Chapter 9

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This chapter was co-written and edited with one of the fans of this book, shortiecakke15 !!! thank her because this story would have ended if she didn't reach out! (Check out her work!) This might be the last chapter, however... who knows! But it's something :D much love y'all and here you go!

My phone buzzes in my pajama pants pocket, as my eyes flutter trying to open. Their glued shut with eye crust. I yawn trying to open my heavy eyelids again. What time was it? Where was I?

I try to move but I'm held firm against something warm and solid. Wiping my face I finally open my eyes and trapping me in a cocoon is a very half-naked Andrew. His long black hair is thrown in all sorts of directions over his face. He's laid out on his stomach, his strong arms wrapped around my waist. His face rests on my chest, while he sleeps.

His long eyelashes lay across his pale cheeks. Hesitantly, I reached out my hand patting his silky hair. The man was so beautiful it was unreal. I almost hated having to wake him up.

"Andrew," I whisper. He stirs in his sleep and I lightly pat his face. "It's time to wake up." His arms wrap around me tighter while he tucks his face into my shirt. Chills wrack up my arms from the warmth of his body.

"Please... let me sleep a bit longer," He whispers. For a second, I think about letting him do just that. All I want to do is watch him sleep. But the light peeking in through windows tells me otherwise. 

"No can do," I say, smiling coyly. "At least let me get up, yeah?" Andrew sighs, finally opening his pearl eyes. They're gray but today they have a pretty glow to them. I'm drawn in and I can help but think I would do anything to make him happy. He pouts his lips.

"Raven," He says my name softly, enchanting me. "Why do we have to wake up? We're not going to work today." He was right about that. I humm.

"I'm hungry," I say. He rolls his eyes and I scoff. "Unlike you, I got the life sucked out of me yesterday and I need to eat." He looks around the ceiling as if pondering my words. Then he glances briefly at my neck, probably thinking about the blood he took. He sighs once more.

"Sorry... I didn't mean to hurt you. Did I take too much blood? Are you still sore?" he says, finally letting me go and sitting up. The cold replaces his warmth and automatically I miss his body.

"I told you it's fine, it's not like you could control it," His eyes glimmered blue and I reached over and flicked his forehead. He gasps, his gray pupils returning to their normal state, and I laugh.

"Really?" he says, cradling his red forehead.

"Really," I said. I sit up, trying to find the remote around the couch. It ends up being on the floor and I turn off the TV. I forgot to turn it off last night. Great another 50 dollars to my electric bill.

Pulling my still buzzing phone from my pocket, I unlock it trying to see who in their right mind is blowing me up at seven in the morning. There are seven missed calls from Mary and twelve texts.

Mary 6:00 PM (Yesterday): I have some business to do out there, so I'm coming down from New Jersey. Please, have your house clean for the Love of God. I'm tired of coming to your Dirty place Raven Clymore.

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