy eyes looked bigger than usual. Ugh, since when did he learn to be such a manipulator?

"Okay, fine, whatever, let's just do this," I said, passing him the pair of clothes we picked out from yesterday. They were some of my ex's old clothing from a while back...he was skinny though and Andrew was a bit more built. Hopefully, the sweats and black tee didn't fit too tight. "Hurry and get dressed, I'll grab breakfast," I said running to the kitchen. It was already seven in the morning. The cafe started at Eight and it takes me 45 minutes to get there. We gotta leave now.

"Andrew, I'll be in the car! Hurry up before I leave you!" I hollered, running outside. A gust of wind hit me as I opened my cabin door. I grabbed the corners of my jacket pulling it in close. Damn, thanks Santa for snowing on my crappy morning.

Starting my broken-down car, I checked my purse to make sure I had all my cards.

Andrew ran out shortly hopping in the front seat.

"Put your seatbelt on," I said. Andrew looked at the belt questionably. He no doubt knew what it was. "C'mon."

"I don't like seatbelts." He said. I bit my lip. I didn't even want to argue with him, we didn't have time to waste. I passed him his plate of steak.

Then, pulling out of my driveway, I started down a road. The drive was quiet for the most part but Andrew wouldn't stop bouncing his leg, jittering, and glancing at me.

"Would you quit it?" I said. He stopped.


"What are you worried about?" We were five minutes away from the shop.

"What if they don't like me?"

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