Chapter 6 pt. 3

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Thank you all for waiting for this chapter! Remember to leave comments bc I love them! And if your into attack on Titan, check out my other story! And please like, luv y'all stinks!

Ignoring my outstretched hand, he lunged over, grabbing my waist, and biting down viciously into the crook of my neck . His sharp canniness extended, clamoring into my flesh. I yelped, gripping his shirt.

    Damn it, this hurts. My eyes burned, brimming at the corners of my vision. It felt like my neck was split by pieces of glass, blood trickling down my shoulder. 

    The stinging sensation subsided a bit and went away… Almost like an enchantment. I eased up a bit, taking a breath.

    Andrew gripped the rolls of my waist pulling me closer. I could hear the rapidness of his heart, his soft hair brushing my face. His nails were digging into the skin under my shirt like knives at my sides; In response, I clutched his shirt even tighter. 

    To be honest, I was scared. Scared he was going to rip my neck open, leave me here to bleed out or kill me. But I couldn’t think of those thoughts or I’d lose it.

    A scent of roses coming from him. It made my head dizzy with stars and my muscles loosen up. I leaned my head back, and he took it as an invitation to shove me into the window.

    Letting out a ragged breath, he pulled back from my neck an inch. Immediately the cold air hit my wound and I winced. Those red bruised lips were stained with red. 

    My heart raced like the beat of a drum. His eyes were gray…clearly no longer hazed with blood lust. 

    Instead of pulling back, his tongue brushed against my wound leaving a blistering trail in its wait. I chewed my lip trying to stop any sound from coming out.

    My neck was burning painfully, He was acting so…beastly.

    In the icy car, his warm body was flushed against mine. I don’t know what he was thinking…I’ll just blame this madness on his vampire instincts.

    He sucked my skin between his teeth, leaving an itchy ache. I couldn't tell if I wanted to flinch from his touch or lean into it. 

    When he sucked a bit harder, I couldn't stop the groan from leaving my mouth. His lips were hot like wisps of fire on my skin, but so were his fingertips at my waist. His breath on my skin sent shivers down my spine.

    I wanted to give in but…that would lead to something more. He didn’t like me. This was just a rush of blood going to his head. 

And even if it wasn’t the blood…why would he like some fat girl like me? Not that I was ugly…it just didn’t make sense. Why me when he looked like he could have anyone he wanted? 

I pushed his shoulders slightly away.

“Andrew…stop,” I said through shaky lips. He pulled back. His eyes were still dilated and loopy. Slipping back into his seat, he sighed. He leaned back, his head hitting the chair.

“Sorry I-I didn’t mean to-” 

“It’s fine,” I said, starting the car. His eyes drooped, briefly glancing at my wound.

“But your neck-”

“I said it's fine Andrew! Let’s just blame this on bloodlust and forget about it.”

He opened his mouth to speak but no words came out. His eyes were a deep blue as he looked out the window…I was being too harsh…but someone had to draw the line. I can’t just assume he’s into me because I'm the only girl in his life. 

The drive back home was quiet and chilly, I shivered in my chair. It was probably going to snow soon.

My teeth clattered… My house should be just 10 minutes away…just ten minutes. 

“Do you not…like me?” Andrew said. I could feel the inner me flinch at such a straightforward question.

“Where is that coming from…of course I like you, You're like…a son to me.” He cocked a brow, chuckling darkly. Goosebumps ran across the back of my neck…Andrew was normally a sweet bubbly boy…but that laugh was just something else. A side of him I haven't seen.

“A son to you?”He laughed even harder, shaking his head. “Raven, I'm not your child. I'm probably even older than you.” I grinned at the youngster.

“How old are you again? 22?”

“25.” I laughed.

“Really…? I'm twenty-seven.” I shrugged as if I won that little battle.

“I'm 25 in vampire years.” He said as we pulled into my driveway. 

“So you're like 50 years old?” His eyes clouded briefly.

“Yeah…but everything is…kinda…blank after I turned 15…So I guess that’s why I might come off as younger,” I bit my lip. It was odd to hear him talking about his past…maybe if I stayed quiet he would say more. “Back then…” he paused looking at me, and there goes that; moment ruined.”You look cold…maybe we should go inside?” I rolled my eyes.

“Remind me we need to go clothes shopping for you tomorrow,” I said stepping out of the car.

When we got into the house I tossed my shoes off in some random corner, stretching. Today was such a long disastrous day. I yawned. 

“If you need anything there are clothes and towels in my garage,” I told Andrew, before waddling to my room and hopping into a hot shower.

He looked conflicted like he wanted to close the gap between us. Say something that would change everything but...I wasn't ready for whatever that would mean.

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