Chapter 7

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As soon as the water hit my neck,I winced, the pain woke me up from my tired gaze. My shoulder was throbbing, flaring from the heat. After washing up quickly,I looked at myself in the blurry mirror, almost screaming. What the hell did he do to my neck?

There were dark purple hickeys everywhere. The bite mark had reopened and was dripping blood, I hissed trying to dab it. That boy was dangerous. But I'm sure some girls would be begging for these marks but they hurt way too much!

Giving up,on trying to ease the pain, I changed into my banana pajamas and marched out the bathroom. Regardless of how bad the day has been,A new episode of Skeleton Adventures was on and I sure as hell wasn't going to miss it.

I grabbed a huge bag of corn chips out of my pantry, a soda, and walked to the couch. Well, no I didn't. I forgot Andrew's makeshift pallet was still on the couch...even though he normally sleeps next to my door.

Too lazy to move it, I sat on top of it on the far side of the couch. Switching the tv on I was instantly sucked into a new episode of Skeleton Adventures.
Andrew walked out from the hallway, drying his hair with a towel.

"You're not sleep yet?" He yawned. I opened my mouth before closing it.

"Why are you half naked?" He shrugged.

"It's hot." I gave him the highest brow I could
muster. It was utterly freezing in the house and he had the audacity to say otherwise!
I glared at him.

I won't lie...He was good looking...pretty good looking even. His legs were a lot longer than his torso, so he looked even taller than he was. He had a slender waist and toned chest that was clearly developed. Andrew was hot...there I admitted...sue me.

Ripping my eyes away from him I huffed, looking back at my show. Now is not the time to be distracted.

"What are you doing?"He sat next me on the couch leaving little wiggle room. I sided eyed him.

"Shut Up, I'm trying to watch my show." I said, straining my ears not to miss a word the TV echoed. He puffed, leaning back.

"That was rude." he muttered. I ignored him watching my show. Skeleton adventures was based off this game where a group of anime dudes fought against a bunch of ancient skeletons! I loved fighting but more than that I loved the hot dudes. My favorite was Adam, one of the shy guys on the show.
My eyes fell out of their sockets when I heard my bag of corn chips crinkle.

"What the hell are you doing?" I said. Andrew shoved a cornchip in his mouth, chewing it slowly.

"Nothing...?" I elbowed him and he giggled.

"You can't even eat human food." he grabbed another chip.

"Yes I can, it just doesn't give me any nutrients." My eyes creased as I was working his words in my head.
"So you're...eating my favorite chips...just to make me mad?" He smiled, his eyes a bright yellow.

"That's right." Not knowing what else to say I turned back to the TV.

Was it me or was he flirting....? I doubt it. There was no way, with a big girl like me, right?
Yes, I know how utterly angry you all are with me😭. For some of you, this is your favorite story and you see I haven't updated in ages... my excuse is that... I was losing love for this novel. And now it already has 3.6 k views! I'm currently editing another book of mine that I want to be published. I come and write on WATTPAD tho for fun but I see you guys are too in love with this story and I need to Finnish it! I'm sorry for the wait! Please work with me y'all. I'll try to juice out some chapters this following week! And hopefully I'll find love for this book again! Baii!

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